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Fretless last won the day on February 6

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About Fretless

  • Birthday August 10

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    Slovakia, Europe

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  1. That reminds me of the old saying: I have my great-grandfather's axe - I replaced the handle twice and the head once and it is as still good as new. The PRS HB II is a great guitar to fall in love with.
  2. Because of your background maybe you are subconsciously expecting to be able to get up to speed quicker than you are. Don't sweat it; don't rush it. You will get there.
  3. It is a case of poetic licence. I thought it was called Blueberry Hill, which would be the name of the hill. It may have been the hill where you had a splendid view of blueberries in the valley below. When we were children we learned the rhyme: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, whereas when you learn about weather you discover that the rain in any country falls mainly where there is higher pressure - mainly on the hills.
  4. Background information about songs, songwriters or players are often quite interesting. Thank you for that, Triple-o.
  5. If you would like to see a quick walk through the power station's history, including the Pink Floyd album cover, right up to 2025, see here: https://battersea.webflow.io/#:~:text=After decades of sitting derelict,generation to do the same.
  6. Nice one, Randy. 12-string guitars open the door to a whole new palette of sounds. I hope you enjoy finding your sounds. I have a Faith 12-string and found the sound a bit brittle. Trying silk and steel strings gave mine a gorgeous sound. Be prepared to try different types of strings when yours need replacing to find what works best for you.
  7. I don't use AI to play the guitar nor sing with the voice of someone else, so with zero experience of AI I also cannot help you. Sorry.
  8. Hello Cindy, I remember you. I have only been on L&MG since 2011. Like Doug, getting a job playing bass in one band and being invited to ply drums in the church worship group, along with the chidlren's singing (at last, something on guitar) and transcribing hundreds of songs so that the church has written song melodies, not just pages of lyrics with chords, takes a hugr amount of my time. Add to all that the war next door in Ukraine and the humanitarian aid that needs to be delivered there and the refugees who have temporarily been evicted from their homes by the war - for nearly 3 years so far. Time goes by quickly. I bought Steve's Jazz course which I will do as soon as I get through the basic L&MG course.
  9. Apple USB SuperDrive is what you are looking for, @Anne Hill, I have the very same device!
  10. Anne, search your favourite online shop for: external USB DVD drive. DVD drives can play CDs as well as DVDs.
  11. I read that to mean you, DianeB, see text on a white background. I see a dark grey background to every post, just like Anne's screenshot, above.
  12. I don't belong here (in this topic) as my first guitar was electric, when I was 12. Now, over 50 years later, my 3 main guitars are all electric - Fender Strat (my number 1 guitar), a PRS and an Ibanez 335 style with flatwound strings). I have an acoustic guitar; the last time I played it was when I recorded acoustic guitar parts for someone, now 6 years ago. Sorry to all you acoustic guitarists.
  13. Do you listen to Leonid & Friends on YouTube? Even the band Chicago isvery complimentary of Leonid and his large group of friends. The YouTube videos tend to be done in studios but the band will be touring the US this fall.
  14. Nice one, Abe.

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