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Nutty 1

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Posts posted by Nutty 1

  1. Hello @NeilES335 and @Blue Dog thank you for your replies. As a result of your advice I have done some more testing and found that it gave background buzzing when connected through my Yamaha THR5a via the guitar cable and also when connected via its direct USB output. This happened when the laptop is on battery as well as when it is on the mains. It is not massively loud but is a deal breaker for home recording. This is weird because I have successfully recorded electro acoustics through that amp with no discernible background buzz. However your kind advice made me dig into my memory and my guitar goodies box to reach for my good old faithful iRig2. Amazingly it worked, it somehow reduces the noise so that I can not see any interference in the input channel monitor on GarageBand. So then I unplugged my extension cable (which powers the laptop and the amp) and plugged it into another socket and it now workes with the amp again. Yippee X2!! Thank you guys, you're the best!

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  2. Hello all.

    Please can you help me? I have an electro acoustic guitar with a pre amp that appears to have background noise from the pickups as I can see it on Garageband even when I am muting all of the strings. I have noticed that it magically disappears it I touch the laptop. Could this be an earthing problem?

    What do you think and how can I fix it please?

    Thank you for reading this, best wishes


  3. @Magnit You have a lot of great tools in your repertoire, congratulations for learning so much.  All of the replies above contain superb information. The only bit of advice that I can offer you on top of all of that is to record yourself soloing for a few bars and analyse what you have done, then do it again and again in different ways over the same part of the backing track. Listen to all of your tracks, pick the best parts of the tracks that you have done and then record a new run incorporating all of the best bits and see what you think. Simple short melody runs with spaces between them (like a conversation between two people with thinking time in between) and some repetition is a good approach.  Sometimes it is the space in between the action that provides the spice. 

  4. Hello @Wim VD, beautifully played.  I really enjoyed it. 

    I am sorry to read that you are having problems with using this forum.  That makes 5 of us who are having or have had problems replying to threads.  I started a thread about how I managed to get an account that worked for me, detailing my trials and errors. Also some of the other forum users have replied with helpful suggestions. 


    I hope it helps.  Please feel free to send me a message on my Nutty 1 account if you want any more information or if you would like me to post something on that thread. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Randy120 said:

    @Nutty 2 Were you seeing the "Reply to this topic" prompt, but you couldn't type in the field?  That is what I experienced. I assumed it was growing pains for EDGE. The Internet is moving to HTML5 which gives new capabilities, and some new problems which should improve eventually. 

    Yes, I could actually highlight the words "Reply to this topic"  it was as if the iPad saw it as a bit of text. 

  6. Nutty1 here on yet another user account. 

    Thank you all for your kind comments on my new mix, they are much appreciated.

    Every time I start a new account it is a matter of only a few minutes before I am no longer able to reply to threads.  This is my last ditch attempt at getting it to work, I have set up a new email address and this user account on a brand new Android tablet.  So I will soon be able to tell if it is an Apple incompatibility issue. 

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