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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2018 in Posts

  1. I found this video on YouTube. Interesting lesson. I also have a couple CD's by R.L.Burnside........
    3 points
  2. For those interested in adding more chords and learning how to build them on the fretboard, there is a website where you can download and compile PDF files of Ted Greene’s revolutionary V-System for free. Steve has mentioned Ted’s Chord Chemistry book a few times. I don’t have the book, but as I recall Steve had said it was mostly page after page of chord diagrams. This on the other hand is a system that can be used to construct chords on the fretboard. Here’s the link to Ted Greene’s V-System. I hope you will find the methods helpful.
    1 point
  3. Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People. An excellent, free 53-page PDF introduction to theory by Toby Rush. You can choose the pages the want. Blank staff paper, wide ruled and narrow ruled (PDFs). The circle of fifths (gif). My updated (Sept 2019) worksheet for learning chord construction (PDF, 2 pages). I asked my theory teacher to review my first version, and he suggested a few improvements. Advanced students might take issue with some nomenclature, but there's no pleasing everyone. Vaughn Cube errata. If you have an early edition of the Vaughn Cube for Music Theory (mine is 2008), you probably discovered some typos. I’ve collected them here (PDF, 1 page). I presume they are corrected in the latest edition. Jazz Theory, by Stuart Smith. (PDF, 89 pages) Not for rookies. You just might want to wait until Session 17! The online version is here. 8 Practice Hacks, by Noa Kageyama. (PDF, 22 pages) Straight talk to stay on track. Update (7/7/20): I deleted the old Skills House files on modes and jazz chord progressions because Steve now has updated versions in the Downloads section. Added 8 Practice Hacks. Wide Staff.pdf Narrow Staff.pdf Chord Construction Worksheet v2.pdf Errata Vaughn Cube Lesson Book.pdf 8 Practice Hacks.pdf Jazz Theory.pdf
    1 point
  4. Eric Daw and his wife Melissa host a very entertaining and informative guitar repair podcast each week called 'The Fret Files'. They cover just about any topic you can imagine and take listener questions via phone and email. If you are interested you can check it out at http://www.fretfiles.com/. In addition to his repair work, Eric builds custom electric guitars and Melissa creates wonder leather guitar straps. You can check both out at https://www.ericdaw.com/.
    1 point
  5. Thank you both for your generosity. Yes I loved every minute of it! It had been far too long since I last played a song, let alone wrote one! Sometimes I get so hung up on learning new stuff I forget what it is all about, for me that is all about playing and writing songs.?
    1 point
  6. He is unique Plantsman. He is almost like the Blues version of Hawkwind. He can work a rhythm.
    1 point
  7. Mandy, that was awesome! Way to go! I bet that was alot of fun to write and play.
    1 point
  8. So cool Mandy, well done. ?? you’re doing really well. ?????? Mark
    1 point
  9. Thank you guys for all of your kindness and encouragement. ? I am finding it hard to play guitar at the moment due to the stage of osteoarthritis that I am in at the moment (thank you guys for the tip about glucosamine in the chatbox the other day). My fingers no longer bend as easily and quickly as they once did and the grating bones in my wrists make Barre chirds and many other chords extremely painful to play. ? I actually recorded the rhythm guitar at 60bpm and sped the project up to 72 where I was able to do the pentatonic scale fills using the high strings and a limited number of notes. ? I have learnt a lot more about Garageband doing this and hopefully more about the blues. This was also my first go at doing fills something that I tended to shy away from in the past and could not do much of because my songwriting tended to be very lyric heavy, not leaving time for fills.? I am still continuing with my guitar learning although I can not do things up to the required speed. I am consolidating my position with the Barre chords etc by doing a small amount slowly each day so that my wrist will still be able to bend into that position when the glorious day of less pain comes!?☀️
    1 point
  10. Here is the link to the book I have it is complete. beginner to master http://www.musiciansfriend.com/books-sheet-music-media/hal-leonard-guitarists-guide-to-music-reading-book-dvd-rom/j05720000000000?cntry=us&source=3WWRWXMP&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=[ADL] [MF] [Non-Brand] [PLA] [US] [Enhanced] [Shopping] - Generic&utm_term=1100506610674&utm_content=PLA - Product Type&kwid=bingproductads-adid^13788109092-device^c-plaid^1100506610674-sku^J05720000000000@ADL4MF-adType^PLA#
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Wow, thanks so much, Diane. The first pdf booklet is well designed and the info is easy to digest! Excellent find!!
    1 point
  13. Thank you Cindy for the great advice. I thinks it's awesome that you studied music in college.
    1 point
  14. Brilliant!!! Great to hear you again Mandy.... Nice way to start out the challenge with another original that fits the bill.. Love all the references to L&M , Steve K and the old insecure Forum etc.... You were fabulous.
    1 point
  15. Nutty1, Thanks for sharing in the inaugural Monthly Recording challenge on the new forum.
    1 point
  16. Mark, as always, incredible...such a talent. What a joy to hear your contributions. Great fun Maggie and I am still having adjustments to the new call names, both yours and Ians. I'm thinking mine should be Space Cowboy. Greg
    1 point
  17. sounds like your describing porridge, Goldilocks. it's good to see all the familiar face's here at our new home.
    1 point
  18. This is my prettiest. It was my 50th birthday present from my wife (though she had little to do with choosing it ). My favourite, though, is the acoustic in my profile pic, it was my first 'proper' acoustic. It's a Martin DX1R. It's the cheapest dreadnought that Martin does I think and it doesn't even have real wood back and sides, but it sounds great and I play it almost every day.
    1 point
  19. Great guitar Barb. It begs to play some Delta Blues.
    1 point
  20. Last year's Fingerstyle Retreat was one of the nicest events I have ever attended. Below are some words of wisdom taken from the song arranging session with John Knowles (CGP). Every time you learn to do something, learn how to do it somewhere else on the fretboard. Your best work happens when you are working in areas where you 60% know and 40% can’t do yet (this is where adventure happens). Each one of us has a different tolerance for being confused. When I’m working too hard, I put it down and play something I know how to play. When you are learning, there is exploration, new technique, musicality, tempo, and expression (you can’t think of all these things at once - work on one at a time). It never has bothered me that I can’t do it YET! Tomorrow I will be closer – don’t be discouraged by the barriers. There is no destination, only so far – so far – so far – so far – then they write your obituary. Set modest goals and celebrate. You need patience, you need to love it, and you need curiosity. Chet Atkins: (in response to someone saying ‘that looked easy’). 'It didn’t use to be.' I play what I love – and work on what I can’t do yet.
    1 point

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