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Everything posted by tjmeyers

  1. tjmeyers

    note tie ?

    I would read that particular notation as a pull off. Usually a slide will have a straight line between the notes. If you listen to the recording closely you should be able to hear if it's a slide or pull off. You can always try it both ways and pick the one you like best.
  2. I have a Peavey Viper that I use for my acoustics now. My electrics have graduated to Mesa Engineering and Blackstar amps.
  3. I just signed in. The last time anything changed was Jan 9, 2012.
  4. You can transpose the piece or use a Capo to keep the same chord shapes but change the key. i.e. put the capo on the second fret and finger an open G chord and you are playing an A.
  5. Hello Ozy and welcome. I am one of those oddballs. I am left-handed and play right-handed. I write left-handed, in baseball I bat right and throw left. For darts I can throw with either hand. For archery I am strongly left eye dominant. You will just have to try and see what works best for you.
  6. I also do all of the scales patterns and pentatonic scale patterns in one position to help stop me from linking a pattern to a certain position. Ex: G - F - D etc. all in the 3rd position.
  7. I've been looking at a Bugera V5 or Marshall Origin. I'm leaning towards the Bugera V5. 5 Watt down to .1 Watt. The Marshall is too bright for my taste.
  8. 47 of 49. I've never even heard of The Stooges or Sparks.
  9. Music Student 101 covers this in their latest podcast. 57-Instrument Care Pt.1 (Strings)
  10. I have Greg Koch's Slide Guitar In Standard Tuning.
  11. I have a Trio+ which uses BIAB technology. I like it, but am still trying to learn how to use it all.
  12. Play Guitar Podcast has some pretty good ideas for breaking out of a rut.
  13. You may want to be careful doing that. You might create too much pressure and crack the body.
  14. I'm with Eracer on that. I had my eye on PRS CE-24, but never pulled the trigger on it. One day I walked in and pulled a Fender American Special Stratocaster off the wall. 20 minutes later that Strat came home with me.
  15. I takes time and usage, my guitar teacher calls them "miles." Patience, practice and perseverance are key. You'll get there.
  16. For audio recording I use a Roland R-05. For video recording I use a Zoom Q4n. Both work great for me.
  17. I like the Hodag mug. I didn't know that anybody knew about them outside of Wisconsin.
  18. The band was America. I don't remember who was in it.
  19. Not to mention great taste in finish and body style.
  20. Yes lots of guitars. I started this journey with one, I now have 5 guitars and 3 ukuleles. All of them fill a different niche.

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