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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2019 in Posts

  1. @Randy120 Since I play guitar and my wife has taken up the violin, trips to Nashville can get pretty expensive! @matonanjin Remind me to ask about your PRS Paul’s sometime. That is also on my list and I’m trying to decide whether to get the SE or bite the bullet and spring for the core. Oh yes, I do see a nice 12 string hollow body on the PRS site also. I’m sure that one would be awesome for an electric!
    1 point
  2. Hi everyone. My singing teacher recently did this TEDx talk and I think it applies equally well to guitar playing as it does to singing. Why is it that people who are 'not very good at it' can play golf, football, tennis etc for fun and nobody gives it a second thought, yet music is often considered only for those that are 'good at it'? Have you ever thought "I really shouldn't sing, I'm no good at it" or even "I should give up guitar, I'm not very good at it"? The message in the talk is: If it gives you joy, then just do it! Ian
    1 point
  3. Here is a scary one! "Welcome to my Nightmare" by Alice Cooper, Richard Wagner and Bob Ezrin.👀
    1 point
  4. Similar story, early put downs and now love learning about the guitar and so forth. Very insightful speech, love TED talks....
    1 point
  5. Me too Dave, when I was 7 or 8 my piano teacher asked me to leave and not come back because I was scaring away his customers. LOL I ended up learning from my mom instead and still love the classical music she taught me.
    1 point
  6. What an inspirational speech. I constantly try to encourage my guitar playing friends to give singing a try, regardless of their perceived talent. Sadly most persist on shying away from it. But on occasion, one might give it a go and I can see the shell slightly crack open. The word I capture in my life anymore is "joyful". It might be redundant in my remarks here on the forum but for me, music is just that, whether playing or singing. Further, if you can share your musical pursuits with others, that joy is only amplified. Thanks for sharing this. Greg
    1 point
  7. Thanks Ian - Great message. I was 'asked' to leave my 5th grade band and for years after, felt that I was a musical failure. That feeling persisted until found Steve's course and met Steve. You and your teacher are so right - if it gives you joy, just do it!
    1 point
  8. Thank you for posting this @IanD. I was turned down by my teacher after I auditioned for my school choir.🤓 I always said that I was no good at music until about 4 years ago when I got the "itch" to start playing guitar. Previous to that I did not even know the notes of the musical alphabet or that there was more than 1 C on a piano.😁 I always enjoyed singing to pop songs when I was on my own though. I hope the video above and my story helps to motivate others.
    1 point

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