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Everything posted by Eracer_Team-DougH

  1. @Wim VD1 got my foot tapping on my early morning dog walk. If nothing else comes in , in the few days, say you easily won this month's challenge
  2. @Wim VD1 thanks.. I've been thinking of posting my recorded car practice as that "would fit the March category" better, with just a $60 used Chinese Strat, Battery amp and recorded on my phone with the car windows and roof open. I'm well documented on this forum that I try and practice anywhere any time (usually in the car/van when wife is shopping) remnants from my 24/7 job I squeezed practice in somewhere. our category was to spur on those that we know just started the LMG series and we've see their posts of being in Session 3 and 4. we'll see
  3. @NeilES335 I liked this jazz group recording better than the other one your group did. Song? Better playing? Not sure
  4. Here is a LMG Song Hits song from Session 4 All I Have to do Is Dream, written by Felice & Boudleaux Bryant I ended up using 3 guitars and 1 bass. I didn't want just another strumming rhythm so I did a fingerstyle rhythm on the Epiphone Sheraton semi-hollow body guitar in the middle pickup position running through a rented Fender Pricneton FSR65 with Cannabis Rex speaker. had the Reverb and Tremo on to try and give it a bit of a dreamy state. the lead was on my Gibson Les Paul, in the treble/lead pickup with even more tremo added. the 'super lead' was done on my Fender Strat on the bridge pickup (I backed down the reverb and tremo for this spotlight) to fill in the bottom end I used my Dean Bass again. the rhythm track was done in the open position with open chords (except for the Bm) the lead melody was played in the 4th position the super lead at the end was played at the 12th position
  5. With the likes of Justin bieber, Taylor Swift, Drake, etc People go see them, not the " hired gun", guitarist or drummer hired to back them.
  6. Wish I could find a jam group, but mostly my time is used up before I know it. But maybe I would "Make the time", if I had a group to hang with. You figure I'm 10min away from NeilES335, about 50min from Ron Service, and just over an hour away from OldJock_Henk Still trying to work out a jam group We'll have to try and get together after lockdown
  7. Nice looking ES guitar, ordered through Long and Mcquade or from somewhere else Flat 5, augment 13th away Henk
  8. I'm relooking at Steve's LMG Blues again , hoping I've "matured" as a guitar player to get more out of it. But like @Plantsman13 agree there isn't enough direction in it. Too much time spent with Dino on keyboard (sorry Steve) Very well produced though, On Truefire I really like Jeff Mcerlain courses, and I just finished from the $5 sale at TF a David Hamburger Beginner Blues David Hamburger's course was pretty simple if I finished it in a short time . Only "take a way" was the last lick in E where he did a 'stanard' 5 note walk up to the chords. Sounded bluesy Wish his course was totally like that and expanded the idea through out.
  9. @George Mabry Actually the starting chord is an E and the ending chord also an E. Your key signature is also in E. So its in E This is also a blues song so the 7th has to be flatted. And the 3rd is also flatted. Note they're "not" naturals in this case but a "flatted" notes.
  10. @Wim VD1 almost sounds like Key To The Highway. Good playing, got me beat by a long shot but wouldn't mind jamming with you live
  11. Wish I could help out. I keep getting sidetracked with other lessons, and playing, never made it much into disk 3 of LMG Blues but I'm "re-visiting" Disk 1 again.. making sure I can learn all I can from it before moving out.. (went backwards in the Song Hits too,, working S4 in it as well)
  12. @BrokenSpoke yes and no.. Legacy tried putting the basic set of disks on a On Line site (can't remember which one). a few of our members did go there a few times. Don't know if its still available as an online resource Legacy and Steve parted ways some time ago but both Legacy and Steve sell the course (Steve's sales page is located at the top of this forum under the "Store" Tab.) yes I know you don't want to buy it again.. but any online resource will make you pay for access to it.. so why not just buy it as it's even cheaper than it was in the past. Not sure how much right's Steve has to the disk set, think that maybe still run by Legacy. So I don't think you'll see a copy of it on an Online site from Steve. so the long answer.. probably no. but as I said.. you won't get free access so you might as well buy it.. Check out Steve's store above as well as he has a really good fretboard series of short learning videos there too.
  13. Believe it was from when Steve first did the disks in 2006 vs the Gibson version a few years later think 2009 or 2010 Books remained pretty much the same but certain recording had to change I'd have to rewatch my disks
  14. I'd like to add, there are a few new members that just started LMG course . (Currently session 1, 2, 3 and 4) I think any song or lesson from it would be good too. Just my thoughts on that as well.
  15. Paul David's YouTube site.. yes I subscribe to this channel.. he's always very informative.
  16. @Dolph Session 1 is to learn the parts of the guitar and to open and close your hand as a unit (arthritis will make this a bit of a challenge) there will be lots of time later to 'master' those two chords. the 'real' learning starts with the single note reading in Session 2. this might help you with the arthritis .. so don't stay on Session 1 too long.
  17. @Mike Sapp I don't have the next door to teach but I hear you about that "play for church, would like to play non-church" out
  18. @SRV I see Greg hasn't checked the forum since Sept 2019,, so over a year and a half ago, you might not get a quick answer. What kind of excessive vibration are you talking about, after all this is a semi-hollow guitar, you'll hear a lot more going on
  19. @John swan @3PowerChordsAndAnAttitude The Bonus Session where developed more than 12mnths after the main LMG course book. the Lessons are a little bit harder in the Bonus Resources then the main course book. typically one works the main course lesson (depending on pervious guitar skills) for a couple of weeks to get them under the fingers before adding the Bonus Resources book to the mix. Session 4 is a big concept lesson and takes more time than expected.
  20. @grzyman12 @3PowerChordsAndAnAttitude had to look up the LMG books.. been a while since I opened them the main book doesn't state BPM for each lesson.. but the Jam CD's have a slow medium and fast tracks to them. so use the Jam a Long CD's too. the Bonus Book is where Steve gives a BPM count and yes they are the "bare minimum" BPM count but nothing saying you can't use the BPM ready to move on found in the Bonus lessons to the main lessons as well. also don't look at the "number of weeks " to complete a lesson at the start of the chapters.. everyone is different. there have been people have spent months working out session 4 and 4b Session 3 recommendations
  21. Thanks Wim There are certain challenges above just the playing aspect (esp with no in person contact at this time as Ontario Canada is still in stay at home orders) With idiocies of exporting and importing tracks. (I had 4 tracks to export, so Neil could import it as 1 stereo track but would have imported as mono into his daw) It was a learning exercise. I can see us trying this again in the future (Maybe next time I'll use a metronome 🤔 )

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