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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi all! Since joining my rock band, I've been working on covers and have not been working on any original music for the better part of a year. All of a sudden out of nowhere, I felt the urge to do a few of my own. This is the first result - an original composition I call "First of Spring." Played on my Fender '52 RI Telecaster (neck pickup, of course), direct through my Duet interface and into Logic Pro X. I just used a stock preset in Guitar Rig called "Buzzed Michael Clean." I also added some reverb (though that delay sound you hear was already built into that preset). All comments welcomed! I may do a youtube video version too, as Blue Dog mentioned in chat that haven't done one of those in a while either! Peace...
    1 point
  2. This was a real fun one to learn and I like the fact that this solo is played all over the neck. It is my final BGU recording. Now that I have learned all these licks, it is time to work on my blues improvisation skills. Thanks for listening, Wim
    1 point
  3. Very nice Cap. I found myself humming a harmony vocal line along with that as the musical theme and flow inspired a pleasant melody in my head. Greg
    1 point
  4. As most of you are likely aware, this upgrade has been completed, and all forums, chat etc appear to be functioning normally. If you experience any issues with the site, you can send me a PM and I'll pass them along to Steve, who does the "behind the scenes" work.
    1 point
  5. I'm a huge fan of his and have been listening to him since his Racer X days. New record incoming in May. Here's one of the tracks.
    1 point
  6. Congrats! I just moved into Session 5 recently as well! The bonus book songs tripped me up for a bit when I thought I was pretty much done, but I was able to get to a place where I was happy. It's exciting to move onto Chords and session 5 is moving quickly. Although I previously tried to learn guitar a long time ago by sites that taught chords and not the comprehensive course. I got very frustrated when it came time to use my pinky for the 7th Chords and eventually lost interest after not much progress learning B7 and C7, but I think employing it for sharps and flats in L&M has built up some strength and I've made some great progress in just a week or two! Starting to feel like a guitar player!
    1 point
  7. Sorry folks, been out of pocket for a while. Thanks for the concern, all is well. @guitarben thanks for taking over.
    1 point

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