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Everything posted by NeilES335

  1. Thanks very much @Fretless and @matonanjin I appreciate the comments very much. Sadly my singing voice is no Andy Williams and certainly not Audrey Hepburn, but I'm glad you enjoyed it! ( I had posted this under Member Recordings as well, (not fishing for compliments ? ) but my thought was to complete my earlier post about learning this song from Song Hits. )
  2. Thanks @Old Guy especially you're remark about recording?. Your blog on the subject was very helpful.
  3. I worked on this song from Song Hits for quite a while and I admit I couldn't seem to get it quite right... in Fmaj. Then I found a transcription in Dmaj which I found quite a bit easier to play. I played the rhythm track finger-style and the melody track with a pick. Godin 5th Ave Archtop, recorded direct to Reaper DAW through a Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 interface, using a touch of reverb and compression. I hope you like it. Here it its; Moon River.mp3
  4. @Triple-o Keep at it... it isn't the easiest song to master.. check out @Wim VD1 recording. He did an excellent job.
  5. Thanks @SandyB53 you're too kind..? I'm aleady working on another one. Now I've learned the basics of using a DAW , recording and editing, this is becoming more fun.? Recording really forces you to pay attention to playing cleanly and in constant time. ( just playing alone you can get a bit sloppy and not notice) Cheers; N
  6. Your on the right track! Great! I confess I didnt use a 'nome for a long time, (I still have to remember to get it going) I think I have pretty good "internal timing" , but using the 'nome recently sharpens up your tempo. A side benefit of using Reaper DAW to practice with, is the Metronome feature, which will play along with you in record or playback mode. I found this challenging yet very helpful to get the timing just right.
  7. @gotto Congratulations on this appearance Greg ! Sounds like a wonderful (albeit exhausting ) experience! I'm glad it came off so well for you. Having played in public just once "off the cuff" I know how it can be a nervous yet elating experience when finished. Here's to you and your band... many more! ? (next time you can show up earlier or make sure the owner leaves space for the Star Attraction, so at least you can sit down!) ps Any video or audio recording of the performance?
  8. Your welcome Greg! @gotto I was hoping folks were still watching these nugget of wisdom... Some of the best "short" material Steve has ever done in my opinion. I hope you get a lot out of them. Cheers.N
  9. It's been quiet a ride... but here's my first "real " recording. I originally started learning this song from Steve Krenz's "Learn and Master Guitar - The Song Hits" some time ago. That version is in the key of Fmaj. I located a transcription in Dmaj, which I found much better (for me) to play. I'll be glad to share the chart (sheet music ) with you on request. Recorded with my Godin 5th Av Kingpin archtop, Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 interface into Reaper DAW. (yes I like this MUCH better..) 2 tracks in Stereo, panned left and right, with a touch of reverb and compression. Moon River, by Henry Mancini, from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. I hope you like it.... Thanks for listening.
  10. @Eracer_Team-DougH As the E is only 1 tone higher than you're going to, you could "Walk up" instead of walk down... D chord, D, E, F#, Em chord
  11. @WATSON43 Kevin; Unless you happen to hit a lucky streak performing a song you know really well, on a recording you want to keep/mix/post etc. then I think the only real way to do it is as @IanD says, do several "takes" of the various parts (ie; rhythm guitar, lead guitar, vocal) and create the entire song from the best tracks.
  12. @WATSON43 terrific recording Kevin? . Just getting into recording myself so Im finding out how hard it can be to get a "clean, error free" take. Congrats.
  13. I'll wait and see if someone knows.... I do "sort of " know... it's in the little theory book I'm reading called "Music Theory 101" .
  14. Ok all you theory buffs out there... here's today's music trivia question: Why are the 4th and 5th degrees of the scale called "Perfect" ? In what context was this term devised and/or evolve? (No need to get too technical...) @Steve Krenz Maybe you'd like to chime in on this one! Happy confusing terms everyone! Neil
  15. This will be very interesting! Looking forward to it ?
  16. I see JustinGuitar.com has free Uke lessons... Private Guitar lessons = ?
  17. It's a good thing he's doing... I'm sure he has plenty of money, so donating the proceeds to help the homeless is a very generous and and altruistic act. It also means of course others get to enjoy the collection. I'm sure there will be a lot of interest like Clapton's auction a few years back. None of us "owns" anything really... we just get to use things as they pass through our hands on the way to someone else.
  18. @Randy120 Thanks for you views and suggestions. I wouldnt say after a month or so( almost every day) of trying to set up PTF ( YES..downloadind it with all the required accounts for Avid and almost every one of the plug ins Is a Pain) learn a bit of how it works only to get erroe messages and not work, is walking away easily. IIm glad it works for you and you like it. I might have a go at it some other time but for me, now, Reaper is working much better, without the hassles.
  19. Shared rooms; @colder posted this; The doom rooms are typical dorm rooms - two beds in each room and an attached bathroom which is shared with the adjoining room. There is a sink and a mirror in each room. There was also some basic dorm furniture like dressers, a desk and a chair, twin size bed, and a closet. They provide bedding, but if you're particular about it you might want to bring a blanket and a pillow with you. I think last year there was enough space so that everyone had their own room, but I'm not sure how it will work out this coming year.Last year the ladies were all on their own floor, with the men on a different floor. Edited December 17, 2018 by colder
  20. Bye Bye Pro Tools... (Well, moved to the back burner at least.) I dont give in easily...but this was/is ridiculous. No fun at all. So... I downloaded a trial copy of Reaper. (took like 3 mins...vs 3 hrs for PTF) I was importing backing / jam tracks, (just drag and drop the file into thectrack!)and doing test guitar tracks and vocal tracks within a 1 hour or so! Tonight recorded guitar over a jam track after watching just 1 excellent 20min. instruction video on Reapers site. (There's a complete course there for free) Saved the project file locally . No Cloud storage 3 project maxium crap to deal with. MUCH easier to use and understand. Of course Ive just scratched the surface in 1 evening session with it. Is it simple? Yes and no...its very customizable if you want it to be, or just leave it and use as is. I did notice some lesser functions dont work on this freebie "evaluation" version, but the important stuff seems to be there. The " licenced " version cost 60$Cdn says my buddy @Eracer_Team-DougH And guess what? It looks like all those free plug ins I downloaded from my Avid Focusrite "My Software " account work in Reaper?, many that didnt in ProToolsFirst( or should I say Last)! Hopefully a passable recording to post soon... nothing specal but decent.
  21. I do see some more "reasonably priced" models there. Factory wise, I see the biggest move is closing the Memphis plant and moving the ES line ( and the employees)to Nashville, where I believe they had more space than they needed. Theyre keeping the Montana plant for acoustics primarily because of the climate and the talent.
  22. Looking at the line up of 2019 products, it looks to me like they are heading in the right direction; trying to sell more guitars, not weird consumer electronics gadgets. The new line up has many of the old classics in genuine "reissue" form, for the purists, as well as many new lines of "studio" models at much lower price points. They are introducing some new acoustic lines as well, at moderate price points. (good idea; I seldom think of Gibson acoustic models other than J45 , J200, Humingbird, Songwriter) Still retaining the quality will be the key. If so they could sell a lot of guitars to buyers who always wanted a Gibson but could not afford them.

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