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Everything posted by NeilES335

  1. @Magnit You might want to take a look at a series of highly regarded instructional books by Jamie Aebersold, recommened by Steve K. I have the Jazz Guitar 1 adaped for guitar by Corey Christensen. ( book plus 2 playalong CD's under $25) "The most widely used improvisation method on the market" . Although it is focused on Jazz improvisation, regardless of your style preferences Im sure you' d get a lot out of it. Congrats btw... you'e obviously worked very hard to learn much more than the average or even advanced player.
  2. Looking back on my own learning path I'd say 1 thing you are planning that I should have done is spending enough time learning songs. This will make it more fun along the way and less like tasks to be completed.
  3. I think thats the pedal @Eracer_Team-DougH has too. I think he's said its a bit tricky to get the beat and bass right for the song.
  4. @Fretless Thanks very much for your assessment. Great playing then.. I can only imagine how much better you are now! N
  5. I was wondering if any members have or have used "Band In A Box" software? This software creates backing tracks in any key and virtually any style or genre. If so, I'd be interested in your comments. $130.00 in Canadian stores. A written description can be found here; https://www.long-mcquade.com/83457/Software/Scoring-Software/PG-Music/Band-In-A-Box.htm
  6. You're right about that 1st position Bm7b5.... Im trying substitution at 7th position (6th string root)
  7. A new month, a new session. "Officially" starting S16 today I've been through the exercises once already which went quite smoothly. Will need a couple of more goes at it and playalongs. Without any worksheets in this session I'll review past theory and continue with Arpeggio study.
  8. Well I didnt rattle any windows trying to imitate AC/DC... but I'm satisfied I met the criteria , to complete S15 , so, I'm moving on to S16??. S15 was quite fun actually and not too hard.( I wish Id known about "power chords" in my teens when we were trying to play 60's rock in my friends basement) I even made a decent showing of "Chickin' Pickin" !
  9. One day not too far off I hope to build a complete soundproof studio/guitar lounge, maybe even a separate building.
  10. For the worksheets what do you folks think is an acceptable "pass" percentage ? (On the harmonized major scale worksheet I managed 95% first time, but less than perfect somehow seems like cheeting?)
  11. One of the things you find out is that with fingerstyle you often dont need to fret the whole barre chord, just the chord tones.
  12. Maybe if you ""actively" listen to the song rhythm, I mean really focus, close your eyes and visualize on it, it will become more natural. In S16 Steve emphasizes once you have the basic strumming pattern, to look away from the music and play whats in your head. It's like when I;m noodling a song, I dont really know what fret comes next but I'm playing the song in my head and the melody just comes out. Perfectly...no, but pretty close. The funny thing is a scale of some sort usually appears. Rhythm is the same thing.. and playing it a lot.
  13. Just taking a look at "Money Chords" I'd agree ... "Advanced Strumming" should make those chords very professional sounding.
  14. Taking a peak at this Session... Apparently I am one on the "small number of people" (as Steve K puts it) that can hear a rythym and just play it. (no boast intended) I do actually find it harder to slow it down and count the "down , down, up, down, up" etc strokes than just play what i hear in full tempo. It will be interesting to go through the exercises and see if this is so or if perhaps I'm deluding myself and sound terrible after all! (hope not?)
  15. Nice to see someone working this course and posting Bob. Enjoy and check in once in a while. (I may pick this one up next but busy withe the LMG general course S15/16 for now.)
  16. @zeus7625 Thanks for sharing your progress. Great job so far... yes at times it will feel like an uphill battle, but like your granddaughter says, you are getting better every time. Soon you'll be playing some simple Christmas songs. Not too early to start, because you now know some basic chords and melody. Give it a shot!
  17. Way to go Doug... with renewed focus you'll make more headway that you have in a while. It will feel good to see those sessions truely complete.
  18. Ok, I'll defer to your judgement. It makes me wonder why these "upgrades" are not standard on a high end instrument like Taylor. It might even justify a higher price or bring more people to the brand.
  19. Congrats Dave on picking up thi Godin MultiAc at a great price ! They are really good guitars especially paired with an acoustic amp like a Fishman Loudbox mini. Ive been considering one of these too. Many pro performers use these and even Steve K just bought one for recording and loves it. He said on the last Live Lesson he paid about $800. Personally I'll probably choose an amplified classical to play unplugged too. But no question for 400bucks Id be grabbing it. Enjoy!
  20. So far, "Chickin Pickin" isn't really turning me on much... can you imagine Wes Montgomery or Joe Pass or Larry Carlton playing country? I did'nt think so...
  21. Really... unless you're a real tone fanatic, this is going to make much audible difference? If I need a machine to tell me is it worth it? (the difference could be to the makers wallet)

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