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  1. This is an interesting topic to me as I too have it in mind to buy a nylon string guitar, preferably with a cut-away and electronics. I love the warm rich tone they have. What really strikes me is how good an instrument you can get for relatively little money vs many steel string guitars costing many times more. You can spend a TON on a classical guitar but you don't have to. I like classical style guitar music but my main thought was to play jazz, maybe in the Bossa Nova style, which I understand is the preferred choice for this style. A couple of years ago I rented a really good one from our biggest retailer here in Canada (yes they do that) for a whole month for only $12.00! It was one of these; An Almansa , with cedar top and laminated rosewood back and sides. It sounded awesome and I hated to take it back; https://www.long-mcquade.com/22606/Guitars/Classical-Guitars/Almansa/Classical-Cedar-Laminated-Rosewood-Acoustic-Guitar.htm I've been thinking about it ever since. Now I'm looking at a couple of options like brands Almansa, LaPatrie (by Godin) , maybe Yamaha (havent found one of those i like yet) or; The Godin Multiac Nylon is also an interesting choice.https://www.long-mcquade.com/departments/147/Guitars/Classical/Nylon_Solid_Or_Synth_Equipped.htm especially this one;https://www.long-mcquade.com/16691/Guitars/Classical-Guitars/Godin-Guitars/Multiac-Nylon-Encore-SG-W-bag.htm which has a 1 7/8" nut width, designed for steel string players who want this kind of tone. They have some volume unplugged, enough for practice, and can be used with a regular amp. (I think Maria ; SleepingAngel has one in another colour) I noticed the brands available in the USA are somewhat different, but any other suggestions are welcome... decisions, decisions... ps I dont mind paying up to about $1500.CDN if I have to, to get a really GOOD instrument. (I dont think I'll like the under $300 stuff.)
    3 points
  2. Neil those examples are really some beautiful and high quality instruments. Great research. Please let me know what you decide. In reality I will be looking at the lower end and want to get the biggest bang for my buck and I'm leaning toward Yamaha. Either way there's going to be some fun pictures to look at once we take the plunge. Oh yeah, I didn't mention this will be my reward for getting to session 10. Incentive!
    2 points
  3. Over the years Steve Krenz has created some wonderful short video lessons and tips, called Guitar Tips, Guitar Tips of the Pros, and Tip of the Month. Here is a selection of those videos from YouTube; (in no particular order, titles are at the top of each video. Not a comprehensive list, so if you find others, feel free to add any not already inserted here) I hope you find them as useful and enjoyable as I have!
    1 point
  4. Thanks very much Wim. I enjoyed that rendition of Black Orpheus... they did a great job. Cindy, if you look carefully at the 2nd guitarist in the above video, I believe she is playing Godin Mulitac Nylon .
    1 point
  5. Greg and Wim, thanks for participating; getting this rolling. I wish that I could think of a song that I can do.
    1 point
  6. I have some songs recorded and ready, Cindy.
    1 point
  7. Neil, I have no excuse for taking so long to thank you for putting together this hugely comprehensive, helpful post.
    1 point
  8. I'm in, already thinking of songs. Thanks for doing this Cindy, so cool. Greg
    1 point
  9. @NeilES335 Hi Neil, I know you like Bossa Nova, so I wanted to share this song with you. It makes me want to buy a nylon string as well. On a sidenote: I am doing Ear Training at the moment and this is the song that I use to recognize a minor 6th interval, as this is the dinstance between the 2 first notes. Wim.
    1 point
  10. Good day Robert, The Yamaha is definitely one to go see. I don't own a nylon string but I believe Steve has a Yamaha that he bought in college and had an electric pickup installed into. I don't remember the exact model. As I remember, he has said many times that he does most of his recording with it and were he stranded on a deserted island, it would be his guitar to have with him. Please correct me if I'm in error, folks.
    1 point
  11. Now guess I should watch them all too?!
    1 point
  12. Great Story.. and Yes Happy Wife is a Happy Life..
    1 point
  13. JayKayWright, it says "the video is not available" when I click on it. It could be a UK thing. I found this one that I can play. I am loving R.L.Burnside!
    1 point
  14. Nice one Ben. If you ever need someone to play one of your guitars to keep them in working condition, just let me know.
    1 point
  15. Wow, great to see you here Maria. You are a very talented musician and singer. The way that you have strived to still be playing music with your arthritis is an inspiration to me. You are the proof of the old saying "You just can't keep a good woman down". When can we hear you sing again too? ?
    1 point
  16. Great to hear that you're slowly working your way back to 6 strings Maria, even if you have to stick at 4 for a while. I seem to have suddenly started to develop arthritis in my fingers in the last 6 months and am developing little nodules in some of the finger joints so I'm playing as much as I can right now, in case I can't one day. Let us know how you get on with that tenor guitar. I hadn't heard of them until I went on a weekend guitar course and there was a guy in his mid 80s there with one. Looked pretty cool. Ian
    1 point

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