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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2019 in Posts

  1. Hello Everyone, I've been visiting the site for awhile and have learned so much, it's time to join the fun. I've been playing for years and like open mike nights and stuff like that. I'm certainly not a pro but like to have a good time with friends. Thanks for making this site friendly and helpful. I play a Maton SRS808C
    3 points
  2. It's fun to read of the diverse ways we ended up learning to play guitar with maestro Steve. One thing I look for in an instructor is how they walk their talk. Steve has been a working pro all his life and we can see this regularly most Tuesdays, at Gatherings, etc. So I study this material without holding back. The more I learn, the more habits I notice in more experienced players that I won't have to unlearn. I said hello elsewhere. (This thread was not open.) I started a few months after my 56th birthday and hit the "Session 4 wall." I restarted a few months after I turned 58. I am over the crest of Session 4. MOre sixth string exercises anyone? It's exciting to read those octave jumps and notice that sometimes they have been sounding without my thinking about it. Wait! How did that happen? Welcome to you fellow beginners and thanks for all the help from you more experienced players!
    2 points
  3. William, I see two topics here: one about a 12-string and another about the bigger picture of which guitars might make up a decent and varied collection for you. You have already had some helpful advice regarding a 12-string so can I pick up on the second topic? After many years of playing just one my curiosity grew, as I see it has with you in your reply above, and I went through a phase of buying a range of guitars. Eventually I got to the point where I had 20 guitars. After a while I started to realise that some of these guitars were, in my hands, far better than others. Once I was certain, I sold the guitars that were not ideal for me - but no doubt would be ideal for someone else. I am intentionally not mentioning which brands or models I kept and which I sold as your experience will produce different results to mine. I would encourage you to enjoy the searching, the experimenting, the buying and selling as I have ended up with just a few guitars that I know are clearly the best ones for me and I can now look at other guitars knowing that I am content not to be thinking about what out there might be even better for me. I hope you have a great journey of discovery and end up as happy and content as I am - and do let us know which 12-string you opt for.
    2 points
  4. Hi William, welcome to the forum. I purchased a Seagull S12 and I have been very pleased with it. It has a cedar top, cherrywood back and sides. The first year of play sounded very bright but as the guitar aged it mellowed and the cedar top changed to a darker shade. Now three years old, it sounds great, especially some of the Gordon Lightfoot songs. Even in our Canadian temperature and humidity swings, this guitar stays in tune, it's built like a tank. The price point will be at the lower end of the 12 String scale but don't dismiss it as being cheap, it is a fine addition to any guitar stable. Henk
    2 points
  5. @William Nelson I have been thinking of a 12 string for quite a while now, but I haven't purchased one yet. I would say the Taylor 150e is a good choice, and I have considered it. Unfortunately there is the guitar I could afford, or the guitar I really want. For me I would like to purchase the Taylor 562ce. The 562ce is significantly more money, but it is very highly rated. The design of the 562ce makes it easier to play, and it is obviously a high quality guitar. I know what your saying about maybe the guitar sitting in the case because it isn't the first guitar you pick up, but what if the 12 string is so good you want to pick it up more often? Martin also has a low end 12 string, but I did not like the layered neck material at least on the one I tried. Another option is to check out used ones at your local music store.
    2 points
  6. I too began the LMG later in life and started about year and a half ago and currently in S11.. life gets in the way at time and priorities change....as us older folks now have a little more free time....happy that I started and can’t believe I have gotten this far...really enjoying the ride 🎸🎼🎸
    1 point
  7. Welcome Southernpicker! Great bunch of folks here! Have fun!
    1 point
  8. Welcome, Hope you learn all you can here. Take Care.
    1 point
  9. Ask anytime you want and ask anything you want! I, I'm sure you suspect, love talking guitars and especially love talking about my PRS guitars!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ž
    1 point
  10. Similar here too, thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  11. @William Nelson, I'm glad you received the couple responses you did. I love the sound of a 12 string guitar and one is probably going to be on my shopping list at some point. (Not soon. There are a couple other items on that list first.) So I was counting on this thread being educational for me. When you hadn't received any responses at first I was about ready to bump this. But, thankfully, Randy and Henk responded with a couple informative posts. And besides, I like the way you think! "it gives me an excuse to haunt the guitar stores"πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Ž
    1 point

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