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Everything posted by Nutty1

  1. The next step is the drum track. Real or electronic (eg. Garageband) is acceptable. Anyone interested? ?
  2. Do not worry, helping each other and learning is what these collaborations are all about. The team will help you if and when you need it. Anyhow, you have heard me singing, I am no master of the voice! ?
  3. Hello @rkl312, thank you for offering to join in. ?? I will put you down for vocals and lyrics. With this being our first Guitar Gathering collaboration I am thinking that I should have posted some more information about it. So here it is for you and everyone else who is interested. This collaboration is about us getting together to have some fun and to learn from each other as all musicians do. We are not in this to produce a hit record, but I do not rule out that possibility!? I joined in with my first collaboration back on the old L&M forum. I was scared when I first joined in, I admit that. But Fretless, who was running it at the time and the other people who were working on that collaboration were really great to me. I had volunteered to do the rhythm guitar track and in the end I only managed 1 strum per bar and I had problems getting my track exported in a usable way. Those guys helped me so much and they were really kind to me and if I remember rightly we turned out a great song. It was these collaborations that launched me into doing my own songs. I am and will always be eternally grateful to them. Here is a link to my first collaboration (look for "yellow" that was me!) https://community.learnandmaster.com/index.php?/topic/34563-lmg-student-collaboration-16-an-instrumental-song/ We do not have to have top notch fully busy guitar parts/tracks, it is the sum of the parts that people will be listening to. Sometimes less is more. The fun thing about doing these collaborations is watching it all come together! We are all musicians, let's make music! ??????
  4. Let's work together as the Guitar Gathering Community to write and record a song. It will be a team effort and anyone at any level is welcome to join in the fun. I will pick up any tasks that do not get volunteered for. The production tasks (please volunteer for tasks shown in black) 1) Fretless has Chosen a tempo, time signature, key and a song structure with bars and chords. 2) Nutty1 has produced a drum track. 3) Nutty1 has recorded a bass track. 4) Nutty1 has recorded a rhythm guitar track. 5) rkl312 will do the lyrics and choose the song title. 6) rkl312 will record the vocals. 7) Fretless will do the lead guitar track. 8) Nutty 1 provided intermediate mixes to enable collaborators to record their parts. Fretless did the final mix. Please note Please do not negatively criticise others' contributions; this is a learning opportunity open to all Guitar Gathering Forum members. This collaboration has now been completed. We ended up making this song called "Don't Look Back" https://m.box.com/shared_item/https%3A%2F%2Fapp.box.com%2Fs%2Fo7xa5g0aao2akfjbrwew18ux8s4erug1
  5. Brilliant Unclehammy. You did not even look nervous! Your video has spurred me on to start a Student Collaboration!
  6. Great stuff Randy, your playing is as excellent as ever and the amp sounds superb.
  7. That was absolutely beautiful Maria. Thank you for the description of how you did it, it is very helpful information. You have made a lovely flowing blend of the instruments. Mandy
  8. Looking at your local shop may be your best bet, they will also do a great setup on your guitar where some online shops will not.
  9. I like the top 3 guitar manufacturers on the link you included rkl312. You will need to listen to the sound of each guitar as well as hold and play each guitar if you can, you could also look at a flamenco guitar, it may sound different to you but you can play both classical and flamenco on it. Find the one that feels just right. Find the one that you just can not leave behind.
  10. It is great to see that Pat is still working his magic with the guitars. Well done Matonanjin, the gift of music is a wonderful thing. I hope the lucky young lady perseveres with it, with you as a teacher she will make a great guitarist.
  11. I am glad that you have reached out to the forum Fred. The Barre chords are probably the biggest challenge in this course. I can see that you have been given lots of excellent advice already. Can I add that if you aim to place your fingers as near the the frets as you can then it will reduce the amount of pressure that you need. Try to be relaxed and take time to stop and shake out your hands and arms frequently. I used to do a few barres and then rest and shake my hands for a few seconds and then do some more. Stop when it hurts, do not work through the pain in your elbow. I found that my barre chords got better when I finally decided that I did not care about how they sounded any more. I was just going to play them. I just relaxed and concentrated on my hand placements and they just started to sound better! As to the question about how you know whether to play a 5th or 6th string Barre chord, if you are in an exercise (or playing a chord progression) and it does not say which to play then you can choose (as long as you remember the appropriate shape for the string you have based it on). Guitar players will pick the chords which are the closest together or sound the best. Keep at it Fred, just a little bit every day and you will get them sounding better. Please also do other guitar learning, there is also merit in reviewing past lessons or staring the next one also. Best wishes Mandy
  12. @WATSON43 I love it. Excellently played and sang. I look forward to hearing more from you!
  13. Wow Ian, that was a single live take! It is brilliant! You are vey talented and as always, an inspiration for me.
  14. JayKayWright, it says "the video is not available" when I click on it. It could be a UK thing. I found this one that I can play. I am loving R.L.Burnside!
  15. Wow! Give me about 2000 years to practice and I will be able to do that!??
  16. I have watched all of sections 1and 2 and have identified at least 6 challenges that hold me back.? I really like the way that this instructor explains things and has broken it all down into sizeable chunks. Now I am going to watch section 2 again and work on my challenges with the first warmup/exercise. ???
  17. @Matonanjin, was there a link in the Udemy email to validate your account with? You should have got one. I hope this helps.
  18. Hello all, I have found a free course on Udemy "Become a Better Singer: Vocal Training for All Skill Levels!" This is for anyone who wants to learn to sing or improve their singing course. I do not know how long it will be available for free so if you are interested get it soon. https://onlinecourses.ooo/?s=singing I have used a piano chords course by this instructor and it was absolutely excellent. If you want to use this coupon I suggest that you sign up to Udemy (joining is free) and sign in to your account. Open the link above in a new window and click on it (I have to click on it twice) and it should direct you to the Udemy course page. Have fun. Mandy
  19. Thank you both for your generosity. Yes I loved every minute of it! It had been far too long since I last played a song, let alone wrote one! Sometimes I get so hung up on learning new stuff I forget what it is all about, for me that is all about playing and writing songs.?
  20. Thank you guys for all of your kindness and encouragement. ? I am finding it hard to play guitar at the moment due to the stage of osteoarthritis that I am in at the moment (thank you guys for the tip about glucosamine in the chatbox the other day). My fingers no longer bend as easily and quickly as they once did and the grating bones in my wrists make Barre chirds and many other chords extremely painful to play. ? I actually recorded the rhythm guitar at 60bpm and sped the project up to 72 where I was able to do the pentatonic scale fills using the high strings and a limited number of notes. ? I have learnt a lot more about Garageband doing this and hopefully more about the blues. This was also my first go at doing fills something that I tended to shy away from in the past and could not do much of because my songwriting tended to be very lyric heavy, not leaving time for fills.? I am still continuing with my guitar learning although I can not do things up to the required speed. I am consolidating my position with the Barre chords etc by doing a small amount slowly each day so that my wrist will still be able to bend into that position when the glorious day of less pain comes!?☀️

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