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Mike Hoodenpyle

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Mike Hoodenpyle last won the day on September 6 2023

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221 Excellent

About Mike Hoodenpyle

  • Birthday 07/07/1959

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  • Location
    San Antonio, TX

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  1. I'd really like to see the session on Ashokan Farewell.
  2. Nice. I've got a Reunion Blues for my electrics. Really good soft case.
  3. I haven't posted, but I did add two pieces of gear this year. I bought a Fender Limited Edition '65 Princeton Reverb with 12" speaker in May, then about a month ago I bought a Martin D-41. I'm very pleased with both of them.
  4. My cover of Brad Paisley's version of "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" on my Taylor K24ce. A spur of the moment recording on my iPhone to see how it would sound. Trimmed the ends and added a fade in/out in iMovie, added a little reverb in Garage Band, and voila, here it is, warts and all.
  5. Any time you see a chord name such as G9, A9, C9, etc., it's just a dominant chord extended. A dominant chord is a triad with a flatted 7th, so the notes of a G7 are G-B-D-F. A G9 adds the 9th, so the notes are G-B-D-F-A. A Gmaj9 would be G-B-D-F#-A.
  6. Thanks! The back and sides ain't bad, either.
  7. Santa brought me a Gretsch Broadkaster. I plan to record "True" on it in the near future.
  8. What a great song. I see some backing tracks available on Amazon. Not sure where you could find reliable sheet music, but I think I'll do some digging.
  9. I'm not into the GOAT thing, either, especially from the clowns who came up with this list, lol. I mean, Chet Atkins at #23? Seriously? And my all-time favorite isn't even on the list.
  10. Thanks very much, guys!
  11. Thanks, Greg! Thanks, Wim! I started "True" yesterday, a Martin Taylor song taught by Tim van Roy. He said early in the first lesson video that it's quite a bit easier than most of the songs he teaches, but I'm finding it even harder than Saltwater, lol. We'll see how it goes.

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