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Everything posted by guitarben

  1. It does seem very high, especially considering it only has historical value as it doesn't seem to be in very good condition. On the other hand, it is signed by George Harrison, John Lennon and 2 other people I can't make out.
  2. Thanks for posting this, it's very interesting to see your notes!
  3. It seems a lot has to do with the quality. There seems to be a big price difference between good, very good and excellent. Also, the owner can ask what they want for it... it doesn't mean it will sell.
  4. Most Canucks here seem to be in Ontario! I am in Montreal. I usually go to Ontario a few times per year during the summer to see CFL games, but the Montreal team has been going from bad to worse lately so I'm not sure if I'll do it this year.
  5. Don't let the fact that you can't play them perfectly prevent you from playing the chords... the more you play them the better they will sound. Also, I find that what works best for me is to do shorter practice sessions, for example 4x15 minutes instead of a single 1 hour session in the day. So for the chords, I would suggest to play them randomly in your practice sessions. For example, between each exercice play each chord a few times. It shouldn't even take a minute and you should see improvement quickly. The exercices that have chords over them is also a great way to practice, even if you don't know all the chords yet; just play the ones you know instead. Another thing I do is to play a chord when I make a mistake. It prevents me from cursing and hitting my strings (I exagerate a bit...) and "refreshes" my brain for a second before attempting the exercice again. This method has kept me zen, and so far I am comfortable with 6 chords and I am almost at the halfway point of session 4. That's what works for me anyways, everyone is different.
  6. I would recommend to look into it directly with Youtube, because as far as I know only the streamer and the moderators can post links in Youtube chat. They made it this way to prevent spam. Source: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2524549?hl=en We can work around it by writing example(dot)com, but it's not ideal. Also, I recommend that you put all the videos from ustream on the Youtube channel as well. You could monetize them, but that's up to you. Finally, you should be elligible for a custom URL from Youtube, for example youtube.com/c/guitargathering. It's free, I'm pretty sure you meet all the criteria to be eligible and it would be better than the current long chain of random characters. You can get the instructions for that here: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2657968?hl=en
  7. Every edition of Easy pop melodies has a total of 20 songs. Lert's keep each other posted, and good luck on the flats and sharps!
  8. Yes it is cool! It seems that we are the two people on session 4 right now so we get to learn and grow together. I am really looking forward to the sharps and flats, this will allow us to play any music (in the first position) from sheet music without tabs. In Easy pop melodies I have been practicing every song that we covered so far. I have an older edition which does not have Dust in the wind, so I can play Mull of Kintyre, When I need you, Let it Be, House of the rising sun and Book of love with the backing tracks. The 5th and 6th strings have "unlocked" Don't be cruel and All my loving, which I can play at the proper tempo but I didn't try them with the backing tracks yet.
  9. Weel done Limatje! Keep us posted on how the sharps and flats are coming along, I will start those myself once I build up more speed on the 5th and 6th strings exercises.
  10. Nice! I'm really looking forward to this live lesson. I have a few questions/clarifications for Greg: 1- In the course I notice you don't stretch the new strings. Is it because you find it doesn't make a difference? I know that many say it's a must and that the strings will stay in tune quicker, but the difference I notice is so small it might just be a placebo effect. What's your opinion on that? 2- Also in the course, you mention to wrap the strings once over the top, bend it up then turn the tuning peg. When you do, you seem to be holding the string down with your finger. From my understanding, the first wrap is over the hole and the next ones are under it. Is this correct? 3- Do you plan a making a more advanced course, for example about changing parts? Thank you for the course, you got me started on doing a setup myself and that was a tremendous help. The season changes are so drastic up here in Canada that if you find a shop that is willing to take your guitar in December/January, it will take them a month to get to it.
  11. Thanks for the info! I'll check out the Mark Hanson book. The Hal Leonard books are still available. The cd version is still available, and the new version has online audio files that you can cut, loop, slow down, speed up... pretty much anything you can think of. They can also be downloaded as mp3s.
  12. Great video! Part 2 is really worth watching too. I like how it's not really "repairing" it as much as "making sure it holds together until he brings it back". What an iconic guitar! It also goes to show that what matters is the music you make, not the fancy gear you own.
  13. Wow! This post should really be sticky. There is a lot of information here that I hadn't seen on the old forum yet, I,ll keep it aside and take my time to read it all. The very first post about teaching is repeated. After it says It just starts over from the beginning.

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