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Everything posted by NeilES335

  1. @Randy120 Good point Randy. While striving for perfection, we can lose track of what we've accomplished so far. The added stress we put on ourselves can block our creativity. So in those times it's best to take a step back and refocus. After all, learning guitar is for most of us a (passionate) hobby, and it's supposed to be fun! N
  2. @SteveT Remember that YouTube is full of wannabe guitar teachers, and contradictory and misleading advice is easily found. Steve K is a professional educator (and professor of music).. Stick to the advice in his course; you won't go wrong there. N
  3. @Run26point2You need to have a Google/YouTube account to particpate in the Chat. It's easy and free. Just create a profile (can be the same as your name here). Just sign in with that account to YouTube and you'll get access.
  4. I don't have any locking tuners but I think they're a good idea. I'd likely put at least 1 wrap on them overwrapping the string as well then there should be no way the string slips. N ps I found that coated strings like Elixers are more likely to slip. The acoustic I put them on has a slotted peghead with a hole down the middle to insert the string end. I did that with the Elixer's and wrapped it twice - three times, and the G string slipped and popped out; now the new string is trash. (don't like Elixers anyway)
  5. @bwillardBen you could be considered an expert on the subject.. certainly a Bonafide collector. I have what I think is a "lesser known" model, a Gibson ES137 Classic. Its a superb semi hollow, that is perfect for jazz/blues i play. I've wondered why it wasnt more popular, and discontinued in 2012. (you probably have one;-) N
  6. @bwillard You'll have enough for a book at least "The Willard Collection" 😉
  7. @bwillard Great Ben! So when does the new house entere the picture to contain all these lovely instruments? 😉
  8. From time to time, Steve Krenz will highlight a certain topic from our Live Lessons, post a link to our Guitar Gathering website, with the accompanying .PDF DOWNLOAD (Chart, graph, lesson, sheet music). These can be found in our DOWNLOADS section. https://www.guitargathering.com/community/index.php?/files/ For the ease of searching, they are included here also; (in chronological order) A Great Jazz Guitar Trick: Patterns and the Power of Three 1.0.0
  9. @Freewill Welcome and thanks for sharing your music with us. I could not get the Sound cloud links to work.. when you upload there I suggest you use the "share" option which gives you the correct URL to copy/paste here. Regards Neil
  10. About 40-45% relative humidity is about right. (Now there's a dedicated student... playing guitar in the shower😉🎸) N
  11. @ChrisJ032 Thank you for the suggestion. The topics are set up to appear in chronological order. (Most recent post first does make sense though.) Ntw.. Congratulations on your progress at S12. Regards Neil
  12. @matonanjin Thankyou... appreciate the kind comment. I'm acutally remixing the tracks with a different amp model that has a decent jazz tone (and others) . It's has an odd name but it's FREE, simple to operate; VOXENGO BOOGEX https://www.voxengo.com/product/boogex/
  13. @Wim VD1 Thanks very much Wim. I used a Gibson ES-137 semi-hollow guitar direct to Reaper 6.0 DAW. (Im still working on getting the right jazz tone plug in.)
  14. Why do I play guitar...hmmm. Well let's see The love of music has to be number one. The challenge of learning, which for me has been a life long pursuit, would be another. When I'm playing and practicing, it's a chance to do something just for me, and escape for a while from the pressures of life and business . I think of nothing else while doing it and relish the moment. Hopefully when I play, others find it enjoyable too. One of the nicest things about learning guitar is you can take it as far as you wish. Now I've been at it a while, and beyond the "beginner" stage, there's still so much more to learn, and this propels me forward. I hope to be doing so as long as God gives me strength. I hope you do too. All the Best; N
  15. Here's my offering of " Autumn Leaves" , a natural choice and "must know" for anyone who plays or wants to play jazz... This is the basic melody version; thinking I'll work on the recording the embellished version in the future (a work in progress) I haven't recorded for about a year so it took a bit of a refresh of memory on using a DAW, (I played the rhythm and melody tracks no electronic stuff) with a bit of reverb and compression.recording, and mixing, as well as learning the song. (When I hear a good track someone has made, I can certainly appreciate how difficult it can be to get a decent clean take of both parts and a "listenable" recording.) I hope you enjoy it, and your constructive comments are appreciated 🙂 All the Best; Neil PS; I've attached here the "correct " Chord Chart and the Lead Sheet with Tab (in Gm) for those of you who want to have a go at this classic song. Anyone who has completed the "Fretboard Workout - Jazz Chords " course should be able to play this. Autumn Leaves Chords Chart.pdf Autumn Leaves Lead Sheet.pdf
  16. So much technology makes me wonder where the human fits in this equation...
  17. @josev Thanks for letting us know... I couldnt find a comments box either...
  18. @Steve Krenz I don't see any place on that page to leave a comment (which is probably why there aren't any 😉

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