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  1. I bought one of these ( less expensive model) from a local shop. kept it for a day, then returned it. The fretboard segments didn't line up flat, string buzzing everywhere and the intonation was way off. No way to correct it. Perhaps just a factory lemon, but a quick reject for me. Not necessarily an indictment on all of their products, just an experience of one. Greg
    1 point
  2. Here is my go at "Stray Cat Strut" by The Stray Cats. All the chords were barre chords here and all the instruments were real ones played by me. This recording is a first for me because: 1. I have actually used the Whammy Bar! 2. I played the drum parts with my electronic drum kit (the type that you play like a real drum kit with sticks and feet). But I did have to do a bit of timing correction (as with the guitar parts). I have played the song at a much slower tempo than the original. I have only just begun to be able to do barre chords again as I appear to be having a slightly better time with the arthritis and trigger fingers. I can not play this song all in one go yet because of fatigue (or I may be using a death grip on my guitar neck). Stray Cat Strut Please note No cats were harmed during the making of this track.😆
    1 point

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