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Everything posted by matonanjin

  1. Thanks, @NeilES335. Disappointingly I never did get the promised phone call.
  2. Well Neil, that was very unceremonious! Disappointingly so. That is a huge accomplishment and you are to be congratulated.
  3. To make sure I understand. The entire course? All 20 sessions?!?!?! If so, I missed that.
  4. Hello all! Finishing up 15 in the next couple days. I loved the power chords. Lots of fun and reminded me of my misspent youth😉 But it is time to move on to some Advanced Strumming. I'll meet you all here, probably this week-end. Who else is here? @NeilES335?
  5. I'm not going to delete the thread but I am going to shut it down for now. We will find out the facts on this. Hopefully. I have a call into Zach Wendkos of TrueFire. I was told I would hear back within an hour.
  6. Steve, the echo was bothersome, no question. But early in the lesson you made some adjustments, I don't remember exactly what those adjustments were, which made the audio tolerable. I am confident everyone that participated learned a lot. I know that I did and I am going to go back and review with the handout. I'm not sure that you need to go to all the time and effort to re-record the lesson. I'm not saying don't do it. I'm saying if you have a better use of your time most would probably understand. Thanks for another great Live Lesson and all that you do for us. Ron
  7. A Public Service Announcement from one of your mods here!😉 Safe activities you can be doing! Or replying with other suggestions for us to be doing. Or what you are doing! Full disclosure: this was stolen from PRS forum
  8. Then I really have a problem. 6 forums checking them each a couple times a day😮
  9. @RGMachine, great advice both Neil and Wim suggested. I found myself in exactly your situation when I was in session 11. And, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, I found myself doing the same thing in the blues session (13) also! 😡 I forget what old blues guy it was but someone said, "There is nothing original. We all steal each others' licks." That wasn't an exact quote but you get the idea. There are a lot of resources available to study licks. I bought this from Steve some time ago: Ultimate Blues Learning Bundle. The lessons part was very good but the dvd of the 200 blues licks is really fun. If I recall correctly there are 5 different instructors showing all styles of licks you can play along with. I also went through a TrueFire course a while back. You are are also in the beginning stages of soloing and 30 Beginner Blues Licks You Must Know was perfect for where I was at the time. It is taught by Corey Congilio. Steve had Corey at his guitar Gathering a couple years ago. These both cost extra, of course. There are a lot of free sources out there as well, of varying quality unfortunately, such as on Youtube. But I think what Neil is saying is you are at the point to start bringing additional materials into your studies. And I think most of us have done that. And Wim is saying licks are the answer. And I agree with both of these.
  10. @Colburn, I agree with Greg. There is something not right with your reverb. It could be the control, as Greg suggested, it could be a tube, or it could be the actual chamber. You should be able to go from no reverb to it sounding like you are in an underground huge cavern.
  11. sounds like it was a fun trip, @Dave White!
  12. @Randy120, thank you for the information about this little amp. As you may have seen from the "small amps" thread, I need to find something to take to my weekly jam. The Orange Crush Mini certainly looks like it would fill the bill. I'm looking at a couple and need to decide which one. The Orange Crush Mini is certainly the best cost option and for a couple hours per week I sure don't need anything expensive. Thanks again.
  13. The title is a bit of a misnomer. It doesn't really discuss albums that you can use to learn or practice guitar. But Rick Beato, Rhett Shull and Dave Onorado discuss the best guitar albums that motivated them to learn guitar. It was especially interesting because the 3 guys are generationally separate so there is that different perspective on guitar music. Rick is not my generation but close. He has some of the same favorite guitar albums as I. There is a LOT of discussion about the best guitar albums ever. It was also enlightening because I can get somewhat pompous and condescending about today's music. The younger two guys raved about a few newer guitar albums, while I recognized the names, I don't know anything about them. I do need to check them out. No doubt some of our younger guitar slingers on here will recognize them😉 Rick has had these guys in a few other videos that were interesting. One was about "Analog vs. Digital vs. NO amps". The latter meaning just a modeller. Rhett was recently touring and used only a Kemper or Helix, I can't remember which. And Rick has a lot of other interesting content in his channel. I am looking forward to your comments about these albums.
  14. Sad but true, @DianeB. It's looking increasingly like I won't fulfill one of my bucket list items, seeing Clapton in concert. I posted a year (or more) ago about his cancelling his LA concert because of his peripheral neuropathy. Then he held his Crossroads concert last year in Dallas and I couldn't go. Since he has those every 3 years it's doubtful he'll have another. Lot's of my generation guitar heroes are retiring..........or worse.
  15. Neil, everyone probably does know that, the Blues Jr. does have such a reputation as a great little amp. But I didn't realize that the current production model is Blues Junior IV. I do love my Junior III. It was nothing but pure dumb luck that I ended up with it. I got my first "good" guitar, a Les Paul, in a package deal with the the amp. I had no idea what I was getting as far as an amp. My only complaint on the amp is the reverb, not the tone but the reliability. I just got it out of the shop a couple days ago, for the 3rd time, getting the reverb repaired. I don't know if that is a characteristic of the amp or a factor of us living in the country in a very dusty environment. Or maybe a combination. In chatter in a couple other forums it seems it does occur with some regularity. Others have talked about changing out the chamber.
  16. Made my day!?!?! Made my day?!?!?! If ever there was a correct time for WTF?!? If jealousy makes one's day then, yes, made my day, Tom! 😬😡😉😮
  17. @Eracer_Team-DougH, the background singers were Jade and Juanita. Mahalia was not on this cruise. We need to have @Tom M post his picture with Jade. I'm still mad. I'll say no more.😡😉
  18. Thanks, @NeilES335, @Popeye and @fray for your amp recommendations and contributions to this thread. And, yes, the puppy coming to check on its human is always a good sign. And probably one meaning good tone.
  19. Yes, it is! Of course, I didn't have as good of vantage point as this person.😬 Josh Smith, Tommy Emmanuel and JB. Reese Wynans on Keys!
  20. tj, you were leaning. Did you jump? Care to share with us if you did? I realize I am necroposting here. I'm doing this for two reasons. #1, and perhaps most importantly, I always wanted to say "necroposting"😉 14 month old thread? Is that necroposting? #2 When you posted about Bugera it completely escaped my attention. But about a month ago a guy started a thread about Bugera amps in another forum, asking for advice. This time it registered. Wait a minute! What's that little amp my jam buddy uses? I sent him a text and, sure enough, he uses a Bugera 15. And it sounds awesome. 15 watts of delicious tube sound and tiny. Perfect for jamming. I started doing a little browsing and came across this. A Bugera G5 Infinium tube amp head. I'm a little suspicious about the market for a 5 watt head for a practice amp. I think most people that are looking for a practice amp are going to want a combo, like my buddy's. But it is still interesting. 2 channels, clean and distorted, tone controls and a "morph" control to go from American to British sound?, and 1 and 0.1 watt attenuation! Reverb. And great tone. I'm thinking about it. I recently bought a Quilter 45 Microblock (45 watt) amp. I have no idea why. But I bought a speaker cabinet and put a Celestion Rocket 50 12" speaker in it. It sounds really good. So I have the cab. And maybe I'll do something similar with a 8" speaker to go to my jams. And btw, if anyone else is looking for a little amp. I mentioned the Bugera 15 of my jam buddy. They are no longer manufactured. But a guy on eBay is selling some factory reconditioned ones. He has 4 of them left: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bugera-BC15-15-Watt-Vintage-Guitar-Amp-Warranty/174201333108
  21. Members of Steve's Guitar Gathering family were on the Keeping the Blues Alive at Sea Cruise. And met up! And what a great time it was! And it was especially nice meeting and hangin' out with other GG members. There were 4 members and spouses from here on the cruise but unfortunately we weren't able to connect with @BluesMan67. Next time! Pictured below are (L to R) Diane and @Dan Brown (in the cap) , Barb and Ron Petersen (yours truly, matonanjin), and Sheila and @Tom M (Tom Moore). That is Nassau, Bahamas in the background.
  22. No, Doug, I expected that to work but it didn't. I think it was @William Nelson that thought it was a firewall issue. He took it home and printed it from his tablet. I tried printing it and the little revolving circle came up that told me it was doing something, thinking. But nothing happened. I sent it to my Canon Pro-100 printer. If I go to the print que for the printer there is nothing in the que. I also have a utility for making pdf's from a file. it saves as a pdf on my hard drive. If I send to it nothing happens. Just weird.
  23. There was some discussion yesterday in the chat regarding problems printing out the pdf for the lesson. Some could print it. Some could not. I realized too late that I fell into the latter category. I still can't print it. Did anyone that was having difficulty figure this out? Care to share how you resolved it?
  24. I think a lot of people are especially excited about this one, @Steve Krenz. I know I will be there.

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