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Six String

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Everything posted by Six String

  1. I say adjust them. Take a measurement as they currently are, raise them until they are way too high then sink them in a 1/2 turn at a time and see if you find a sweet spot. Beyond setting them far enough from the strings to avoid magnetic interference this is a totally subjective adjustment. What sounds good to you is the “spec”. Don’t forget you may find a better sound angling the pickup slightly. That can help clean up a muddy bass side and balance the output from top to bottom string. If you find it makes no difference to your ear, you can return to the starting measurement and know that’s as good as it gets with the rig as is. I concur that your options for replacement pickups will be far fewer than if you could use standard sized humbuckers. Not sure if P90s might fit.
  2. One recurring question I've seen in the forums is what to do when you have over done it and have pain in your hands and/or elbow. It seems there is a point where we all become more motivated to play than our physical abilities will support and we end up with something hurting. I personally had a point where I had constant notable pain in my right elbow to the point it affected other aspects of my life. Doing routine tasks would result in sharp spikes of pain to the point of expletives. I found the video posted below and followed the steps 2-3 times a day for a week or so, taking about 4 days off from playing and the pain went away and has never come back. YMMV, but I post in hopes it will help others find relief. Use this video if you have overdone it. Use this to help avoid problems in the first place.
  3. Its been a while since I was shopping to upgrade my acoustic, but when I was the DRS2 was one of the guitars I seriously considered. In general, in and my opinion, Martins tend to be less "bright" and more "full", or "rounder", or "woodier" or "earthier" or however you like to describe it, compared to Taylors. That said, the DRS1 was was tad too far in that direction for my preferences, and I preferred the spruce topped DRS2 to the all mahogany -1. I will say with an acoustic, its best to play a bunch of them, including those well over your price point to hone in on what is most pleasing to your ear and meets your budget.

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