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Everything posted by Eracer_Team-DougH

  1. Maybe. But maybe if I took what they were on that day, maybe I'd play it half decently
  2. it's an instrumental.. check any number of searches (after Metro Lyrics) and you'll all find them state.. No Lyrics or Lyrics not available yet.. and the word Instrumental if there are lyrics.. I'd bet a coffee that someone on the internet added some added them I just googled and got "Metro Lyrics" web site and its 100% Wind Cry's Mary.. so someone typed that in .. it ain't Lenny. I just emailed Metro Lyrics that they are in copy write infringement and to take down the fake lyrics
  3. Um Lenny is an instrumental no lryics Wind Cry's Mary has lyrics Both written for women they loved at the time, maybe you're just "feeling it"
  4. in the Song Hits DVD series , Steve calls the song Day Tripper a 'call and response' blues song. where you're doing a few bars in E riff then switch to a quick few bars of A riff, then back to E. I really don't hear it that way, and the lyrics don't suggest it. I'll take Steve's word for it.
  5. Wind Cry's Mary. it was Jimi's girlfriend at the time, they had a fight and she was throwing pots/pans at him,, they split for a few days, and he had written WCM by then. Also from what I've read, I can tell you that Hendrix's Room Full of Mirrors was based on his mothers place, she had a room full of mirrors. (basement maybe,, memory is fading) as for SRV - Lenny was a guitar he saw hanging in the store as they walked by and he 'dreamed' of owning it. Lenora (aka Lenny) got all her friends to chip in and buy it and she gave it to him. he said he felt touched and as she slept he wrote the song Lenny. to see a really great version of Lenny the song, look up Live at the El Mocambo from Toronto in 1982 (his first visit to TO) needless to say after countless years on the road.. SRV came home to find his wife cheating on him and subsequently broke up. so much for "Lenny #1". Lenny never the less is a great song. https://www.musiciansfriend.com/guitars/fender-custom-shop-stevie-ray-vaughan-lenny-tribute-stratocaster-electric-guitar
  6. Makes you all the more impressed with Steve's playing skills doesn't it? Time after time he rips off these licks with ease...
  7. I'm feeling very inadequate with my playing and recording after listening to what's posted on the ongoing Monthly Recording Challenge
  8. I tried this song last year, never spent enough time on it to make it any good Just tried again last night, it's back in my sequence to work on
  9. sadly the Canadian you're meeting is not this one or the one that posted above me. I'm sure you'll have fun.
  10. bridge pins are not expensive unless you're buying some sort of tortified mammoth tusk thing https://www.premierguitar.com/articles/Time_for_New_Bridge_Pins
  11. Steve sort of indirectly has always just had us do 1 repeat on any of the LMG series. on LMG Song Hits Day Tripper in his performance video, Steve repeats twice and moves onto the song. When I run the Beatles Day Tripper song.. they repeat 5 times before the verse starts. guess "your mileage varies"
  12. Choo-chee Choo-chee That's my problem, I need big hair
  13. I have 2 slides, I'll have to check these DVDs out Just add more resources to the collection ?
  14. When we were in NAMM in 2016 Nashville there was a OO-koo-LEH-leh dealer. And I tried a few. hand made from Hawaii, wife keeps saying "we should have bought it for you" it was very nice,, alas no OO-koo-LEH-leh in my stable
  15. Note to those in Session 4 Bonus. There is a string skipping exercise that holds most people up on their progress in this session which could take months or more to master. Don't get hung up on this exercise
  16. Well I'm on the Gibson forum. Can't tell you the number of times in just this past year someone gets on posts a long story of how they longed for a "real" Gibson and to purchase the guitar of their dreams, only to have them shattered by QC issues. The issues? Many complain about Mark's in the wood ( so tree issues) One this week has been on a rant that their P90 (aka single coil) guitar hums till they put their hands on the strings I fail to find that's a QC issue. Let see what Gibson can do now
  17. I have the pattern.. (which is the E scale) and that's why I was able to add the Solo that's in B. it's just the speed of the riff that I trip up on; so they don't sound like muted staccato notes.
  18. well I've devoted my summer lunch practice to Day Tripper (Aug/Sept/Oct lunches about 20min run time ).. I've added the Solo in B.. and I play along with the Beatles as my backing track. (sorry Steve moved on from your video) you think I would have nailed this by now.. still not record worthy, better than it was.. but still not solid enough. grrr
  19. my wife has a hard time separating .. going to the Guitar Gathering vs vacation to Nashville. I get "You were just there two years ago",
  20. I once talked to Greg Voros about old acoustics. He said many need neck resets that are over 30yrs old
  21. I like the solo in Hit Me with Your Best Shot.. I can actually hear the recording in my head of it. but since I'm struggling with the single note riff on Day Tripper and You Got It at speed .. it will be some time before I try this song.
  22. I had a Jim Adkins Fender Slim-Line Tele (strange beast cross between a Gibson and a Fender) had a stop tail and TOM and 2 Volume and 2 Tones like a Gibson.. Plus Seymour Duncan P90's in it (that's all factory for one of these) it had a neck through body and slim taper neck heel. I liked the tones of it. but the semi-hollow slim-line body made it neck heavy and prone to dive.. so I sold it ..
  23. there is so much guitar I'm missing out on.. quick look at posts like these but rare if ever follow along.. ?
  24. great job.. some thing that most of us here (and former LMG) would love to shoot for.

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