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Tony cash

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Everything posted by Tony cash

  1. Seems like pretty good hearted guy when I was around him at a guitar camp last summer. Has a lot fun sharing with students. He's mellow.
  2. Wednesday, Thursday, and good Friday. Are mine.
  3. Good day for you for sure. The natural finish looks great. I want to jam with you playing my Epiphone. College jazz guitarist played a Sheraton here last year, the sound was awesome .
  4. Wow that is pretty. Classic instrument..yea find best strings for it.. I want to hear it.
  5. Have a Brittany also. Definitely keep the guitar safe in case if you have a dog.
  6. Seems the outside of the case wears out alot faster than the guitar. But we should be playing the pieces out of our axes. I guess kind of like most bibles.
  7. I LOVE my Gibson acoustic 635 walnut..Played it around Martin, Taylor many more expensive guitars. It sings beautifully. Stands out, among all those others. At least at the Tommy Emanuel guitar camp I was at this last summer it did. People were turning to listen to it during classes. Gibson's get a bad rap by people, THANKS it makes them more affordable. Personally I own two Gibson guitars. Both my go to players.Just seems Taylor guitars are everywhere. They sound good but nice to hear something different. that sounds good also. Good playing.
  8. Been trying Ernie Ball 10-52 skinny top heavy bottom on my ES 335 for first time last week. Sounds nice to me. I was recommended them by a guitar tech. Feels good under my fingers. But it's pretty subjective to each player and their preference.
  9. Sweet CapM. The vibe can't beat on telecaster tone. Nice looking ax for sure. Congratulations.
  10. It's seems to going back, you learn new and more from this. Helps to remember while working on them for sure. Just one reson why I appreciate L&M with Steve Krenz so much. Top of the line instructions all over in it and a great heart for teaching.
  11. Went for a week at a Tommy Emanuel guitar camp. Being a great a player as he is, he was patient and had a fun sense of humour. The experience of a lifetime for me.
  12. Thank you for the information. I'll definitely work with it starting on the 5-6 idea. Joe is one of my favorite players. Right On.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tony cash

      Tony cash

      Your practice in the car shows a true commitment. I try to practice everyday and do the new lesson and work on old ones. I'll probably start  playing  at church after I finish going through LMG. Puts a lot on the plate to practice both. At least after putting before the Lord that's how I thought. 

      Don't have a volume pedal. Should get one. A lot of on 10 players. It's probably best trying both. 

      Next purchase, find the right amp for new Les Paul. Got to go carefully on that and do some research. Hope my wife's ok buying more music equipment. She's been great so far.

      Have a blessed day. Keep jamming. 


    3. Eracer_Team-DougH


      the car/van practice was out of time utilization.

      it didn't really kick into full gear till I moved up to guitarist in the choir. then I needed to practice the weekly songs as much as possible, so I utilize a certain amount of 'wasted' time like when the wife is shopping. there's nothing for me to shop for.. so I play.

      volume pedal.. you don't need one. (yet or ever depending on you need)

      amp's .. I'm a tube guy, they just sound the best.. a 5w tube amp and pretty well hold its own with more powerful solid state amps.

      my 'overkill' Traynor YGL2 30w tube amp.. and I have the master volume at 1 and it's still too loud for my house.

      a 1w tube amp will fill most living rooms just fine.

    4. Tony cash

      Tony cash

      Yep I prefer tube amps also. It's like I need one for home and one to play out. Thanks for some pointers. I'm going to be picky  and economical simultaneous, if I can. I like them to be keepers if it works out.

      No such thing as "wasted time" on us guitar players when working our music someway. Some days great some days not. Success isn't "not failing" it's "not giving up" it's "not quitting". We'll gain success as we continue going. The Lord wants to give us the desire of our hearts. It's a good heart to desire playing guitar. It comes from God.      

  13. Man thanks everyone. I took the picture outside and the glare makes seem a little worn in the photo , but it's not. The pick ups sound full and rich to me in the complete mahogany guitar. Having a great time so far.
  14. Thanks everyone, @UncleHammy hopefully my new friend becomes family. Feels great playing it so far. Thank you
  15. I bought a new 2016 LE Les Paul Standard mahogany top. It's a whole new experience playing a guitar like this for me. Sounds amazing. Having a great guitar and getting to know it. Got a nice setup so plays real good. Feeling groovy.
  16. That is sweet in whale blue. Congratulations, very clean and classy looking. Feather light with good tone. Great to have wives who can appreciate a special guitar. Enjoy hearing the good news.
  17. Thank you. This seems to help. How did you do it.

    1. matonanjin


      I loaded it into Photoshop. Your original file was 1200 pixels wide by 1800 pixels tall @72 pixels per inch.  It was a 1.2 MB file.  The forum won't allow a file that large uploaded anyway but if it did the picture would take up 25 inches of display at the 72p/i!  Most users of the internet today have monitors that can handle 92 pixels per inch so that is what I tend to save as.  So I resized it to 92 and 800 tall x 600 wide.  That is going to be a nice size for display on the forum. Actually that is a little too big, 8 almost 9 inches tall, but still ok.  I should have made it about 6 inches tall.   The file is now about 400 KB.

      When are you going to show the world?  We need a NGD post like the one I just did.  If you don't, I will have no choice but to delete your membership:D;)


    2. Tony cash

      Tony cash

      Wow man your good at photo stuff. I should have taken a better photo, the glare makes it look worn, it's not. The mahogany top looks nicer than the photo i took. And where and how can post from my profile page. Sorry I'm not savvy with this process. Your a great help. Thank you very much. Please do NOT delete my membership. I doing my best to stay in good graces. I'll figure it out, hopefully. :/  

  18. I'm going to see if can post a picture of my new Les Paul soon. My tablet seems to be over max total size. Not sure  how to fix it.

    1. matonanjin


      Tony, without looking I don't know what the size restrictions are on here.  But you'll need to load your file into a phot editor and resize it.  For  posting I usually resize to 92 ppi and 600 to 800 pixels maximum on the longest side.  If all else fails you can send it to me and I'm happy to resize for you.

  19. Neil, I had the opportunity to attend a guitar clinic Joe pass gave at U.O. P. 40 years ago. He was amazing. And I only played drums then but went to see him. Truly he was incredible. Thanks for mentioning him. Tony
  20. This is why I love Steve's forum. We want to have fun learning. It's respect in the process.
  21. Hi brother, really like your red and blue guitars. Got the epiphone es335 pro. I get good  enough I'll  upgrade. IF my wife let's me:)  

    1. NeilES335


      Hi tony; Thanks...Actually I just have the Gibson Heritage Cherry ES 335.  I think it's BWillard that has the brand new ES335 in figured Blue.

    2. Tony cash

      Tony cash

      Hi Neil. Cherry looks great. BWillard's figured Blue great. Can't go wrong with these guitars. Thanks. 

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