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Everything posted by NeilES335

  1. It likely would sound great that way... warm and mellow but not dull. If you go with round wound I suggest Nickle strings like D'Addariosfor a classic blues rock sound. Btw.. What model is that? Look like full full hollow.. Its somewhat reminiscent of a Gibson ES-175DN.
  2. @Eracer_Team-DougH Somebody's been watching too many movie reruns...
  3. Very pretty??... enjoy?. Happy b'day too?
  4. @cap Congrats ! Can a record deal be far off? ??
  5. So, is anyone working on this Session? Having any challeges and successes? Im taking a look while working on S15.
  6. I believe you are correct, however since then Steve has done several shows that in my opinion, would cover this topic. For example last week's show on the Money Chords. You could send Steve a PM is you wish.
  7. So after a couple of months in S14, I'm ""officially" starting S15. It should be a fairly brief session. I've already been through the playing exercises, with mostly the Harmonized Major Scale worksheet to absorb and write out a dozen or so times... Now if I could just crank up the amp sometime for those Power Chord Rock songs! (maybe if i went to the local music store under the pretense of auditioning amps? ;-)
  8. Well, after 2 months or so , Ive been through S14 lesson numerous times and completed the criteria. So, I think I'll movie on to S15, Electric Guitar. I believe I have a good grasp of the techniques from this session ; maybe not perfection but good. I had asked for opinions on completely memorizing the arpeggio patterns, and I have gotten 4 /7 "under my fingers" so far . So, I'll keep working on it S15 should be a brief stop as I've already been working on this too ... just the Harmonized Major Scale Worksheet chart to do really . It is a fun one if I ever get a chance to use the amp at any volume ?)
  9. Session 17 isn't too far off for me, but as @Eracer_Team-DougH says, I find myself 're-visiting" lessons like the penatatonic scales, the major scale, intervals and triads fairly often. I takes time to have this stuff ingrained into your brain and fingers. (as least with me it does...) So @flobbadob if you can meet the " You're Ready to Move On" criteria and You feel like you're ready, why not go for it? There's no shame in going back to a previous lesson and reviewing it. In fact I think its a very good thing. Sometimes I 'll do a practice session where I go all the way back to the early lessons (at least n the book) and play every exercise and song in the lesson and bonus book right up to the current level. It's sometimes a wake up call... "ohhh, my reading isn't too good, or what is that key signature again, or whats the 3rd of Db? " After all, this is "self-directed" learning... All the Best N
  10. Hey that's great Pat! You have performing experience too... super! I've seen Marc Andre' s courses and videos on YouTube... Very good (I confess I have a bit of trouble understanding he speaks quickly with accent ;-) I have considered doing those also. After doing mostly lessons for several years I too need to develop a song repertoire (You are way ahead of me there...) You have quite a few Godin guitars so I dont have to tell you how good they are! I'll have to look them up because I dont know some of these models... I have been considering a MultiAC nylon (great for performing, but I'll probably go for the LaPatrie Concert C/w) Have you seen the Jamie Aebersold Jazz Guitar 1 book? https://www.long-mcquade.com/36269/Print_Music/Guitar/Aebers/Jamey_Aebersold_Vol_1_-_Jazz_Guitar.htm I'm hoping this will help me with improv. Hope you'll check in here once in a while... Bonne Chance ;-) N
  11. Well no, I didnt mean to imply only jazz style players are musicians. Its not the only style i like or play . Utilizing some jazz elements to the Blues can elevate the usual 1-4-5 into something special.
  12. @knightgodinmontreal Patrick; by the way... nice to see another fellow Canadian on the forum, and apparently a fan of Godin guitars. (I have one too :-) Is that the "Montreal" model you have or is this more where you're from?
  13. Hi @knightgodinmontreal I understand your "stuckness" (to coin a word) . It sounds like you;re at about the same level as me, and have similar interests, and similar issues too! You didnt say if you're doing the LMG course, but like you I dove into the Fretboard Workout Jazz course and really got a lot out of it. Same as you, I've tried to get into some basic jazz standards, chord melody, and improvisation. I'm getting into the arpeggio's too, (Session 14 in the LMG ) which take a while to memorize. I've felt the same... even after studying for several years it feels like the tip of the iceberg. So what to do. Well, I try not to get discouraged, and just lighten up a bit. Take a break for a few days... Go back and review a lesson that was fun, or something you're "light" on . Take a stab at a jazz standard simpler song like "Moon River" or " Autumn Leaves". If it gets too tough, just let it go and come back to it. It gets easier. With the soloing, Im not great at that; yet! So I bought a book Steve recommended, "Jamie Aebersold Jazz Guitar 1 " This is one of a huge number books he puts out, with Corey Christiansen playing guitar on backing track/ play along, on CDs and even reduced tempo, to teach improvisation. I haven't reeeally gotten into it yet, but the first couple of chapters look very interesting an not tooo hard. I plan to get into that in parallel with arpeggios, and trying to finish the LMG course (at least in my lifetime!) Jazz guitar isnt for the faint of heart but it is so cool and very rewarding to start thinking of yourself as a musician rather than "just a guitar player" When I feel down I just listen to Steve play or maybe Joe Pass or Wes and think to myself... I'll be able to do that one day...soon.
  14. @dianeB yes thanks it c that now... good one. (That m7b5 with a 6 string root is a beggar to play much beyond the 8th fret.)
  15. @DianeB The "7 chord" in the key of G; right professor? or would you consider that the "4 chord " in C? (a passing tone)
  16. @DianeB Ok Diane, what' this months finger contorting, brain teasing chord?
  17. Looking forward to it as always! Steve; Is it possible for you to post a calendar / schedule for upcoming Live Lessons? Some of our members like @Aussiemuso are overseas and across time zones, meaning in Australia for example, Live Lessons is on at 10am Wednesday. Some work evenings etc. and have other commitments, but would still like to watch or participate. So, it would be great to know in advance. Many thanks for your dedication to the Guitar Gathering Family. N
  18. I know in some places pedestrians can be fined for "distracted walking ' by gazing at their cell phones while crossing a busy streets ( which has sadly resulted in several fatalities) ... I guitar player... much the same I'd think.
  19. Just like @Eracer_Team-DougH , practicing in his car or out back under the trees at work. I think Doug used to play his "$50 Strat' while walking in the park near his house.... I just hope this guy doesnt walk into a moving car.
  20. A beautiful memory for you Henk. I understand your loss... I too had a friend lost ( a drowning incident ) It was many years ago, but I often remember how we listened to records (vinyl LP's of our favorite band "The Guess Who") together. It's a reminder of how certain songs evoke strong memories of significant events in our lives.
  21. One of my favorite 70's songs by David Gates and Bread. After a long while strugglung with the somewhat unusual fingerstyle picking patern, I think Ive basically got it sounding pretty good. Now just to memorize it with lyrics snd up to original tempo. Very pretty song.
  22. Anyone else woking on this song? If been at it a while. Do you use a pick, brush with thumb, or fingerstyle? I've tried all 3.
  23. Like most people my Song Hits book basically fell apart.. It wouuld never lay flat to read. So I finally used my guillotine paper cutter and cut off the binding. The pages are 8.5 x 12 , so to fit a standard 3 ring binder and have the print on the pages centered you have to measure carefully, taking a 1/2" off the top and 1/2" off the bottom of each page ( i cut the original pages) before 3 hole puncing them. Works great now. Lays flat, can take out pages to photocopy or scan. Cost ? Nada.

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