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Everything posted by gotto

  1. Happy B'day. Have a great one. Greg
  2. Very fun stuff collaborators. I really enjoyed listening to this. Kudos! Greg
  3. I’m sending positive vibes your way, best of wishes to you. Greg
  4. Glad you are hopping onboard. You will have a great time! Diane covered things pretty well. Greg
  5. It is a great feeling. I donated a PRS SE guitar that was given to a man in Haiti. Apparently he walked a mile in the pouring rain to pick it up and plans to lead music in his community. It is incredibly heart warming to hear these stories. Greg And Steve donated a copy of LMG Guitar to him as well.
  6. I am on the road towards hearing aids it seems. I lost my high frequency hearing in my left ear by the time I had graduated from dental school, informed of this when I went into service with Uncle Sam and had a hearing evaluation. The high speed drill is the culprit there. 4 years ago I had a hearing test and had normal hearing in my right ear and significant HF loss in the left, as before noted. I began playing amplified music in groups just about that time after a 3+ decade away from it and in the last two years, after playing at my drummers left side, noticed considerable changes in my right ear. A hearing test 2 weeks ago revealed profound HF loss in both ears now. I had moved away from the amp and drums several weeks ago and have sporadically worn custom ear plugs that I had made last year but the damage is done. Time for a change. I plan to discuss all with my band tonight at practice . I also will be reviewing with the audiologist soon when I am fitted with aids as to whether I can continue to play amplified music. Who said rock and roll never dies.....Sigh Greg
  7. You will be missed friend. Hopefully this year and next will be a great one for you. Greg
  8. He is a great presenter-educator. I would love to see him back. Just a shout out to forum buddies-if you want to have 4 days of fun with friends and great instructors, jump onboard this train. All levels of skill are welcome there. Nashville, Guitar Gathering, Gruhns, Steve Krenz.....it doesn't get better than this. Greg
  9. Very cool! Our band also has a harp (he prefers this word to harmonica-) player, a great add to a blues oriented ensemble. Good for you Barbara, we are fortunate for these opportunities. Keep on jammin'. Greg
  10. I use NYXL's also on most of my guitars now. I do use PR- provided strings on my PRS'S. I believe they are D'Addario strings as well, not certain of variety. I use them because I have 12 month supplies provide by PRS when I bought the guitars, a promotional thing. Greg
  11. "Lessons"....a great way to look at this! Greg
  12. This is a great outlet Doug and the opportunity to learn from mentors as well. An audience is priceless, regardless of age, or venue and your audience exceeds anything I might ever experience. Very cool. Greg
  13. Fixed! Deoxit spray from Guitar Center, remove the screws for the switch, pots cover, carefully lift out the assembly so as not to affect the soldering, spray a quick blast of cleaner in the pots and switch, reassemble/attach cover plate, quick spray of knob posts, wiggle vigorously to lubricate and replace the knobs. Easy peasy. No scratching, no affect on the finish. I did use a cloth to cover the exposed guitar body surface. Greg
  14. Everything here-so true. Playing with better players at first was quite intimidating to me. The key is to play with accommodating, encouraging and supportive better players. And I only play music with people whom I really enjoy their company. No jerks for me. Too many really nice musicians out there to share time with instead. Greg
  15. 4 hours last week with friends old and new at a former bandmates place, and 4 hours yesterday at my noisy studio with a different set of personal friends, some who only get to play out out when I host the event. One of the players yesterday even got bloody fingers playing-go figure. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe it is for real. Greg
  16. Gonna spend an evening soon going through your catalogue of songs Cap. The acoustic Table For Two is very, very nice. Your vocal skills are rapidly approaching your guitar ones. Masterful.....and since that lead player is always late, who needs him anyways. Guitar players area a dime a dozen. I believe Nash is a Northwest guy, Seattle area. I have never played a Nash tele, only a strat that a friend of mine had-like your brother, a collector of high end guitars. Should the opportunity arise to try one out, paisley or not, I likely would do it. Since I am not lusting after gear at this time, I am very content where I am with instruments. That may all change in June when I return to Nashville however...... Greg
  17. No Paisley for me. Tried it out today. Great weight for me, tonally ok though not great but the neck and body were very tacky feeling, even after a cleanup and wipe down. Could not slide well on the back of the neck. Also very, very chunky and that didn’t suit my fretting hand well. I need no more guitars and am not in the hunt but there is something about the funky look that grabbed me. Not in the cards though this time. Did put up the American Standard Strat for sale at the store though. I have a couple more strats that will do when the urge strikes,one Roadworn and light, and one surfy green with lipsticks . Greg
  18. A beauty , congrats. Great color, love the hardware looks. Greg
  19. Nice playing Cap. Some volume differences in the comparisons of the 3 recordings but I think the Ax sounds a little warmer in the cleaner tones than the other 2. Just listening through the laptop speakers however... Amplitude is the lesser of the 3 in my opinion in terms of tonal quality. That said. I am a poor example of tone analysis. As an aside, my recent OS update rendered my Logic Express useless, incompatable. I will have to consider an upgrade to Logic Pro at last...sigh. Haven't been recording much the last couple of years though so not urgent on my part. Back to GB. Greg
  20. Thanks Steve. I have decided to book lodging at the Hilton Garden Inn in Franklin, a bit further to travel to The Gathering but very close to Artisan's Guitars. Greg
  21. The wiggle thing lasts for the immediate moment, but scratches recur when you fire up again, I have found out. Greg
  22. Very cool. A woodworker myself, I can appreciate the craftsmanship here. Well done. Greg
  23. Starting on it today. Greg
  24. Pretty clever there Dave. Too many clues. Greg

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