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Everything posted by matonanjin

  1. Gawd, I hope that isn't a true statement?
  2. What fun that had to be! I had heard that about Vince Gill. I hope this does inspire you to get back to playing!
  3. @Old Guy This isn't the kit you started with, is it? ?? If I bought a kit it is probably what I would get?
  4. So 1 Week From Today!!!!!!! my wife and I get on the plane to Tampa.  To then get on the cruise ship on Monday for the Keeping the Blues Alive at Sea Cruise!   Not that I am excited!???

    1. Dan Brown

      Dan Brown

      You really don't want to see Bonamassa,  Kenny Wayne Shepard or Walter Trout..you are really only excited because you will be meeting up with us !!! LOL   We get into Tampa around noon on Sunday the 24th. Looking forward to another great time!                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

      Dan Brown  ?


  5. @Slug, I'm really glad your mate gave you the new address and that you're now here. And looking forward to your contributions.
  6. @NeilES335, ^^^^ Ditto what Fretless said.
  7. I do like it. Really nice playing, Neil. And a nice job recording it.
  8. Greg, Thank you for sharing this experience. Mike perhaps said it best. It is always encouraging and inspiring to hear of our guitar family members taking what we have learned and "step out and gig live". It plants that thought that maybe we too can actually do the same someday. Thanks again for posting this.
  9. Jeff, good luck to you. One tip I would have for you is whenever you get stumped or frustrated or confused, post a message here. There is a group brain trust here that is very helpful, encouraging and supportive. Don't go it alone. Yes, there have been people complete the course. Not nearly as many as start it! ?? Wim just posted about finishing it. There are some posting regularly on here that are getting close.
  10. I had forgotten about this. I will try and work on it.
  11. Thanks, Henk. I am just finishing up the Santana autobiography. And I'm looking for my next read. This is very likely heading my way from Amazon soon.
  12. Victor, I would send Steve a PM. That would be the best way.
  13. I wonder if they do. They would be justified in doing so.?? Unfortunately.
  14. @costancr, MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could probably find it if I looked hard enough. But somewhere Steve specifically said to not spend more than two weeks in Session One. No matter what session you work on you are going to have little things that could be improved. Get the basics down and a lot of these little nagging things will improve as your playing does and you work other areas. I'm glad that you are back and that you made your first post here. Please keep us up to date on your progress. The Song Hits was a smart investment and gives your some fun material to work as you progress. I bought it after I had been in L&MG for a while. I wish I had started them simultaneously as you have.
  15. Doug, I agree in principle with your "rich folk rant'. And we're going to have to be careful here about the topic drifting. (We may get in trouble with @NeilES335 or another moderator ?) But the whole idea was to help those in Antigua that can't afford rehab, get it. Clapton loved the area but saw the number of people there that needed treatment. And, of course, Clapton had first hand experience with the process! In his autobiography he relates how he was able to afford it but the locals could not. So the auction came about to fund the Crossroads Facility start. Then the idea was that those that can afford to go there do so. They fund the facility's operation to allow local residents to go there.
  16. A very good point, Neil. As you said, Clapton sold his guitar collection yeas ago to support his Crossroads addiction treatment facility in Antigua. Blackie, his black Strat, famously sold for $ 1 Million. (Or close to it?) Here David Gilmour talks about the guitars. The last 30 seconds he talks about his foundation and how the funds can potentially help some in need: John, since Gilmour is so associated with Strats it would probably be reasonable to assume that. I didn't follow your link. But he is selling his 1955 Les Paul Goldtop, his white Gretch and quite a few acoustics. But, of course, a lot of Strats ? Interestingly to me, the 55 Goldtop has an estimate of $30 - 50,000 and the Gretch $100,000 - 150,000. Christie's Gilmour Guitar Sale
  17. Rolling Stone Article on Pink Floyd's David Gilmour selling 120 guitars for charity. Apparently all his guitars used on tour and in recording sessions are going to go.The auction is going to be at Christies in June. According to him, "Everything must go"! Everybody be good members and be considerate when bidding. Don't try and outbid each other! I'm sure @CapM will be going after the famous Black Strat.??
  18. @Blue Dog thanks for this lesson and for the backing track. But this begs the question when studying it. Is the "Two Chord Tennessee Whiskey" easier after two Tennessee Whiskeys? Or made more difficult after those? ?? (Not that I do that anymore.)
  19. Neil, I didn't think the trial version was crippled at all? but it has been a long time since I downloaded it so mqybe I missed something or perhaps they have changed their trial policy. I'm sure that I have mentioned before but I bought this book, Home Recording for Beginners, when I got started with Reaper. In fact, I bought the book first, and it came with the trial version of Reaper. Since you have already worked with recording some you may beyond the "beginner" stage that this book targets. But it is also a pretty good reference. And I know we have talked about the time investment but the book uses a 30 day project as a model for teaching the reader. And it comes with a set of project files for the 30 day tutorial. I used the project files at first but then switched to my own project. Another great resource is "Up and Running . A Reaper User Guide". It is not cheap, $60 US. But over 400 pages!!! It seems to me I bought it directly from the author, the same author as the home recording book, a lot cheaper. Let me try and confirm that. I'm sure that when you post soon it will be much better than passable.
  20. @RichLich, looks like a great plan. It's impressive to see your committing a plan to writing and that says a lot about your commitment. Good luck to you and keep us up to date on how you are doing with this plan. Btw, I just watched a documentary on our local PBS station this week called Rumble, The Indians Who Rocked the World. A lot of it was about Link Wray. The documentary was fascinating and I had no idea the number of Native people involved in early rock and roll and blues. There are the obvious ones like Hendrix. But there a lot of others that I didn't realize. With the knowledge that you are a Link Wray fan I highly recommend you watch this.
  21. @Nutty 1, I don't see on your link where there is a separate guitar output. I see an XLR, USB and phones/line. But either way, yes, it should work. As @Fretless suggested, get the 2i2 so that you have 2 inputs. I'm sure that you're correct, the product outputs the guitar separately so you will need the two inputs. But even if it doesn't, the difference in cost between the Scarlett Solo and 2i2 is so little, it looks like £24, it's silly to not get the extra input. Focusrite makes great products.
  22. As I said earlier, Neil, Reaper does everything that I need. I'm not making any comparison to ProTools (or any other software). It probably is not as powerful. But it does the very limited things I need. but it does frustrate me as well! ? I haven't used it for months and just today fired it up again. It was like starting over! I have been video recording some blues licks. I got this silly notion that I should record the video with my camera and the audio separately with my DAW. Don't ask me why. It was probably last summer when I last recorded anything with Reaper. All the time I spent figuring it out again should have been spent on working the lick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?

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