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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2024 in Posts

  1. I've been wondering about her! From Vulture and New York magazine, this link might be active only a short time. She has a brief Wikipedia entry. Back in October 2020, months after Diondre Cole dared to inquire “What up with that?” to viewers at home, a pink guitar beckoned from the stage as Saturday Night Live returned to its normal studio programming. There, just off to the right and in the back of the opening monologue frame, was guitarist Maddie Rice making her debut as part of the show’s live band. Young, hip, and barely 30 years old at the time, the newest addition of the Saturday Night Live Band was notable for a few reasons….
    3 points
  2. And I would say that her long thin fingers contribute to her success, but then I look (in amazement) at Steve's fingers!
    3 points
  3. And she talks some theory here, pentatonic and dorian. I've always admired her. She and Molly Tuttle were classmates. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=10154217701324119
    3 points
  4. THANKS @DianeB and @Nancy Lawing for bringing guitarist Maddie Rice to my attention, I made a concerted effort to find her in the band that I otherwise would have missed without this string. She has been in 2 SNL shows that I've seen since I read this. As Nancy pointed out you could see she has the fingers for it and I hope they will bring her out front more to feature some of her playing. Kinda like they did with GE Smith occasionally. Have a great week, stay well. Gene C
    1 point
  5. Done properly, I don't think the pull off is always going to be weaker than a hammer on. I suppose it depends a lot on which finger you are using and what effect you are trying to achieve musically. Here's the link to the live lesson that Steve did a while back on hammer on's and pull offs that should provide some greater insight.
    1 point

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