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Everything posted by Eracer_Team-DougH

  1. Picture looks like its backwards
  2. Steve tried to give a wide range of songs to compliment his guitar course. Not all songs in it may be to your liking but they do create a skill level challenge in each matching session. Only exemption was Hit Me with Your Best Shot and You Got It. They both couldn't be put in their proper sessions due to copywrite issues
  3. When Neil told me he bought NYXL strings I happened to be in a store looking at strings. The package did not say a whole bunch on it. But on a pack of XL10 it had a string brightness range and it showed the NYXL as really bright strings over the regular XL. Remember to hang on the the plastic bag the strings came in. There is a production number on it. Any troubles email Daddario with the production run I had the ball end snap off as I restrung. They sent me 4 new E's and a full pack
  4. the 'audience' maybe large but other than Christmas Songs.. how many people outside of a church would want to hear Glory to God in the Highest need some 'real' songs in my bag of music.. some day..
  5. That' why I like playing in the "choir" in front of 400-1200 people weekly. I'm not playing "popular" songs but I'm playing live (church songs) (Is you can call 2 guitars and anything from 2 to 15 kids a choir)
  6. Pretty lucky. If only Neil could put up with my pathetic playing for that long.. Or more importantly the dog and family leaving me alone to play that long
  7. I don't have the "pro" so I don't get the the coil split. Couldn't tell you what pots are in mine .. Problably won't up grade them . I paid $300 for the guitar and $75 for the fret work Nice burgundy
  8. you email it to Cindy at "Gathering mp3 at comcast dot net " remember to remove the spaces and "AT" becomes @ ...
  9. What to do with a blues pentitonic 5 patterns scales, then just run up and down the 5 different patterns?
  10. Wish I'd sit down and listen to Roy's Pretty Woman and add the 3rd verse and bridge to Steve's Song Hits. My like 70% on Pretty Woman now. Too many anvils in the fire at once to get'er done.
  11. Although I'm "more than amp'd out " Got me looking at the battery power 7w Katana for the van now
  12. just ran across this documentary .. The Story of the Guitar .. this is part 1
  13. I'm a "Ben" but I'm the reason "Bob" sounds so good. "Ben's" are the stage managers and techs. They'e The ones that can make a singer using a lavalear sound good. They'e The ones to make sure the "fol-spots" are well "following spots" And they'e the ones why Bob can use a 1969 Superlead night after night on 10. But of course it's "Bob" that everyone came to see.
  14. In 2006 I was at a blockage in life . Bought a guitar package known as Learn and Master Guitar with a bright smiling face telling me I can actually learn to play my old guitar. Many years later I'm still around how many versions of forums(?). I still may be on that LMG course (nowhere near finished) but I've been able to play weekly in the choir I did audio mix for years. I wouldn't have gotten that far if it wasn't for a certain instructor of guitar. This new home is quite the place, hope for the future, and am glad to be apart of it. "Making the World a better place one guitar player at a time" -SK
  15. He's done a lot of touring in the USA with his guitar buddy Dave Dunlop.. and more than jazz
  16. I play in a RC church. No cameras allowed. A lot different setting than "praise worship" bands
  17. Neil got me side tracked in jazz-land right now. I'l need to get back to these
  18. I wish I had more "seat" time with all my guitars esp the "new" Sheraton. Enjoy 135
  19. Seen him 8 times.. (met him 4 times meet n greet... this wont happen again) My favorite pentatonics player of all times
  20. I See Buddy on Apr14-2018. This will be my 2nd time with the Dam Right Blues Band. Wife and sisters first time

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