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Steve Krenz

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Everything posted by Steve Krenz

  1. Version 1.0.0


    As the great Duke Ellington says... "It Don't Mean a Think if it Ain't Got that Swing." It doesn't matter the notes you play if you can't play with the proper feel. But with the proper Jazz feel, even the simplest of ideas swing. In this lesson you'll learn several tips for a Jazz feel, practical examples, and patterns for soloing. Download the PDF for this lesson by clicking the download button. The lesson and backing track used are below. Learn all you can! - Steve
  2. Absolutely wonderful! I loved reading all of the updates and got a few ideas for how to make our events better. Looks like a wonderful time! - Steve
  3. Version 1.0.0


    For close to 50 years, Freddie Green played guitar for the Count Basie Orchestra. His approach to playing changed how Jazz guitarists accompanied other musicians. This lesson takes you through the main chord forms and techniques in this style. Download the detailed PDF that goes with this lesson by clicking the download button.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This lesson teaches how to take a simple chord form and turn it into a flurry of notes that shimmer. It's a common guitar technique in R&B and Soul music. Download the PDF for this Lesson by clicking the download button. Learn all you can!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Download the PDF for this lesson by clicking the "Download" button. Create dynamic scale patterns and licks by mixing open strings with fretted notes, hammer-ons, pull-offs and harmonics!
  6. Doug, We can accommodate 24. Currently we have about 17 registered. Always a great time. I look forward to it all year. -Steve
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Download the PDF that goes with this lesson by clicking the "Download" button. Learn the top finger patterns for fingerstyle guitar in this lesson, then grab your guitar and play along with the play along workout.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Download the PDF for this lesson.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Download the PDF for this lesson.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Download the PDF that goes with this lesson.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Download the Real Book Lead Sheet for "When I Fall in Love"
  12. Hey all, I wanted to give an official announcement about our annual Summer Guitar Gathering conference. We will not be having a Summer Guitar Gathering conference this year. We're not stopping the summer conferences - we're just taking a break for the year. The reasons... 1) Our previous venue - Trevecca University - has dramatically increased their facilities use expenses. Trevecca has made the decision to start charging "facilities" fees. This has happened across the board, in every department, for every use, for every building. The fees they are requiring are to the tune of over half of our current conference budget. The conference has always been a bit of a labor of love and not a huge money maker by the time everyone got paid. The addition of these new "facilities fees" just took it out of reach and over the top. So, long story short, we're looking for a new host venue and didn't want to try to force it this year just for the sake of having the conference. 2) Paulette and I have put on the conference for 10 or so years by ourselves - from months of planning, to moving every chair to writing every check - and in short, we simply felt we needed a year to rest, and get new vision for the event. So, we're not stopping the summer conferences - just taking a break for the year to regroup, find a new venue and get some new ideas and vision for the future. Just wanted everyone to know. It's a joy serving you all in this way. Looking forward to 2025 and getting it back going again. BUT, the 2024 Fall Fingerstyle Guitar Retreat is still on and un-affected. (And it's going to be a great retreat). Love you all, - Steve and Paulette
  13. Steve Krenz

    Tenth Anniversary

    Such wonderful insights. A decade of music making. A day of making music - however big or small - is so much better and greater than a day not making music. Thank you Diane. - Steve
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Need a great fingerstyle lick over an E7? Here you go! This lick works great over an E7 approaching an Am as in a minor ii-V-i.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Download the FREE PDF for this lesson and learn all you can!
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Make sure to download the free PDF of the music/TAB before you start the lesson. Learn all you can!
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Discover the rich harmonies of minor tonalities, keys and scales! Download the Free PDF before you watch the lesson.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Download the free Music/TAB for "Danny Boy" as shown in the lesson below. Learn all you can!
  19. Ha! I love the discussion. Of all the guitars I've owned, I still think if I had to choose one - based on just "loving to play" factor and not value. I still think I'd choose my Yamaha Nylon string. Again, this is strictly just for my personal opinion. Here are my reasons... 1) It's acoustic. I can play it in any situation (other than a very loud situation) - with or without power. Just grab it, sit on the couch and play. 2) It's easy to play. The nylon strings make it very easy to physically play. This means that long after my hand strength starts to fade on other instruments, I'll still be able to play this one. 3) It's a smaller body size. It just fits me better. I'm sure I'd like any sort of parlor size guitar. I just prefer the smaller to larger size guitars. A side note - this also makes it lightweight and easy to carry. 4) Finally, and most importantly, I just enjoy playing it. I can play classical, fingerstyle, jazz and whatever else on it. I can't do bends and distortion on it but that's ok. I can honestly say, if given a choice of "you can only play electric or acoustic guitars for the rest of your life" I wouldn't even hesitate and gladly walk through the acoustic door grinning. - Steve
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Welcome to this two-part lesson on Open Chord Voicings! Download the free PDF for the Open Chord Voicings Lesson before you start the videos. (Both lesson videos are shown below.)
  21. Hey gang, I just got a new Strymon Cloudburst reverb pedal. So far I'm loving it and it should replace a couple of pedals on my board. But I'll run it through it's paces over the next week of playing, rehearsals and performances. I'll keep you posted and should be able to give a full update on a future live lesson. Here's a video about it...
  22. I saw Santana in San Antonio about 20+ years ago. It was a great concert. It was fascinating to me that he didn't change his sound at all. He had one sound and used it on every song. It was just his sound. In an age of everyone chasing everyone else's tones and pedalboards, it was wonderful to see an artist as just who they are. - Steve
  23. I'm sure that LogicPro and other programs can be used to create loops, chord progressions and such. Don't let anything stop you from making music. Find a way to express yourself and the music you want to create. Just some thoughts. - Steve
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Welcome to this two-part lesson on Blues Licks: Easy to Pro. Make sure to download the free PDF of the licks (Music/TAB) before you watch the videos below. Learn all you can!

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Guitar Gathering is a community of guitar lovers of all types and skill levels.  This is a place of learning, support and encouragement.  We are unapologetically positive.

If you've come here to gripe, demean others or talk politics then this isn't the place for you.

But if you've come to talk guitars, ask questions and learn from professionals and guitar learners from all over the world then come on in!

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