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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2020 in Posts

  1. A little late, but this song took me about 2 weeks to record and mix. Again another song by a lady but I love Sheryl Crow and again another song that is not good for me to sing in the lower range. I thought this was a nice song for the month's theme. The bass and drums are a karoake track but the rest is all me, including keyboard , background vocals , and several layers of guitar work. The mix sounds best with headphones or through a sound system, but also again, not my strength. Greg
    3 points
  2. Well, since I suggested this month's theme, it is time I finally added my recording. It took me a couple of weeks, and is probably the hardest recording I have ever done. Again, my mix could be better, and again this song is not good for my lower vocal range and again another song by a woman, but I love Sheryl Crow so I thought this was a good candidate for the theme. All tracks, including keyboard are mine except the bass and drums, which are kaoake tracks for the song. All guitar parts and background vocals as well, are mine. Got it in just in the nick of time. Greg
    2 points
  3. This is from Session 10 (the finger style session) of L&M that Steve wrote. What a lovely melody and such a joy to hear these chords and lines! It took me a while and many tries of stopping and working on something else, then circling back to it - because the piece is so beautiful - to get it to this point and I'm so grateful! Session 10 Intro audio - 5_24_20, 3.54 PM.m4a
    2 points
  4. An Easy System To Memorize Every Major Scale For each major scale, memorize the altered notes (sharps or flats) only if they constitute the minority, otherwise memorize the naturals. For example, in the case of B major you would memorize that B and E are natural and that the rest are sharp. Next, simply recite the musical alphabet starting with B and make every note “sharp” except for B and E: B – C# -D# – E – F# – G# – A# Memorizing just B and E for the above, is much easier than having to memorize C#, D#, F# , G# and A#! Here is a list of the 12 major scales as they appear on the descending (counterclockwise) CIRCLE OF FIFTHS starting with C MAJOR and what to memorize: C MAJOR: All natural — C D E F G A B Major Scales With Flats: F MAJOR: memorize Bb, the rest are natural — F G A Bb C D E Bb MAJOR: memorize Bb and Eb, the rest are natural — Bb C D Eb F G A Eb MAJOR: memorize Eb, Ab and Bb, the rest are natural — Eb F G Ab Bb C D Ab MAJOR: memorize C, F and G, the rest are flat — Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Db MAJOR: memorize F and C, the rest are flat — Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Gb MAJOR: memorize F, the rest are flat — Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F Major Scales With Sharps: B MAJOR: memorize B and E, the rest are sharp — B C# D# E F# G# A# E MAJOR: memorize E, A and B, the rest are sharp — E F# G# A B C# D# A MAJOR: memorize C#, F#, and G#, the rest are natural — A B C# D E F# G# D MAJOR: memorize F# and C#, the rest are natural — D E F# G A B C# G MAJOR: memorize F#, the rest are natural — G A B C D E F# For the enharmonic scales (C# or Db, F# or Gb and B or Cb) at the bottom of the Circle of Fifths, memorize: C# MAJOR: all are sharp — C# D# E# F# G# A# B# F# MAJOR: memorize B, the rest are sharp — F# G# A# B C# D# E# Cb MAJOR: all are flat - Cb Db Eb Fb Gb Ab Bb
    1 point
  5. @Amy Greenblatt Very nicely played Amy. Well done and thank you for sharing😊
    1 point
  6. It's time to move on again! Session 5 offered a nice introduction to the world of classical guitar and I enjoyed learning some great songs from F. Tarrega, J. Pachelbel and especially J.S Bach, on a borrowed nylon string. To finalize this session, I recorded "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring". Reading a bit about him, I learned that Bach is the master of counterpoint which is a setting of different melodic lines (or voices) against each other. Also in this song, there are 2 voices played together, the melody and the bass lines. This makes the song interesting, but also challenging. https://soundcloud.com/wim-van-damme-401299565/joy Thanks for listening, Wim.
    1 point
  7. @Wim VD1Nicely played Wim. Congratulations on finishing session 5😊
    1 point
  8. Wow, excellent playing Amy! Your patience and practice paid dividends in rewards. Thanks for letting us in on it. Greg
    1 point
  9. @gotto @Simira @Skip Russell @Wim VD1 @Nutty 1 Thank you all for your kind constructive (and helpful) comments... And @Oldjock for your p.m. too...🎸😊 After recording a few songs the process is getting a bit easier and hopefull the recording quaility ( and my playing) is getting better too. I learned that its best to record "dry" (without effects) when recording through an interface then add effects/eq/ reverb etc in the DAW later if needed. The choice of guitar can have quite a affect on tone to Ps. another Bossa classic coming up... Pps. If you are at all interested in the jazz style or just want to expand your chord knowledge and spice up your playing, I recommed you follow Steve' K's "Fretboard Workout Jazz Chords" series. Thats what made playing song like Black Orpheus possible, for me.
    1 point
  10. Thanks, @Nutty 1, @pkotof, @Skip Russell, @gotto and @Simira. I appreciate all your nice comments! Wim.
    1 point
  11. Thank you for the advice. I actually found a local print shop that claims that they can do things that their competitors cannot so I called them up and they said they could do the job. The only issue is that the spiral was 11 inches long and the edge it needs to bind is 12 inches. Does that look like a problem? It doesn't to me! Very happy with this $5.84 purchase!
    1 point

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