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Posts posted by Eracer_Team-DougH

  1. Steve describes the strumming hand is like a piston. 

    down up down up... never stopping.

    Doesn't always strum or pick a sting but it has to go the other way some  time.

    But to do 2 down strokes you have to bring your hand up, before you can go down again 

    Same with the foot, tap down for 1, up on &, down on 2, up on &....

    Just cause you didn't count the & or say the &, doesn't mean the & didn't exist

  2. Big "key" to LMG is 

    Sessions 1 to 9 give you the tools to play guitar. 

    Sessions 10 to 20 are as Steve calls them "extra tools for your bag"

    Many people bail on the course around S8 or S9 as they can work with other musicians and other learning studies. Instead of keeping with it to the end.

    So very few have "completed " the course, 

    Because of LMG I'm one of a few "music ministers " at my church, I got to S9, an opportunity came up to play live in front of 500-1200 people and so for me LMG is sidetracked a bit, with intentions of getting back to it.

    But I may never finish. 

    Steve wrote a home schooling version.  It was intended for parents to monitor a child's progress through LMG.

    Steve laid out a plan to finish the course in 2yrs.

    But that's assuming you're a school age person,  with someone to look after the day to day adult stuff and you can concentrate on LMG like the rest of your schooling

    Just don't get a 24hr IT job like I had for over 20yrs, you'll have a chance of finishing. 


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  3. 13 hours ago, Ice9 said:

    but what fun it's been :)

    just saying there is a billion presets on the modeling equipment to keep a user twinking and tweaking for a long time .

    whether is a Pod or a Kemper. Oh look a new patch.. 

    I spent 2yrs learning how to build tube amps and the longest running person in LMG Session 4, as I twinked Zoso vs Malory vs Sprague capacitors. each does something slightly different in each spot. which prevents one from just playing.

    something to be said for an amp with a volume knob and maybe a tone knob.

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  4. @Nairon @Fretless @NeilES335  

    NeilES335 has a Scarlett Focusrite 2i2 bundled package,  he'll tell you the headphones in it aren't that bad,

    I haven't heard them myself. 

    One thing I have learned from recording with a mic, 

    Heating and AC kicks in , you'll get the whooshing sound in your mic.

    I block the vent off with several large books, but the low rumble of the furnace can still be seen in the lower bars of the VU meter.

    Have to time your live recording between heat/cool cycles 

  5. @Wim VD1 thanks..

    I've been thinking of posting my recorded car practice as that "would fit the March category" better, with just a $60 used Chinese Strat, Battery amp and recorded on my phone with the car windows and roof open.

    I'm well documented on this forum that I try and practice anywhere any time (usually in the car/van when wife is shopping) remnants from my 24/7 job I squeezed practice in somewhere.

    our category was to spur on those that we know just started the LMG series and we've see their posts of being in Session 3 and 4. we'll see



  6. Here is a LMG Song Hits song from Session 4

    All I Have to do Is Dream, written by Felice & Boudleaux Bryant

    I ended up using 3 guitars and 1 bass.

    I didn't want just another strumming rhythm so I did a fingerstyle rhythm on the Epiphone Sheraton semi-hollow body guitar in the middle pickup position running through a rented Fender Pricneton FSR65 with Cannabis Rex speaker. had the Reverb and Tremo on to try and give it a bit of a dreamy state.

    the lead was on my Gibson Les Paul, in the treble/lead pickup with even more tremo added.

    the 'super lead' was done on my Fender Strat on the bridge pickup (I backed down the reverb and tremo for this spotlight)

    to fill in the bottom end I used my Dean Bass again.

    the rhythm track was done in the open position with open chords (except for the Bm)

    the lead melody was played in the 4th position

    the super lead at the end was played at the 12th position



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  7. Wish I could find a jam group,  but mostly my time is used up before I know it.

    But maybe I would "Make the time", if I had a group to hang with.

    You figure I'm 10min away from NeilES335,  about 50min from Ron Service, and just over an hour away from OldJock_Henk

    Still trying to work out a jam group 

    We'll have to try and get together after lockdown 

  8. I'm relooking at Steve's LMG Blues again , hoping I've "matured" as a guitar player to get more out of it.

    But like @Plantsman13 agree there isn't enough direction in it. Too much time spent with Dino on keyboard (sorry Steve)

    Very well produced though, 

    On Truefire I really like Jeff Mcerlain courses, and I just finished from the $5 sale at TF a David Hamburger Beginner Blues 

    David Hamburger's course was pretty simple if I finished it in a short time . Only "take a way" was the last lick in E where he did a 'stanard' 5 note walk up to the chords. Sounded bluesy

    Wish his course was totally like that and expanded the idea through out.

  9. Wish I could help out. 

    I keep getting sidetracked with other lessons, and playing,  never made it much into disk 3 of LMG Blues 

    but I'm "re-visiting" Disk 1 again.. making sure I can learn all I can from it before moving out.. (went backwards in the Song Hits too,, working S4 in it as well)

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