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Nancy Lawing

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Nancy Lawing last won the day on November 3 2024

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About Nancy Lawing

  • Birthday 01/01/1887

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  1. How is Steve's finger style course going for you? I set it aside to do David Hamburger's Fingerstyle 5, which has been fun and helpful, but will resume it soon.  And how was the fall retreat?

    1. Eracer_Team-DougH


      Good question Nancy. I’ve been working TrueFire lessons past few years, mostly trying to Blues Solo. . Still nothing compares to Steve’s LMG series.

      Jan-Mar2024 I worked with a local music teacher/store so I could play live at their bar jam night. which went really great (sadly no video) 

      Take’n Care of Business by Bachman Turner Overdrive.

      i sang and pulled off all 3 (although short) Randy Bachman solos. Still brings a smile just thinking of it.

      Then I used Steve’s LMG FingerStyle course from April to Oct 2024 made it into Session 4 before fall retreat. 

      The LMG FingerStyle did help (and I should continue but…haven’t )

      But i was already doing some fingerstyle before that when I played in the church choir. 

      Steve’s retreat. We did play but it’s not an intense playing schedule as I would have hoped . It’s more lecture based format I found. 
      Steve morning warmup is straight out of the LMG FingerStyle course. 
      Guest instructors have lots and lots of knowledge and not a large time frame to impart on it. They try but as I said above it works out more lecture based format.

      Colin Hill lecture was the most interactive. When he was having us play along . 
      Side note: make sure you’re sitting in front of the instructor. I sat off to the side for Colin. It was hard for me to visual follow him, had to rely on the printed material. 

      my most playing live was in church on acoustic. But I much prefer electric British/Texas blues.

      After Fall retreat I went back to my TrueFire Blues solo course and started preparing for acoustic Christmas songs. Right after Christmas TrueFire announced a “10wk Boot Camp” online program for free. I signed up and did the first couple of weeks till work interrupted it. 4 more weeks to go on it. Still nothing compares to LMG  

      I had been working on Layla fingerstyle  for 5 months  and it’s not like I haven’t been playing in front of others before but when it came time for student performance I got super nervous and derailed pretty good 

      if you’d like to see how I struggled with it  , one of the students videoed it; I’ll send you a link to my google drive. 
      let me know if you want to see it. 

      out of 30 only 15 played the student concert  . So it’s not mandatory but I’d recommend it.

      others had to stop their song and start again to calm themselves down. Typically not recommended in live performances. But in this learning venue it is fine if needed to do so. 

      yes I need to go back for “redemption “ 🤣 but will be some time later (years??)

      Steve has lots of free time in the day in there, usually after 3 pm-6  

      the concerts by the instructors are great 

      Deer Run accommodation are good  , I didn’t know the guys I bunked with  (they seemed to know each other) worked out fine. 
      food was good too. Enough quantity if you wanted 3rds 

      would I go back again? 

      it’s great being able to hang out with like minded musicians/guitarists.

      i had looked into going to the guitar retreat in Bar Harbour Mane that Dianne goes to https://www.guitarintensives.com/

      and was considering it. 
      similar rural retreat acoustic playing like Steve’s 

      then I found https://guitarworkshopplus.com/

      more rock/blues oriented and closer to home and not having to take 2 flights to Bar Harbour was really tipping its head that way. But…

      Might be something I do in 2026. As my brother has me going to Florida feb23-mar2 and my wife has 3 trips planned this year so tossed out my guitar plans 

      long story made story: haven’t continued the fingerstyle, 

      wished there was a bit more interactive playing at Steve’s.

      i plan to finish off the TrueFire boot camp then see if I can get in with the teacher/store again and work on another song for the schools bar jam night  

      Chat any time   






    2. Nancy Lawing

      Nancy Lawing

      Great review of the retreat, thanks! My husband and I went to Steve's regular summer retreat (what used to be regular, not happening now) and you might enjoy that if he resumes......some rock and blues workshops.

      Diane really enjoyed the Bar Harbour, think she's returning this year.  There was a theory course that she especially liked.

      Arthritis is preventing me from doing some tricky, repetitive stuff in the Fingerstyle LMG course. Plus I just resonate more to blues.

      Collin Hill was just 18ish when we went to Steve's retreat I already mentioned.  He was an unknown then and took the stage......so talented.  Now he hangs out with Tommy Emmanuel! Makes me feel like a slacker that I haven't improved a whole lot since that 2018 retreat. 

      Now that I'm retired, I am progressing more, but.....the arthritis.....Wish we could have fun when we're young and healthy THEN work in later years!

      BTO.....rumor has it that Randy Bachman was sick when they recorded Takin Care of Business, and that contributed to the gravelly voice.

      Stage fright.....I have that bigtime so wouldn't solo.  I love playing in a group, but where I live in a small NC mountain town, the only groups I've found are bluegrass.

      I do play ukulele in a circle monthly at our library and love that.  I never thought I'd like ukulele but I do.

      Time to sign off, warm up my fingers and play some.

      Take care.

    3. Eracer_Team-DougH


      Yes I was at Steve’s Summer  Gathering in 2016 when Colin first came out from 

      he played Somewhere Over the Rainbow 

      I reminded him of it this past fall and he played it again this time with even more.

      wish I could retire. Can’t. 

      yup tendinitis in my fretting hand and forearm tell me that I’m not 20 anymore 


  2. Pachelbel aside (lesson 10 hurdle), I'm on Lesson 13 now after ____ (embarrassing number) years. I tend to take detours to complement what I'm learning, including Steve's fingerstyle course which I'm in now, and a couple of his Academy courses. I also enjoy justinguitar.com (great songs) and love his ongoing theory course. Steve started me on the journey, though. Who is Dennis?
  3. Oh my! I didn't know this about your illustrious past! What wonderful memories. And my mom tossed a lot of my "valuable" things, too, "valuable" being a subjective term in her mind.
  4. Love the last sentence in that last post, thanks Diane.
  5. Love the humor and great descriptions in your posts, Diane. Hope Amy will join the GG family! We need more women!
  6. So happy you made it there (where's the car hanging out now?) AND to see you online. Brightens my day, and I hope you enjoy what's ahead the next few days, too. Keep posting!
  7. Thanks for recommending that, will check it out!
  8. That's the big problem, I think, that ANYONE can be a "rap artist" 😂, and so many people are getting into creating content for attention rather than love of music. Not everyone, but quite a few. I'm a big believer in everyone enjoying music in whatever way they can, but a lot of the content doesn't exude joy in creating music, at least not in my view. I'd love to see more "content" (and I'm not on Tik Tok) like playingforchange.com, a lot of people collaborating to make beautiful, joyful sound. Want a great start to your day? Go to that website, search The Weight and enjoy Ringo Starr leading folks all over the world in that song.
  9. I miss full bands like Chicago, so good and you knew THEY were playing the music.
  10. until

    And remember that you don't have to perform. I know a couple folks who have gone regularly and don't. If I ever go, that will likely be me!
  11. I'm in, but like jasn said, the workouts are hard. I'm practicing them. Problem is not just quickly changing those complex chords, but my left hand is hurting (arthritis). This might be my last foray into jazz, though I enjoy it in small doses. The Christmas academies are good, too, with renditions of carols that are both traditional and jazzy.
  12. Fantastic job singing and playing Melissa! And kudos to everyone who sang The Weight from memory, lotta lyrics. I loved seeing people playing the same chords in different places on the neck. Mostly Martins, judging from headstocks? Thanks for sharing, Diane.
  13. Beautifully expressed, Diane.....I'll miss reading about your adventure there.
  14. Diane, you sure DOMINATED the composition class material! Way to go

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