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Steve Krenz

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Everything posted by Steve Krenz

  1. It's shaping up to be a great conference! 31 registered as of November 13. List above updated. - Steve
  2. Ha! We use to have a Skip Nelson that was an active poster for a while. I guess I mistakenly assumed you were one and the same. Human error strikes again! - Steve
  3. MONDAY November 11th, 2019 Topic: Classical Guitar Mastery with the Grigoryan Brothers 7pm Central Time US You can watch the lesson HERE. Grigoryan Brothers Website: https://www.grigoryanbrothers.com/ I'm excited to welcome one of the world's premiere classical guitar groups to our world! “Guitar playing of uncommon originality and authority. Musicality, expressivity and daring,” – The New York Times There will be music, laughs, giveaways and more. I look forward to seeing you there! Watch on our Guitar Gathering YouTube Channel HERE - Steve
  4. Diane, Your gift of capturing the heart of the moments we shared and writing them down is wonderful. I'll submit a full recap once I catch up on my sleep and dig out from the mound of audio gear, snacks, and guitars in my garage. I was telling Paulette yesterday that I regretted not being able to spend a bit more time with you hanging out and catching up. We'll make it up next year. Honored that you are part of our guitar family. The thought of a Delaware trip has crossed our minds more than once! - Steve
  5. Thanks Diane! Even when I forget you're right there to help. Thanks, Steve
  6. Reserve your spot at Guitar Gathering 2020 HERE. “ONCE IN A GREAT WHILE A YOUNG GUITARIST CAPTURES THE ATTENTION OF MUSIC LOVERS EARLY IN HIS CAREER AND MANAGES TO SUSTAIN THIS INTEREST AS HE MATURES CREATIVELY AND SHEDS THE ‘PRODIGY’ LABEL. JOE ROBINSON IS ONE OF THOSE RARE TALENTS.” - Premier Guitar Just confirmed that our friend Joe Robinson will be giving a masterclass at Guitar Gathering 2020! Joe Robinson https://www.joerobinson.com/ is a self-taught Australian guitarist who has toured the world as a solo guitarist. He won Australia's Got Talent. (WATCH HERE) and launched his career when he was 16. He moved to Nashville and now tours the world playing solo guitar concerts. Here are a few videos.... Reserve your spot at Guitar Gathering 2020 HERE.
  7. Triple-O, The main idea is that you land on the right chord tone when the chord changes. And you can walk up or down to that note from the previous tone however it works out step-wise. Sometimes you can add a chromatic note here and there to get the number of notes to work out right. But you can also just double a note if you need to. Hope this helps. - Steve
  8. Hey gang, Here is the official registration list for the Guitar Gathering 2020 conference as of November 13, 2019! You can register for the conference here... GUITAR GATHERING 2020 REGISTRATION 31 Registered Diane B. from Newark, DE Doug B. from Plano, TX Andy C. from Austin, TX Murry C. from Hertford, United Kingdom Michael D. from Rockville, MD Steve D. from Gladstone, MI Lucio F. from Sheboygan, WI Paulette F. from Winter Springs, FL Mike H. from Sacramento, CA Jacqueline J. and Guest from Lewis Center, OH Mark J. from Minneapolis, MN Brooks L. from New Canaan, CT Pat L. from Alto, MI Rich L. from Fair Oaks, CA Trevor L. from St. Albans, United Kingdom Charles M. from Fort Collins, CO Keith M. from Sour Lake, TX William N. from Jackson, TN Greg O. (gotto) from Battleground, WA Eric P. from Largo, FL Joan R. and guest from Tamiment, PA Bob S. from Robinson, IL Chris S. from San Antonio, TX Gerald T. from La Crescent, MN David W. from Asheville, NC Doug W. from Odenton, MD George W. from Red Lion, PA Ken W. from Jacksonville, FL Reg W. from Georgetown, IN
  9. Tuesday September 17th, 2019 Topic: Thumbpicking Champion Parker Hastings 7pm Central Time US You can watch the lesson HERE. Parker Hastings Website: https://www.parkerhastingsguitar.com/ I have wanted to have this amazing young guitarist on for a couple of years. I'm excited about him finally getting introduced to our guitar family. Currently as a teenager, Parker Hastings has done incredible things in the guitar world - including being named "Thumbpicker of the Year" by the National Thumbpickers Hall of Fame. Parker is a joy to be with and hear. He stole the show at a recent fingerstyle event here in Nashville that I had the treat to be in the audience for. There will be music, laughs, giveaways and more. I look forward to seeing you there! Watch on our Guitar Gathering YouTube Channel HERE - Steve
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Walk ups and walk downs on guitar are a simple but often used skill in many genres including Bluegrass, Country and even Jazz. This popular lesson shows the common walk ups and walk downs in the keys of C, G, D, A and E. Plus, some walking bass exercises in a Jazz context. Learn all you can!
  11. My mind is blown after last night's Live Lesson broadcast with the Boutique Guitar Showcase.  Here's the link... Boutique Guitar Showcase: https://www.boutiqueguitarshowcase.com/

  12. A fascinating look into the cutting edge of innovation of what a guitar could be by some of the best guitar builders in the world. Learn more about these amazing instruments here... Boutique Guitar Showcase: https://www.boutiqueguitarshowcase.com/ - Steve
  13. Looking forward to learning about Songwriting tonight on live lessons with Rob Harris!

  14. Yes, I forgot to mention that one. Yes, it would sometimes indicate a slide as well. In strict guitar notation (in other words, if the sheet music was written for guitar) a "slide" would be indicated with a straight line between two notes as opposed to a curved line. But, much of the time, you will be reading music that is written for other instruments. In that case, it wouldn't be uncommon to interpret a curved line as a slide. So, the question becomes as the player, "What do I play? a Pull-Off, Hammer-On or Slide". The answer is is that it is up to you as the performer to play whatever you prefer. If the composer had a preference then he should have taken the time to write in specifically what he wanted - otherwise it's the performer's choice. - Steve
  15. Yes, I would read that as a pull-off in guitar notation. Here's the scoop... 1) Curved line (Tie) between two notes of the same pitch = A TIE that functions as a rhythmic extension of the first note to make the first note longer in duration. You'll see these on notes within the same measure and also to hold a note over the barline. 2) Curved line (Tie) between two notes of different pitches = A SLUR indicator for a wind instrument. If you were playing a clarinet then you wouldn't re-articulate the second note. BUT, guitar players are not wind instruments, so if we see this between two notes in a guitar piece it would indicate to use either a Hammer-On (if the second note is higher in pitch than the first note) or a Pull-Off (if the second note is lower in pitch than the first note.) Hope this helps. Learn all you can! - Steve
  16. Tuesday August 20th, 2019 Topic: Being a Singer/Songwriter with Rob Harris 7pm Central Time US You can watch the lesson HERE. Rob Harris Website: https://robharrisonline.com/home Have you ever dreamed about performing your own songs? Or perhaps even playing gigs as a solo guitarist at a local restaurant? Nashville singer/songwriter Rob Harris is a master at both of these. He performs regularly at the world famous songwriters mecca the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville. He is also an in-demand solo guitar artist playing several times a week around Nashville's finest restaurants. Rob will be giving some valuable tips for getting your songs heard as well as tips for performing as a solo guitarist. PLUS we will be giving a guitar away to our good friends at the Sounds of Acoustic Recovery (S.O.A.R.) program to help another vet learn music! There will be music, laughs, giveaways and more. I look forward to seeing you there! Watch on our Guitar Gathering YouTube Channel HERE - Steve
  17. Hey gang, Just noticed this morning that we crossed a milestone last night. We are over 16000 subscribers on the Guitar Gathering YouTube channel!! It's got every live lesson that I was able to save from our old Ustream account plus all of the current live lessons (minus a couple that had technical difficulties). Lots of great stuff over there. If you haven't subscribed then maybe you can be 16001! GUITAR GATHERING YOUTUBE CHANNEL
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Here are some of my most helpful tips for playing arpeggios in a Jazz setting as well as some advanced level Jazz chord melody concepts. This is the Jazz Arpeggios PDF that goes with the lesson.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    This is the PDF for the Live Lesson by Steve Krenz on August 6th 2019. Description: Some may think that improvising is pure creativity - a person creating on a blank canvas - which can be quite intimidating. But, often, it's more like combining creative links to make a chain of ideas. These links or idea "seeds" can be built from the chord tones using some simple techniques that we'll be showing tonight. You can start off by using simple tricks around the chord tones to jump start the creativity. It's a great technique.
  20. Tuesday August 6th, 2019 Topic: Using Chord Tones as Seeds for Soloing 7pm Central Time US You can watch the lesson HERE. Here is the PDF for this lesson... Using Chord Tones as Seeds.pdf Some may think that improvising is pure creativity - a person creating on a blank canvas - which can be quite intimidating. But, often, it's more like combining creative links to make a chain of ideas. These links or idea "seeds" can be built from the chord tones using some simple techniques that we'll be showing tonight. You can start off by using simple tricks around the chord tones to jump start the creativity. It's a great technique. There will be music, laughs, giveaways and more. I look forward to seeing you there! Watch on our Guitar Gathering YouTube Channel HERE - Steve
  21. Yes, that would be nice. It's never going to happen - but it would be nice. I've asked about it in the past. It's always been a non-negotiable. - Steve
  22. Yes, I've noticed this as well. It's been down for over a month. I could send an email regarding it but I doubt it would do any good. The company that I once lived and loved and poured my life into so dearly Legacy Learning Systems has moved on. They are no longer in the music education business - on to other endeavors. They'll keep discounting and selling the remaining Learn and Master courses until the last one sells. It's profoundly sad but not surprising that they have let the old discussion board dissolve. But, I'm so happy that we have the new discussion board here and the continued life and learning that we are all a part of. Thankful for all of you. - Steve
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Examples and Progressions for the Live Lesson - Solutions for Boring Chords

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Guitar Gathering is a community of guitar lovers of all types and skill levels.  This is a place of learning, support and encouragement.  We are unapologetically positive.

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