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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Great theme this month. Here’s a two minute tale of lust, revenge, arson and Scandinavian decor written by two young lads from Liverpool in the year I was born. This was great fun to do. Ian
    4 points
  2. I think the east river drive is a direct clone of the tube screamer circuit. I spent some time DIYing some pedals this winter, and while my understanding of them is rudimentary, I did find that many are the same circuit almost exactly. The tube screamers, the yellow Boss overdrive pedal, the East River, and numerous others. (Even the TS9 and TS808 are very similar and it’s easy to covert one into the other.) There seem to be two main types, the tube screamers which cut bass and have a variable treble cut and boost the rest while adding some color, and the more transparent ones which go for a flatter boost with just a bit of color. (That’s before you get into distortion where a lot of them seem to be based on the RAT or the Voodoo Labs Pedal, like the OCD is) For me, I didn’t like the tube screamers for a long time. They seem to work best with single coils and I felt like they added gain but made the tone seem flatter. Where they really shine I think is when you put a tube screamer type after a pedal of the other type and run them both at once. Some people like the reverse arrangement too. I have a Klon KTR which is the same as a Centaur, just the modern version, and I leave that on all the time and put the tube screamer after it as a further boost. They sound great! Sorry for the long winded post. I need to type less and play the things more 😁
    2 points
  3. I went to buy a Tube Screamer from my local music store, but they didn't have any in stock. The salesperson recommended the East River Drive pedal. I decided to go for it, and I am glad I did. Frankly, I am not that good using this type of effect yet so I was happy that it only cost $69 to purchase. I was also happy to find Premier Guitar gave it a strong review. Check out John Bohlinger as he puts the pedal through the test. If you are looking for an inexpensive overdrive pedal maybe the East River Drive is a good choice for you. Electro-Harmonix East River Drive Review
    1 point
  4. Hold over from those classical people Name of the fingers in Spanish: pulgar, indice, medio, and anular. P=Thumb I= Index M=middle A= ring
    1 point
  5. Great job Ian, well played and sang. I never understood that song until your post. It is a weird song!
    1 point
  6. I’ve spent some time with one of the largest 100 ones and it was really nice! It’s cool to have a solid state amp that doesn’t have a thousand things to fiddle with. The katana amps just GO!
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. @mark_h Beautifully plated Mark, well done! ian
    1 point

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