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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2020 in Posts

  1. I didn't know how to title this post or even how to describe them. I wasn't even sure whether to stick it here or in the "Technique" subforum. His weekly YT videos aren't about technique. There is no discussion about how a flattened 7th gives the groove a blues sound or such theoretical or technique points . No, in fact the title of this video is probably representative of his discussions, "It Don't Mean a Thing if it Don't Swing". His videos are always, what I will call, fun, philosophical, historical rants. He calls his videos "nerdy" and they probably are, to an extent. Every one is filled with names that I wish I had the time to purse. This one is no exception. Billy Preston, Cornell Dupree, James Gadson, Mike Landau, Wah Wah Watson are just a few he references this time. This time he stresses the importance of becoming a "crate digger" and you'll have to watch this to find out what that means. I don't need to convince anyone what a monster player he is. Joe Bonamassa calls him one of the greatest players he has seen and had him on (I think) the Three Kings Tour. I got a chance to meet Kirk and talk with him on two of the Keeping The blues Alive at Sea cruise. We had even talked about a possible lesson on the ship but, for reasons I won't go into, I backed out. He always is as jovial and happy as he seems on here. These videos are always short, 10 or so minutes, so not a huge time investment. And I think you will enjoy.
    1 point
  2. Congrats Mike. Great decision, great guitar. Make some sweet music with it. Greg
    1 point
  3. Mike- You ought to be able to fulfill Psalms 100:1 with that in your hands! Can't wait to see photos and your feedback! Congrats!
    1 point
  4. There is an awesome cd of Johnny Copeland, Robert Cray, and Albert Collins together called Showdown.
    1 point
  5. That’s a good video @NeilES335 And very long..... Long..... I bought a Fender Mustang GTX this week. I’ve been watching tons of videos and doing hours of research on amps. However, you never learn much till you do something yourself. I choose the Mustang because it gave me the chance to learn a lot for a reasonable price. Lots of modeled amps built in and all fully adjustable as the models on which they’re based. And effects, of course. While it’s just DSP, it sounds good enough I think to help me discover my sound. Maybe that will help keep me focused on my guitar.
    1 point
  6. @FTB23 Hi there! Congrats on a good start. Like many wise teachers, Steve starts the course with very small bites to give the student a sense of progress. As you can tell from previewing the rest of the course, there are no more small bites with "Session" in their title. The sessions will now be more substantial and it will require significantly more time to complete them. Do not be deterred. Create your own small bites. Ignore the "recommended times to complete", as they are unrealistically brief for most students. It will take as long as it takes. Keep your attention on the process, not the goal, and you are in for a long and happy guitar journey.
    1 point

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