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Everything posted by V7#5b9

  1. We don’t have the “Helpful Guitar Resources” Forum yet, so I’m putting it here for the time being. I have a couple of publications from FUNDAMENTALCHANGES and I find them to be very well thought out and structured. The site has a pretty big selection by now, and everyone can find something for themselves.
  2. Pain is a very real issue. Warm-up exercises and stretches are extremely important. I myself had to deal with tendonitis and trigger finger for over six months. Had to go for physiotherapy, but it only helped partially. I had to continue prescribed exercises at home and that’s probably the case for most people. Got rid of the trigger finger eventually, but I still get somewhat stiff fingers in the morning. I no longer pick up the guitar without proper warm-up and stretches as I sometimes used to. I remember Six String posted similar, if not the same, videos on the old forum. Gary Crowley identifies himself as a chronic joint pain specialist, seems very credible and shares a lot of information in both video and written formats on his website. Of course, one should consult a physician first, but in my case the advice given by my physiotherapist matched that of Gary’s. As always though, prevention is the best medicine.
  3. I fully concur with your policy, Steve. Actually, I have a little suggestion I’ll put in the Discussion Board Beta Observation/Suggestions thread.
  4. As Diane says E-G-B-D is Em7 and E-G-B-D# is Emin-maj7. In a minor tonality Emin-maj7 is the I chord of the harmonic minor which is a variation of a minor scale, formed by raising the seventh note one half step. Doing so creates a leading tone to the scale. In the natural E minor, unlike the E major tonality, the dominant is built over the seventh degree of the scale which is bVII7 or D7. I hope this clarifies the confusion somewhat.
  5. @Jusca Watch the last live lesson, starting at the 30:00 minute mark, and it should answer your question. Here’s the LINK.

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