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Everything posted by Eracer_Team-DougH

  1. @Triple-o yes the intro into and in between is a well known riff.. Also the intro to Johnny Be Good would be a very good lick to have under your fingers
  2. there is no confusion in my mind. riff = lick.. unless you're thinking a riff is a rhythm type of chording , which would be rhythm part not a riff a lick is a series of notes that make a phrase, and so is a riff . a turn around lick , is a lick that has typically a series of notes that leads from the last chord (I would think the 5th) back to the 1 chord. it leads your ear back to the start hence a turn around.. still a lick or not usually called a turn around riff but could be called that Lick is generally used more than riff.. but you can easily say " hey man what's that riff you just played?" or "dude can you teach me that lick?" Chops.. that's getting your hands going ,, "man you have great chops" ... means you play well have you heard of a machine head? how about a tuner? and not a tuner that you clip on. both machine head and tuner mean the tuning pegs at typically the top of the guitar head stock to tune the guitar string.. both mean the same (Deep Purple had a album called Metal Machine Head.. ) musicians are a funny lot at describing things and which generation made the "hip" phrase
  3. One thing I know about strum n sing, sometimes it takes longer to spit out the line, than then number of bars long in music Just vamp an extra bar or two as long as you don't have someone singing with you and pushing to change to the next line
  4. Would have loved to been on this trip, Only thing that shocked me was how close everyone is sitting as they're not a the "circle of 10"and no face covering, then I remembered this is the US, not Canada. Sorry for the covid hi-jack Play that guitar, get some love scratches on it
  5. Unless the guitar has a "photo flame" top, you're dealing with a living product (aka a tree) You will find wood does not grown exact perfect That little swirl in the top would not bother me. Fix/replace your tuner, get them working, don't look back It's a guitar, they're meant to be played and chances are dinged, nicked and scratched.
  6. @Fretless great that both of you play, where both of you understand the challenges of practice and performance. Excellent
  7. @Slaphappy wow very accomplished player (listened to your other recording in the 'open mic' as well)
  8. @Nutty 1 @Skip Russell @Wim VD1 thanks for the kind words, True a couple of months ago I probably would not have played it, let alone at this current level. Jeff's course has been stacking techniques in each lesson, the ACDC lesson took me a couple of months to get the fast Double-Stop Full Step bend pull off going on that lesson. @gotto yup the jam track from the lesson is 5:15.. you know what Steve says.. don't just play it once and say yes I have it.. I'd have to count to hear how many times I did that lick in this track
  9. I'm a bit hesitant to post this lick as it needs so much work. It's from a TrueFire course I’m working on by Jeff McErlain. it’s his take on a lick from Dire Straits Sultan’s of Swing The lick Jeff McErlain calls Guitar George (remember Sultan's of Swing.. "Guitar George knows all the chords") Remember , I’m working on it.. It’s half step bends on the first finger, full step bend on the third finger, hybrid picking , pull offs and hammer on trills, slides and vibrato; it's got a lot going I’m choking out the notes when I finger pick so hard the string slaps the next frets and kills the note.. I have to fix my over pluck on that.. grrr.. (once I'm done, I'll have to learn the rest of the song) So its 5:15 of will he ever play this right . (And yes @NeilES335 I did use the Sharaton for this phone recording)
  10. @Prabhu there are studio grade tuners than there is the rest of us. Most apps are pretty much as accurate as a clip on tuner There is always going to be a slight variation +/- a couple of "cents" in tuning They'll be "good enough "
  11. @Joao Peneda you do realize that Steve's Spot Light Series are separate disciplines on their own and not a requirement to work through L&MG. Which is more than big enough on its own. the L&MG series was to give you (as Steve 'coins') "Tools for your Bag" , after giving all the basics and theory from Sessions 1 to 9,, Sessions 10 to 20 just add 'bites' of styles for you to explore. doing the Finger Style course instead of Session 10, is going to be a fairly long road before coming back to LMG. as is the Blues Guitar Spot Light, it's a chunk on it's own over and above the LMG sessions The Song Hits is a companion to the LMG series which can be run alone side the LMG .
  12. @William Steve does one on one Skype lessons Contact him at Service@guitargathering.com
  13. there are certain sounds which modern active hunt and peck (looking for voices) hearing aids have problems with esp if you're using a Wah pedal. hopefully you have hearing aids with more than 1 program (I have 4 on mine ) you might need to go back to your tech, have them make one of the programs for guitar, taking a lot of the compression and hunt'n'peck for voices, and a lot of the auto stuff off for that 1 program
  14. well Robert Johnson, BB, Charlie Christian didn't have tuners in the 30's and we listen to those recordings. but they played in bands where each had to be in tune with each other (well maybe not Robert, but certainly BB and Charlie did and they all had to tune to ear, typically a stringed instrument like a violin) In reality.. use a tuner.. you'll eventually train your ear what is close to pitch and playing a chord or such you'll hear when you're off and can twink. if you're solely playing by ear with out a tuning reference you'll train your ear to be off , although the guitar will be in tune to itself, you'll be used to playing out of pitch/key. Indian is probably difficult to get stuff (I wouldn't know, never been there,) but do yourself a favor.. buy a tuner.. even a $20cdn/$12usd Snark , train your ear to be in pitch
  15. @Prabhu if you only play by yourself and never to recordings or with others. Use my method,without a tuning fork or tuner. The guitar will be tuned to it self in what ever pitch. Will it be pitch perfect 99% no, Can you play everything, and sound ok, yes. Its tuned to itself. Can you play with others and recording, highly doubtful, you'll be off from those that are "in concert pitch "
  16. @Prabhu lots of practice. No skill program I know Use a tuner to tune High E, so at least that pitch is right Now press B sting at 5th fret pick it, and E, notes should match, tune up/down B to match E Next press G string 4th fret, pick it and B make them match by ear Press D string at 5th fret, compare D to G Same for A and G, fret at 5th Compare A 5th to D open Compare E 5th to A open
  17. Your ears wouldn't want to hear what I've been working on 😪
  18. @NeilES335 yes it ended in my in box probably same time you posted , good playing and balance between lead and rhythm
  19. As suggested to use your pinky to touch the top of the guitar (or it hooks on the High E, pinky moves to body as you get to High E and back to string when you get near Low E) This is good for single note picking and you'll know where your pick is. But not much help in strumming , but as Randy said strumming comes from arm not wrist "Nails keep slipping and hand gets tense " Remember you're picking/strumming hand moves alot, you're not anchoring the hand still, that it can't move. The anchored pinky is for single notes and knowing where the pick is on which string. As Steve says, "strumming is like flicking water off your hand"
  20. @Six String actually if you scroll down the list of seminars it's easy to find the one on amps. I tried to copy the direct video link and couldn't But the amp one is an easy find, it's part of their Covid stuck at home videos
  21. @Randy Breeding Randy: I never said master sight reading. here's my quote: "I play the single note melody and it is slow going at first as I am 'cold reading' the page as my memory of the piece increases so does my playing speed" as I said as your memory of the piece increases so does your playing speed. the single note sight reading helps get the flow and meter of a piece. once you start to memorize it then speed increases, lessening the need to sight read. but @Wim VD1 is correct. TAB will only take you so far, to be able to play the music that's in you, you need the theory part that Steve provides. many before you have come through this area and many have bailed but if playing guitar is what you want to do.. Follow Steve's direction.. listen to recordings what Wim and others have posted on this forum, that's what you can do .
  22. @Randy Breeding yes Session 4 is a mile stone once you compete it.. going below the staff and having ledger lines is a tricky bit . and Steve recommends writing in the notes on the page (as long as you're doing paper printed out lessons) and as you get better you can start erasing the notes from the page. Sight reading ends up in the long run as part memorization and sight reading.. the more you do it the more it comes. I know even now if I'm learning a new song for choir we don't do much single note runs but for me to learn the rhythm of the piece.. I play the single note melody and it is slow going at first as I am 'cold reading' the page as my memory of the piece increases so does my playing speed. just keep at it.. you'll find that you'll probably be close to memorizing all of Minute in C before you fully get the sight read notes in your head.

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