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Everything posted by gotto

  1. I am trying out a new one tomorrow. Divorced my Fender American Standard Strat today and test driving a Fender Tele tomorrow. It is a bit funky in appearance but I visited with a fellow who tours with a country band around my neighborhood (West Coast) and does festivals. He bought one and raves about it....only 6+ lbs and sparkly. I'll have more to share if I buy it. Nothing like a mystery... Greg Oh, and it is a signature, made in Mexico. Any guesses?
  2. Beginner Ben here, not in search of the Holy Grail of tone, but for a variety in tones. There again, throw on some dirt, delay, reverb and flanger and everything probably sounds the same with my fingers. But clean.......ahhh , there are differences. Greg
  3. The Suhr folks recommend Detoxit spray, as Blue Dog suggests. Dust and or corrosion likely the culprit. Going to head to Walmart or Office Depot. Greg
  4. Thanks guys. This is my Suhr Tele, a $2K+ instrument so quality of pots should not be the issue. I suspect dust or other contaminants to be the issue. I can send it back to Suhr for repair as they offer lifetime warranties, but a bit of a hassle for a relatively minor problem. Think I might best contact them for advice on products to lubricate or clean the pot.. Greg
  5. Last year I stayed at the Hilton Brentwood Nashville Suites when I went to the Gathering, a very nice hotel but the dining offerings around it were a bit lacking. Does anyone have a suggestion for a comparable hotel in the Brentwood-Franklin area? I would like to book soon. Or does anyone have recommendations for nice dining options in the Brentwood area should I rebook there? Greg
  6. Great playing, also love your Misty and Autumn Leaves. You are a talent, I enjoy your progress reports as well. Thanks for sharing. Greg
  7. Congrats Ice. I confess to moving digital myself over the last year with a Kemper and Fractal Ax8 occupying most of my time lately though I continue to fool around with my tube amps. Because of what my band plays , which is a variety of styles , I have had a hard time getting a pedal board designed to cover all tones with tubes....hence the digital alternative. Boss does make nice stuff and this amp is no exception, I am sure. Enjoy Greg
  8. Looks like a beaut! Congrats Greg
  9. I plan on beginning my entry when I return from my trip in a week Greg
  10. Very cool! Have fun. Greg
  11. The Kodiac Crossover has Velcro straps that are adjustable to the thumb. It may be an option to review. I use them because of thumb problems that interfere with my ability to hold the pick without slippage. Greg
  12. Congrats, the wait was well worth it. She’s a beaut! Greg
  13. What a beautiful thing everyone involved is doing. The pictures are priceless and heartwarming. Greg
  14. For me, it depends on the song. Some songs I simply cannot sing and play simultaneously. Others , I play on autopilot. My only advice is to know the strumming parts so well that it is like breathing-you don’t even think about it. Have a metronome or drum part if necessary to hold the rhythmic tempo. Then start to add the vocals . I would begin with simpler guitar parts that you can feel fluid with. Greg
  15. Thanks all. I do have the Apogee jam as well and the adapter looks like a great idea. Greg
  16. Should have posted this in gear , sorry Greg
  17. Any advice? I have not ever recorded in GB on my iPad My old one used the the wide input, my new one uses the smaller one also used for the iPhone. I have a line 6 Sonic Port with the wider connector only, I know the other connector is available for this unit. I never tried this with GB to record. Other options? Greg
  18. I do use the m7b5 as a variant 9th form. Some songs we do, have maj 7ths and 6ths. Haven’t used m9ths or any 11ths yet. They all know I like to get something different in the mix when we jam. Greg
  19. Jack was a featured guest at last year's Guitar Gathering. What an amazing evening for all the attendees as he is a wizard with the guitar and was a wonderful interview for the students. So nice to see others recognize his contributions with this honor. Greg
  20. I have been introducing 13ths and 9th variations in my rhythm play with the band over the last few months. At first , I got quizzical looks form a couple of the players as it introduces a tonality that is slightly different from the norm but now it just blends in well with our jamming moments. Not only learn the chords, but learn to play it in several positions on the neck. That would be my advice. Greg
  21. Sounding good all. I will not be ale to record while I am on my trip but I will try to get into the next collaboration. Hopefully someone can jump into the opportunity to contribute with a rhythm track. This is designed to be a group effort to learn the process of song writing and recording as well as share our musical ideas. Fretless and Mandy are great ones for helping anyone out, if someone needs advice. Keep it up friends! Greg
  22. I'm working on ideas. Won't be able to record until month end at the earliest as I will on a trip for several weeks. Greg

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