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Everything posted by WATSON43

  1. Well done @Randy120. I really like the shimmery guitar tone.
  2. Thank you @NeilES335, @Texaspackerfan, @gotto, @UncleHammy and @IanD. Neil, my DAW is Presonus Studio One Artist version (a notch below their Professional version). The software was included when I bought the interface a few years ago (Presonus Audiobox USB).
  3. I recorded this one with my great-niece (from last year's movie, "The Greatest Showman"). It's not perfect but we had a blast doing it.
  4. @Plantsman13, I don't use Transcribe for every practice session. I use it primarily when learning new material, especially difficult guitar solos or intricate finger picking songs. I'll slow everything down and loop 3 or 4 bars at a time, playing them over and over again. I'm not sure I understand your question regarding how I have things arranged around me -- I'm merely sitting in front of my computer and keyboard with my guitar in hand. I hope this helps.
  5. For video playback I've been using Transcribe for about 3 years, and I'm very happy with it. You can do all sorts of things such as slowing things down, changing the key, looping certain portions, etc. I think I first heard about this software from JustinGuitar. Here's a link to the website. I see that it's selling for only $39 which is a great deal. https://www.seventhstring.com/xscribe/buy.html
  6. I enjoyed your improvisation @Wim VD1, especially the double stops beginning at roughly the 1:44 mark. @Randy120 nice job on the CCR tune. That one brings back memories -- you and I must be contemporaries. Your vocals were excellent.
  7. Thank you all for your nice comments. That's one thing I really like about this website -- everyone is very supportive.
  8. Here's my version of a Sting song in the style of Eva Cassidy. Sorry about the length -- I toyed with the idea of dropping a verse, but ultimately decided not to.
  9. @IanD, wonderful job. You have a really nice voice. I can't wait to hear more tunes.
  10. I appreciate the kind words from everyone regarding my cover of “Homeward Bound”. @Randy120, what a beautiful rendition. You really nailed it. Best of luck on your physical therapy.
  11. I thought I'd try something different this month. Many years ago I recorded the guitar and lead vocal for this song on cassette tape. Recently I was able to convert the analog recording to digital, so I imported it to my DAW (Studio One) and added harmonies. Since the original was on tape there's a little bit of background hum, but I don't think it hurts things too much. Thanks for listening.
  12. @Texaspackerfan Wow! Fantastic job Danny. Sounds like a professional mix. I don't know why you don't like your voice (I'm referring to the comments you made in your June 21 post). I think the vocals were excellent.
  13. @UncleHammy, @Oldjock, @Wim VD, @Nutty1 and @Texaspackerfan: Thank you all for your words of encouragement. By the way @Wim VD, you did a really nice job on "Albatross". I must admit I didn't know anything about early Fleetwood Mac, but after hearing your song I listened to some of their stuff online. I particularly like the blues tune "Need Your Love So Bad". Peter Green's solos on that song are so tasteful; he plays with beautiful tone and feeling.
  14. I'm not exactly sure if this song meets the guidelines, but my understanding is that Neil Young wrote it about one of his old cars, so I guess you could say it's about driving. Thanks for listening.
  15. Thanks Wim and UncleHammy. I really look forward to each monthly challenge. Let's hope we get some more participants this month.
  16. Here's my submission from the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's. https://soundcloud.com/user-198649149/kg-moon-river-4-13-18 Thanks for listening.
  17. @V7#5b9 I enjoyed listening to these timeless classics. I can't wait to hear some of your jazz numbers. @Wim VD Wonderful rendition of “Misty”. One of my favorites.
  18. I noticed after posting my mp3 file that if you click on it, it downloads to your computer. Can someone tell me how to embed a file so you can listen to it right here? I see that other people have done this with their Soundcloud files, etc. Last month I simply provided a link to Soundcloud, but I think it's nicer if you can listen here. Thanks.
  19. Here's my submission. I saw a guy do this arrangement on YouTube and I really liked it. KG_What a Wonderful World_February 2018 challenge.mp3
  20. Mark, that's beautiful! Wonderful tone and great use of the looper. If there were mistakes I sure didn't hear them.
  21. My thanks to all of you for the kind words. I look forward to hearing songs from other Forum members.
  22. Hi UncleHammy. I've been listening to Tuesday night Live Lessons for years, but I only recently joined the forum. Here's my entry -- an old favorite from the Beatles "Revolver" album. I recorded it using Presonus Studio One. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed recording it. https://soundcloud.com/user-198649149/kg-and-your-bird-can-sing-3-2-17-key-of-c-with-drums

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