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Blue Dog

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Everything posted by Blue Dog

  1. Man Six you have them all. My epip LP has 57 classic's and it sounds great for old school rock . The Gibson LPJ has the 490 r and the 498 t with slit coils and it on the heavy metal side . but cleans up real nice . But the 57 classic is the best. its so easy to dial in on a tone you want. Thanks for the info.
  2. Hi Six , What kinda hummers doses that guitar have 57's.
  3. Hi, Steve I dont know if this is on topic for to nlghts lesson. But what is the best way to learnto play on the off beat. Like acdc plays and the guitar parts come on the first an beat of the measure on every measure. Is there a trick. Or just practice thanks Blue Dog
  4. Nice Axe Six. was at guitar center today and they didn't have a one there . not every many Gibson's At all. A lot of epips and Ibanez's Gretchen's D arranges how every you spell it. But they fixed y Fret on the Oman and said my martin Don't need a set up no charge. I said thanks. The man Loved the Martin Retro string on the Martin. He played it for 20 minutes. Said it was great guitar. But back to you Great looking Guitar Hope you Love It and play it for Many Years to come. keep us updated.
  5. Has Anybody used the Drone backing tracks to play the pentatonic scales over . Youtube Has A few in the key of A and C . I am sure more. They Have not Time signature so you can play at your own time . Here is a Example .
  6. It's the same set that was offered on the old learn and master site. And it fits I say after lesson 4.. But great after lesson 11
  7. If you Use The D'Addario Humidity Packs and they get hard in the winter time . Dried out from putting moisture back in to your guitar. all you have to do is stick them in the freezer over night and they will be good to go again. them will draw moisture from the cold . Just squeeze them and break them loose and soft again. Had mine for two years . still works great . https://www.amazon.com/DAddario-Humidification-System-Replacement-Packets/dp/B003HNY1IY/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1519013162&sr=8-8&keywords=humidity+packs
  8. Here Is A Simple Lesson That show some Chord Tricks on the B chords That is help full And you can learn a cool song called Sweet Carolyn.
  9. I only named one guitar and its called OLD JOE after my Uncle Joe that Passed.
  10. We will rebuild him, Better, Faster, Stronger, The Million Dollar Guitar man. Sounds good to me
  11. Great looking guitar. Dough, Hope you enjoy it for a long long time. Sweet Deals . Blue Dog
  12. That's a real pretty axe you got Neal Hope you enjoy it for any years to come. Sweet, Blue Dog
  13. I don't have that problem because I can not sing. But I do Hum a lot and it don't seem to bother y playing. maybe you can start that way.
  14. Here is a great lesion video on Chicken Pickin Blue Lick to the 12 Bar Blues In The key of A.
  15. Hi Gotto. You talking about needing this cable. https://www.amazon.com/iPhone-usb-cable/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3AiPhone usb cable
  16. What is the deference between a fiddle and a Violin ? My Daughter plays the violin . she calls it a violin . I call it a Fiddle. She asks whats the deference and I say { Attitude }
  17. Con Grates on the Br40 From Blueridge Guitars I have one they are nice guitars I put a LR Baggs Element in mine two or three months ago and it's great. My Br 40 is really lite. I have A BR 140 Guitar to it is solid wood. It Has a LR Bagg Anthem Pickup in it. Really Nice. Hope you enjoy The BR 40.You will be Pleased
  18. Well it ant going to play itself. My Grandmother
  19. Break it down in counts like DianeB post. in that one it is 1, 2an, 3, 4 . and then 2, 3, 4. no strum on the seconded 1 its a pause. is the best way. you have to count it as 1 an 2 an 3an 4 an, but only hit the strings on the count above. Good luck. post a pic and we can figure it out.
  20. Nice axe capm. I will listen to it when I get back to the house
  21. The new Martin D 45 Fire and Ice Guitar sure is a pretty piece of work. Yours to day for 32,000.00 . http://www.guitarcenter.com/Martin/D-45-Fire-Ice-Dreadnought-Acoustic-Guitar.gc
  22. Here is a awe in one pick three sizes in one pick. with grip . http://www.awe-in-one.com/
  23. I meant the guitar. I seen that after I posted. But it would not let me change it . but I will take it, Thanks
  24. This is the best parlor guitar I have ever played. it's a BlueRidge Guitar . sounds great , 1 3/4 neck fits me I am 5'10'' Tall and pretty too, https://www.maurysmusic.com/inc/sdetail/blueridge_br_43as/35915/126222

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