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Everything posted by matonanjin

  1. Not going to work, @Dan Brown. I'm not going to buy you lunch in Miami.
  2. Sheez. Why didn't I think of that? (Please don't answer that.) It came with 10's, as @V7#5b9 suggested it might. I think it sounds good and so I'll keep them on for a while. When I need to replace them I might try some wound ones, wound G, that type just as an educational experience. I'll keep 9s on the Strat and Pauls to work bending. Thanks all.
  3. No Unc, Strictly pop covers. Beatles, Stones, Kinks, Simon and Garfunkel, Animals, Beach Boys, The McCoys, etc.
  4. There have been a couple posts on here recently asking direction on purchasing an acoustic guitar. I don't think those posts were actually asking about beginner guitars. But I saw this article and thought it might be of interest to some that are considering a "starter/beginner" acoustic guitar. 10 Best Acoustic Guitars Under $300 And if you look at that story there is also a link to "How To Choose the Best Acoustic Guitar For You"
  5. I am ordering a strap for my new guitar when it occurred to me that there may be some new members on here that haven't heard of Lakota Guitar Straps (Lakota Leathers). I have three of them now and they are unbelievably comfortable. All are made from buffalo and should last forever. They do come with a lifetime warranty. There are several other members on here that also use them and have commented favorably about their experience with these straps. Possibly most importantly, all straps are made by members of the Lakota Tribe on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The Pine Ridge "Rez" is the poorest county in the United States. Any purchase will, in a small way, help people in desperate need of economic stimulation. If you are, or will be, looking for a new strap(s) at least look at their product/website. Now all I have to do is decide which color will go best with Whale Blue! (I have absolutely no connection to Lakota Leathers other than I like their product.)
  6. If we are going to open up a time capsule!!!! This is from about 1964. I'm the guy with the bass, far left (stage far right.) I don't remember the circumstances that I had this Hofner Bass for the photograph because I actually played a Fender Bass. I just vaguely remember borrowing it for the photo.
  7. I think this is a great one: Rock Power Ballad in F Minor. Robert Renman, that made this, is a really good guy and, @NeilES335, a fellow Canadian.
  8. I have no idea what strings are on my new PRS Hollowbody. I don't remember where, not here, someone was talking about using heavier strings on a hollowbody for the tone. You hollowbody guys @NeilES335 and especially PRS hollowbody guys, @CapM @gotto, what strings do you use? Heavier than what you would use on a solid body? I'm really curious because on my Strat and PRS Pauls I have gone to 9's at least temporarily. While working on bending I wanted to have something a little lighter while developing the skill and finger strength.
  9. Fender just announced the Eric Johnson Thinline Stratocaster. You Strat guys What do you think? A guy that I have jammed with has a Thinline Tele and he loves it. It is really light. I don't know that weight has ever been a complaint about Strats (like it has with Les Pauls.) What do you think?
  10. That is very cool but perhaps my favorite song of his from Crossroads is "When My Train Pulls In". Some of the greatest soloing work I have seen. I've watched it at least 63 times
  11. Why are you wanting a parlor guitar? The guitar that I had posted about getting my granddaughter was a parlor guitar. A really nice beginner guitar but I felt it probably would have been a little small for me. And I'm a smaller guy. And it's always difficult for people to make suggestions without having some idea what your budget, roughly, is.
  12. Doug, you are so correct. The Art and Lutherie are nice beginner guitars. I had posted here about my granddaughter's new guitar. I am 93.7% certain it is an Art and Lutherie. I, of course, checked it out before my granddaughter began playing it. When I took her to the lesson the instructor checked it out and commented, "This plays nice".
  13. Congratulations Tony! Really nice looking new guitar. Enjoy it!
  14. CapM, your 335 weighs 9 lbs!!!!! That shocks me. That is approaching Les Paul weight. I had no idea.
  15. UncleHammy, a great quote and Will McFarland did say this. As I understand his entire quote was, "I'm not a neurosurgeon. If I make a mistake playing guitar, nobody dies." What bothers me (or did) is this came just before my 2nd neurosurgery
  16. rkl312, thanks for posting this. I'm sure some wiil find it helpful. I started this book when I was " Still slaving away with this skill!". I spent a lot of time in sessions 7&8. In hindsight, maybe I could have spent a little less time had I supplemented my studies by using this more. I wish that I would have worked some of the songs. I think the only one I did was "All Along the Watchtower".
  17. Cindy, the 50 in Bluechip terminology is probably consistent between styles of Bluechip picks. If you go to their webpage for their 55 picks that number represents 55/100 inch. Unfortunately, it is inconsistent with most other manufacturers. I thought, like Plantsman that it represented something in metric. Most pick makers describe their picks in mm thickness. I think most do anyway. V Picks does. Most of the posts above are describing picks in mm.
  18. Ice, you don't know how appropriate your comment is! We've been married 51 years today!
  19. Thanks, Neil. The finish is officially "Whale Blue". And, yeah, I'm really getting to like the hollow/semi-hollow tone. It was all driven by weight but I am getting to like the tone. Which is weird because I'm a Clapton/SRV/Santana guy. Unc, even lighter. I don't know the weight of a 335. I'm sure I could find specs but if anything I think my 325, which is a hollowbody, would be lighter than a semi-hollowbody 335. This is significantly lighter than my 325. And I have a Epi Casino Coupe which is the comparable model to a 339. This is even lighter, slightly, than it.
  20. Dan, Barb may becoming an enabler. But she only goes along. She doesn't encourage me like Diane does you!!!! I tell you about guitars, like the Gary Clarke, Jr. Casino, and you tell me, "Don't tell Diane. She'll make me buy it!"
  21. I have been looking for something really light for some time. After talking to a couple of the PRS owners on here, and talking with a few on other forums, I had decided that a PRS Hollowbody I or II was the guitar. I was already a huge believer in PRS guitars. I had looked at a couple on Reverb, at Chicago Music Exchange and elsewhere and made a couple offers but never ending up owning one. Last week my wife and I were in a local guitar shop and this one was hanging on the wall. Way up high where the nice ones are! The owner had to get it down! He handed it to me and my wife immediately said, "That is really pretty!" I played it and fell in love both with the way it played and the tone. My wife actually told me to make on offer on it but I didn't. I don't know why! I told her wanted to think on it. It has driven me crazy all week and I went back and brought it home tonight! It is feather light and has this gorgeous hollowbody tone. It has McCarty Humbucker Pickups. There is just no doubt at this point that this is going to be my "go to" guitar.

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