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  1. All these Birds all Have some thing in common. Narrow Mindedness. It's ok to have a favorite kind of music. Problem is If you shut your self off from The others. Then you are limiting your enjoyment. Because its all tied to gather. Ernie Ball
    6 points
  2. Chet Atkins (in response to someone saying ‘That looked easy.’): ‘It didn’t use to be.’
    6 points
  3. "Don't be so serious. Playing should be fun, that's why they call it playing". A guy I was chatting to in the pub. Ian
    5 points
  4. But finally and ultimately, music remains an intensely personal issue. Maybe the most important commitment you can make is to the music fan that lives inside of you, to find out just what it is about music that really, really knocks you out. In that discovery, you'll find most of what you need to know to take you wherever you need to go. All of you here have roads ahead of you that will be filled with good musical days, the ones where you feel like you can play or hear anything, and bad musical days, the ones where everything you do sounds like a bad Madonna tune. But that variety, that sense of unknowing, that feeling of having to make it up yourself, that sense of adventure — that is what music is at its best, and that's a big part of why having a life as a musician is so much fun. —Pat Metheny, Berklee Commencement Address, 1997
    5 points
  5. "If I make a mistake playing guitar, nobody dies." - Will McFarland at the 2015 Guitar Gathering.
    5 points
  6. I'm a person who loves to read quotes for inspiration in all areas of life. So I thought I would start this thread for quotes about guitar or music. So if you have a favorite or run across a good one please post. Heck there are probably at least a hundred from Steve that inspire me. This first one I'm sure everyone has read but I like it. "Sometimes you want to give up the guitar. You'll hate the guitar. But if you stick with it you're gonna be rewarded." Jimi Hendrix
    4 points
  7. 'It never has bothered me that I can’t do it YET! Tomorrow I will be closer – don’t be discouraged by the barriers.' John Knowles C.G.P. (at the Fingerstyle Guitar Gathering, November 2017)
    4 points
  8. "If you miss practice one day, you can tell. If you miss practice two days, your friends can tell. If you miss practice three days, everybody can tell." - Chet Atkins
    4 points
  9. “If it sounds good and if it feels good, then it IS good.” - Duke Ellington
    4 points
  10. UncleHammy, a great quote and Will McFarland did say this. As I understand his entire quote was, "I'm not a neurosurgeon. If I make a mistake playing guitar, nobody dies." What bothers me (or did) is this came just before my 2nd neurosurgery
    4 points
  11. I bought a new 2016 LE Les Paul Standard mahogany top. It's a whole new experience playing a guitar like this for me. Sounds amazing. Having a great guitar and getting to know it. Got a nice setup so plays real good. Feeling groovy.
    3 points
  12. I have been looking for something really light for some time. After talking to a couple of the PRS owners on here, and talking with a few on other forums, I had decided that a PRS Hollowbody I or II was the guitar. I was already a huge believer in PRS guitars. I had looked at a couple on Reverb, at Chicago Music Exchange and elsewhere and made a couple offers but never ending up owning one. Last week my wife and I were in a local guitar shop and this one was hanging on the wall. Way up high where the nice ones are! The owner had to get it down! He handed it to me and my wife immediately said, "That is really pretty!" I played it and fell in love both with the way it played and the tone. My wife actually told me to make on offer on it but I didn't. I don't know why! I told her wanted to think on it. It has driven me crazy all week and I went back and brought it home tonight! It is feather light and has this gorgeous hollowbody tone. It has McCarty Humbucker Pickups. There is just no doubt at this point that this is going to be my "go to" guitar.
    2 points
  13. I'm sure many of you have already heard of this website. He really does have some interesting technique advice and rhythm advice. I have found a lot of interesting videos here.
    1 point
  14. Yes, I like his material. I think he is in Nashville. I'd like to connect with him. Glad you're learning! - Steve
    1 point
  15. I use either Cool Picks or the plain nylon Dunlops, for my acoustics and Dava Controls (nylon) for my electrics. Its kind of a bummer that I like these brands as they are a bit harder to locate in stores than some other picks, so I tend to keep a supply of them around rather than risk not having one on hand.
    1 point
  16. Congrats! I've actually had a mild case of GAS for a semi-hollow lately. Some may remember that Semi-hollow is not a strain of GAS that had affected me in the past, but now you are causing a flare up with this awesome PRS.
    1 point
  17. Diane that's exactly why I started this. Great quote!
    1 point
  18. The Art and Lutherie are the "lowest" model line of Godin guitars. Very nice beginner guitars
    1 point
  19. I didn't explain why I use a .38 pick it is because I can use it to strum and I can choke up on it and make it harder when picking notes. release it and back to strumming. or you can bend it to make it harder, one fit all . I like that
    1 point
  20. Although I’m not too fussy about pick brands, I find that size, shape and thickness make a difference in tone or effect, as well as my playing comfort. I have a range of Dunlop picks and depending on the guitar and/or style I’m going for, I’ll use a different one. For instance, I use MAX-GRIP JAZZ III, ULTEX JAZZ III 2.0 or Big Stubby 3.0 for jazz guitar.
    1 point
  21. Never could get the hang of Dunlop Jazz picks I like Dava Jazz Control www.davapick.com/picks/jazz_grip I use it from strumming to picking. My 2nd type is Dunlop Cat's Tongue picks
    1 point
  22. That page must be incomplete. Where are all the non-Gibsons?
    1 point

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