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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2020 in Posts

  1. Hi All, hope everyone is safe and getting extra time to play with the quarantine....finally got new Epiphone SG...plays real well and sound with the boss katana is really clear and clean...in S14 now and really enjoying the journey 🎸🎼🎸
    2 points
  2. Hey! First off, forgive the awful pun! But I finished Session 3 today, and I am moving on to the next lesson tomorrow! 😄 I'm excited to have fun with this lesson. I have read a little about the 2 part approach to this one, so I think I'm gonna do it that way. Is there any other obvious tips that other people wish they would have known going into the 4th session? Thanks!
    1 point
  3. @FTB23 don't get too super tied up with Session 4 Bonus string jumping exercise Many; me included got far to wound out with that 1 excerse Lots of good stuff in S4 and 4b
    1 point
  4. @FTB23 Hi there! Congrats on a good start. Like many wise teachers, Steve starts the course with very small bites to give the student a sense of progress. As you can tell from previewing the rest of the course, there are no more small bites with "Session" in their title. The sessions will now be more substantial and it will require significantly more time to complete them. Do not be deterred. Create your own small bites. Ignore the "recommended times to complete", as they are unrealistically brief for most students. It will take as long as it takes. Keep your attention on the process, not the goal, and you are in for a long and happy guitar journey.
    1 point
  5. The song Malaguena is covered in Session 5 of the fingerstyle course which is dedicated to classical guitar. I borrowed the old nylon string guitar of my sister-in-law to give it a try. Malaguena is a Spanish tune and is full of emotion, drama and passion. Thanks Greg - @gotto - for the great challenge theme. Wim.
    1 point

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