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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2019 in all areas

  1. Being a science nerd I was excited to see the first ever image of a black hole. If you watched any news last week you couldn't help but see announcements of this. Pretty exciting stuff! Well, it is to me. But what does this have to do with music, you ask. As a moderator I'm supposed to watch to make sure only music related posts are allowed here. Well look what the astronomers found when they zoomed in! This explains a lot.
    2 points
  2. And now something completely different... I always wanted to rock like Status Quo. The intro was tricky to count, and the speed of the short solo was a challenge. But so much fun to learn. Wim.
    2 points
  3. Funkcanna: In answer to your question "What is swing?" I'm a guitar beginner like you (lesson 3), but I'm an experienced djembe and dunun drum player in the West African Mande tradition. When we use our priceless metronomes (regardless of beats per minute) and play in exact time with the beep, click or light, we are playing the music "straight" or "on the beat." We can crowd the notes by playing slightly earlier, or "ahead of the beat." This gives the music more drive, more energy. Makes you want to get up and dance. We are still in time, but there is wiggle room there. Music is a touchy feelie creation. We can slightly delay the note and play "behind the beat." This makes the music feel relaxing. Different combinations of this create "swing," a lovely feel. If we go too far either way we are early or late, provoking disapproval from fellow performers and listeners. :-) One interesting effect is when multiple instrumental parts played "straight" combine to form the feeling of swing. This happens a lot with West African polyrhythms. I look forward to exploring this effect in guitar music. I don't have formal musical training, so I don't know correct terminology. However, I can make a rhythm shwang! Hope this helps. We are early in our guitar journey for making music swing, but as Steve and the rest say, we will get there!
    1 point
  4. If you only hit one, as @Dave White said, " Gruhn Guitars (It goes without saying - The guitar store) "
    1 point
  5. @Triple-o, @Odie, @John Wells & @guitarben all of you. Thank you for the education on this. Very interesting.
    1 point
  6. Hi all, I hope you are well and feeling some spring in the air. Nothing posted for a while as it seemed some people were feeling the standard of the submissions was a bit intimidating and they wouldn’t give it a go. However, last months submissions were awesome, so now I’m feeling left out. 😭 this is a loose arrangement of a beautiful Mexican love song originally titled “Sabor a mi”, it was recorded in English by Doris Day retitled “True to me”. It’s played on a nylon string Godin Multiac into a Roland GR20 to add some strings. I just can’t get this guitar to sound the way it should so this is the last recording with it. It’s now on eBay. The clicks and buzzes are the guitars fault, the clipping is entirely mine. “You can always make a recording louder, but if it clips you’re screwed “. Enjoy!,
    1 point

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