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Everything posted by Nutty1

  1. Wow Danny, brilliant, I love it. You are incredibly talented.
  2. Greg, I am very sorry that you are not able to get into the GG Collaborations folder in box. I have sent a screenshot in a private message to you and Fretless in the hope that we can figure out what is happening here.
  3. Thank you Mark, for your kindness and encouragement. Yes I have tried to use my time to delve into recording and mixing techniques and to learn more about GarageBand, but I have found out that I have only just begun to scratch the surface. ?
  4. A very inspiring post colder, thank you for sharing your thoughts.
  5. It sounds like you are motoring on Greg, thank you for the update.
  6. Thank you Greg. I am so sorry to hear about your cramping hand and curling finger. The middle finger on my fretting hand has an up-bow too. This is something that is causing me problems as it was behaving like a trigger finger (i.e. catching a bit) the Dr also recommended the physiotherapy for that too.
  7. Hello everyone, The last time I posted on a Monthly Recording Challenge thread it was to tell you that I could not play guitar because of my trigger finger. Well I gave it 6 weeks rest from playing guitar but sadly it was not improved so I went to see a Dr for a steroid injection. The Dr was brilliant, after examining my hands and feeling how difficult is was to bend my fingers she recommended that I got a physiotherapy exercise ball and she gave me the steroid injection. Well the physiotherapy balls (I bought 3 different strengths Cando Digi Squeeze starting with the very easy strength). Perhaps one day I will be able to close my fingers on my picking hand to actually hold the pick properly when strumming one day! Anyhow, I am back playing guitar again and I have recorded this, it is "Can you feel the love tonight?" by Elton John from Walt Disney Pictures' The Lion King. Cover of "Can you feel the love tonight?" by Elton John As I can not change chords quick enough I did all the C chords in one track and all the F chords in another etc. This gave me lots of tracks to play with regarding panning so it is an experiment in mixing. The melody was an easy one for me to play on the same acoustic guitar. The strings in the background are MIDI. Mandy
  8. That is exactly what I thought too. Well done Taylor guitars!
  9. Oh I do like that. I bet it will be a joy to play. Great buy!
  10. Wow! Thank you for sharing this with us Steve, it looks like you are going to help make it a great book signing. If by any chance someone videos it I would love to see the video. Have fun.
  11. OK folks, I have uploaded the bass track into Box.com. GG2 Bass I am now off to the Dr to get a steroid shot to treat a trigger finger in my right hand.
  12. Thank you Fretless, that is exactly what I need. I am getting the Essential version!
  13. I always thought any guitars and amps that were no longer needed by the musicians in question would have made a very nice amount of money in a charity auction and thereby made lots of people happy! ?
  14. Good point @rkl312. ? One thing that I really do not understand is how musicians can bash up their guitars on stage. What is that all about????
  15. Fretless, thank you very much for sharing the information about Melodyne Essential, I am very interested in it (for obvious reasons ?). When you use this software do you put everything exactly to the correct timing or do you leave some slightly off for a more natural effect and if so how much please? Or do you just correct the ones that are really badly out?
  16. Excellent drum track Fretless, I had not realised that you were drummer also!
  17. Oh Fretless that was so very kind of you. No need to apologise, I did not tell you about my trigger finger(s) and after all I did start another collaboration so it IS all my fault! I am really glad that you have done this because I really wanted gotto to be able to do the parts which he originally volunteered for. Thank you ever so much. I believe that I will be able to do the bass track, anyhow I am willing to give it a go. Thank you.?

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