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Status Replies posted by Eracer_Team-DougH

  1. Thank you for the information. I'll definitely work with it starting on the 5-6 idea. Joe is one of my favorite players. Right On.

    1. Eracer_Team-DougH


      the car/van practice was out of time utilization.

      it didn't really kick into full gear till I moved up to guitarist in the choir. then I needed to practice the weekly songs as much as possible, so I utilize a certain amount of 'wasted' time like when the wife is shopping. there's nothing for me to shop for.. so I play.

      volume pedal.. you don't need one. (yet or ever depending on you need)

      amp's .. I'm a tube guy, they just sound the best.. a 5w tube amp and pretty well hold its own with more powerful solid state amps.

      my 'overkill' Traynor YGL2 30w tube amp.. and I have the master volume at 1 and it's still too loud for my house.

      a 1w tube amp will fill most living rooms just fine.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Thank you for the information. I'll definitely work with it starting on the 5-6 idea. Joe is one of my favorite players. Right On.

    1. Eracer_Team-DougH


      It' A little tight esp with a winter coat on. Not so much in the van 2nd row.

      I try play every day. I' Not the best guitarist here on GG/LMG but I try.

      NeilES335 can play circlesaround me.

      By I play rhythm every week in church which takes all my time from the course.

      Btw volume thing... Steve K is a keep it all on 10 guy and uses a volume pedal. Where Bonamassa uses his guitar controls 


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Thank you for the information. I'll definitely work with it starting on the 5-6 idea. Joe is one of my favorite players. Right On.

    1. Eracer_Team-DougH


      I got hooked on Job B back in 2006 but really started tracking him in 2011.. 

      I can't do it at home, amps are just too loud for the house (even the master is on 1.5 my guitars are still on like 2-3). but in my car.. I have the battery powered amp on like 9

      when I'm doing something clean, I back the volume down, when I need distortion I turn the volume on the guitar to 9.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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