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Everything posted by NeilES335

  1. Sorry I don't have an opinion of these amps per se; but after watching the review of the Voc VT40X it looks pretty complicated to me. Are you a person who likes to fiddle with settings looking for a certain tone? How LOUD do you want it? I learned that the wattage isnt necessarily indicative of volume, nor is digital vs tube or speaker size For home use personally I'd think a 10 " speaker is plenty. There are some small amps with smaller speakers that have great sound. My only advice is; KISS.... (Keep It Simple Silly) Here is Sweetwater's Amp Buying Guide; I hope this helps some; https://www.sweetwater.com/insync/guitar-amp-buying-guide/
  2. I've had one of these on my mind too... I tried "demo-ing" one in the store new and found it was a nice clean sound.. quite expensive here in Canada (I liked the blue cover "reissue" one). Trying them out in the store is, I find, quite difficult to get to know them with all the noise and distraction. I think the best way is to take your own guitar in and play the amp there. Or rent one. https://www.long-mcquade.com/612/Guitars/Guitar-Amps/Fender-Musical-Instruments/65-Princeton-Reverb-Reissue.htm?ref=suggestive-search Good thread @colder I think there are a lot of guys who want a nice small simple tube amp for playing at home that doesn't blow the windows out, or cost a fortune. I wish more manufacturers would produce more and better choices. My current (and only) amp is a Fender G=DEC 30 (all digital) I bought when I first started out on guitar again. I didnt know anything about amps at the time, and the two guitar inputs, band tracks, recording clips and 99 models sounds made it attractive to a new player. It sounds pretty good, on most of the models, but I usually just play 2 or 3 of them, like "Jazzmaster"," Twin" " Fender Clean" . I guess others found it too complicated too, because it's discontinued.
  3. You're welcome @Oldjock Henk; Fortunately it's been pretty rare to have to caution or censure anyone on this site so far. Although, @Eracer_Team-DougH and I have to keep an eye out for certain miscreants on our Live Lessons YouTube Channel (who are not necessarily members of GG) for use of unsavory language or promotion of there channels, businesses or views not in line with our Mission Statement. We can caution or delete them from the LiveChat as necessary. Your support is most welcome and appreciated.
  4. @IanDSuper job Ian! Your guitar playing fingerstyle was spot on and and as @Wim VD1 says your vocal gave it a very personal touch. Well done. You fellows are setting the bar pretty high for me when I get into recording! (And btw.. the Zoom recording is pretty good too; better than my cell-phone for sure)
  5. SINCERE GREETINGS NEW MEMBERS TO GUITAR GATHERING! Welcome the the home of an enthusiastic music and guitar loving folks of all ages, nationalities, gender and level of experience! Headed by our wonderful instructor, musician, recorded artist and author, Steve Krenz, you'll find a welcoming home here to educate, encourage, and enlighten you on your guitar learning journey! Perhaps you've come here as a student of Steve Krenz's award winning "Learn and Master Guitar" programs, https://gx169.infusionsoft.app/app/storeFront/showProductDetail?productId=5 , his beautifully produced video series of "Fretboard Workouts" https://gx169.infusionsoft.app/app/storeFront/showCategoryPage?categoryId=19 on our Guitar Gathering YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaKLy681H8BN4DYQkGF_UUw or just browsing on-line for a place to learn guitar, we're glad you're here! TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF, YOUR GEAR, YOUR EXPERIENCE, ASK QUESTIONS (in the appropriate Forum) and BE ENGAGED. WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU! Please see our home page About Us. https://www.guitargathering.com/community/ Thank you @SandyB53 for this suggestion!
  6. Register for Guitar Gathering 2019 here; https://gx169.infusionsoft.app/app/storeFront/showProductDetail?productId=197
  7. Any more votes or comments to "Who Out There Is Studying the Learn and Master Guitar Program?
  8. Well that was kinda cool, with an "old timey" feel to it... yes, don't we all avoid this key? She reminds us that it's not always necessary to play the root of the chord and therefore simplify the fingering. I've learned that partial chords /triads/diads are often the way to go, as in jazz and blues. ps If we want to play with a brass band learning to play in Bb (their natural key) helps.
  9. Live Lessons Forum has now been cleaned up and all lessons for the past year (2018) are now in chronological order for easy reference. So now, you can scan the list of Live Lessons, find one that interests you, and access it directly from the Guitar Gathering site link to our YouTube Channel. Lesson Sheets ".pdf" s , as applicable are attached to each lesson and may be downloaded there. p.s. I'm looking for a solution to provide these Lesson Sheets in a central "cloud" storage for easy access from any location, any time, without necessarily being logged into this site.
  10. That's great if you can make it Ian. I'm sure the members would be glad to meet you and you'd have a great time. I have yet to get to the GG myself. I dont know if you've been in the USA or Canada before, but if you haven't, I think you could be surprised how far it is from one place to the other, compared to England. Public transit is usually pretty good in the cities, but between cites, cars are still king. I was there once, and Mephis to Nashville was a fair jaunt. BTW @Eracer_Team-DougH has all the scoop on hotels etc. (pricey)
  11. Im not really a Fender guy, (not now anyway) but for those who are, and are considering a purchase of Squire vs Fender American for the price point, this new line from Fender of American made (Corona California) "affordable" models might "strike a chord" ; around $1100 USD new. https://www.sweetwater.com/shop/fender-american-performer-series/?utm_content=sidekick&utm_source=gearnet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20181203
  12. @Oldjock Nice purchases! I love the Fishman Loudbox Mini.. looking for one of those. Ive been very fortunate on the condition of these "used" instruments. My Godin 5th Ave archtop was a chance buy off of Craigslist (the one and only time I ever looked there!); it was mint brand new in the box never played. The other" 2 I mentioned were at the Long and McQuade "Jacks Attic" sale in February. No visible marks etc either. Just a set up and they were good to go. And a warranty too. You might drive better bargain on line but I think this is the best way to go for "pre-owned" . My wife even reminds me; "That great sale is coming up... why dont you wait and see what they have and get another guitar then?" Lining up a 6am actually paid off.
  13. While Im not adverse to buying new, after buying 2 great "pre-owned" guitars last year (Gibson ES137, Epiphone Sheraton) from a major music store (Long & McQuade) at what I consider bargain prices, I'll be looking there first. So all the better for you Popeye?.
  14. HOW TO CREATE AND "ALIAS" ACCOUNT ON YOUTUBE TO PARTICIPATE IN LIVE LESSONS: (Submitted courtesy of @guitarben ) Many people were wondering about using a different name on Youtube. The display name on Youtube is your channel name. By default, that is your gmail adress. You can create different channels with the same email so that you can switch between them without logging out. Here is how Youtube recommends to do it: 1- Click on your profile picture in the top right corner: 2- Click on Settings: 3- Click on See all my channels or create a new channel: 4- Click on Create new channel: Fill up the info for your new channel (aka Brand Name) and that's it! Once you are login in with your usual Google account, you can switch between names by clicking on your profile picture, then select Switch account: Youtube's video recommendations work with the channel's viewing history and preferences, so having different names also allows you to keep your guitar videos and your cat videos separate.
  15. @Wim VD1 Awesome! So glad you are our 1st "Open Mic" recording! Excellent playing on this recording. And the vocals melody line was really good also.. Impressive collection of songs on SoundCloud Wim. Keep them coming! PS I really liked "Celestine" and "Hide Away" too.
  16. @Randy120 Thanks for the suggestion Randy... this recording was just a cell phone on my lap, so when my recording gear arrives and I figure out the DAW I'll record it again with compression as you suggested.
  17. @Texaspackerfan WOW! Dan, on behalf of Steve K and the "staff" of Guitar Gathering, let me be the first to CONGRATULATE YOU on you achievement! You join an elite group of students to have actually completed the Learn and Master Guitar course, and by listening to your recordings it shows! Super! Now that you've completed the course I hope you'll stay with us and continue to participate here as you have learned much and have a lot to share. My history is somewhat the same as your's so I hope some day in the not too distant future to join you in your accomplishment.
  18. Just a general FYI.... Guitar Open Talk is getting a bit too bloated... (wow over 2000 posts in a only 11 months here alone) so in order to keep things fresh, some old files will be deleted or moved. Not wanting to too autocratic about it, If there is a topic you've posted here that you'd really like to have stay, please send me a PM. I promise that any good relevant material will remain if at all possible.
  19. "Members Recordings" is a forum where Members are encouraged to post their songs, lessons from Learn and Master Guitar courses, Fretboard Workouts, or Whatever you're working on... an " Open Mic" so to speak. No deadlines, no particular subject. The idea is to gain confidence, and receive CONSTRUCTIVE encouragement and feedback from other members, so we can all improve! Just 1 rule... it has to be YOU playing guitar. No YouTube videos (unless it's you) or links to other sites please. And (need I say it?), let's remember to keep it "family friendly" . We look forward to hearing from you! PS; By all means continue to participate in @UncleHammy 's "Monthly Recording Challenge" if you wish! (please don't double post though) PPS; Please use a music file service like Soundcloud unless your audio file is reasonably small. With Soundclound everyone can hear all your recording there. (its free)
  20. Well Ron... you might hear a few once I figure out how to use it. You might be sorry you asked?.
  21. So now the store say the "studio pack" is on back order, not just from their distributor(Ericsson Canada) but from the manufacturer... no ETA. This could take a while, but I guess there's no hurry. They have the interface alone, but not on sale.
  22. Well to start this off, after thinking about this for a while (and researching the daylights out of it ? ) I finally took the plunge and ordered some recording gear. Here it is; https://www.long-mcquade.com/74108/Pro-Audio---Recording/Audio-Interfaces/Focusrite/Scarlett-Studio-Pack-MK2-with-2i2-Mic-Headphones.htm The Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 Studio Pack, includes the interface, a good condenser microphone, recording type headphones, cables, 2 DAW programs (ProTools Free and Ableton Live Lite) and a bunch of guitar simulation "plug in's" . My research on line, indicates this is the best selling and most widely used /loved interfaces in the world. (in the Series 2 version). And it was on Sale too... Christmas present to me from my dear wife. Im really looking forward to getting it (I had to wait, they were out of stock) and learning to use it as the next step in my guitar journey... Now if I didnt have to learn how do use a DAW... I think I'll use ProToolsFree... oh well learning is Good.
  23. After playing for a while, recording is a natural evolution for a guitarist or any musician really. Let's have a discussion here and share your experience and questions about Recording Gear, DAW's (Digital Audio Workstations), microphones, and recording techniques. We can all learn a lot, and produce music we're proud of!
  24. @Randy120 and @matonanjin thanks for your comments and suggestions. I figured I'll start out with ProToolsFirst, and even though it may be more difficult to learn and more complex than I need, I think I'll avoid having to learn something else first then move to something like this. I also have the option of Ableton Live Lite. I'll tell you why in another post.

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Guitar Gathering is a community of guitar lovers of all types and skill levels.  This is a place of learning, support and encouragement.  We are unapologetically positive.

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