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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2020 in Posts

  1. I'm happy to report that I am almost ready to move on to Session 6. My L & M Course set included the Bonus Workshops and that went quite well yesterday. I typically go through everything at least twice. There are a couple chords - like C7 and Dm - that need more polish in the tone department, but am pleased that each day I see others that "suddenly" behave. Tried doing 'A' alternately as a barre chord and was amazed that I could. (No illusions about the other barre chords being that triumphant, however!) I kept confusing the shapes for Dm and D7, then developed a memory trick for myself: "Dm is the weird-shaped one." Thankfully, no one hears me talking myself through the process when I practice...
    2 points
  2. Great job @Linders! Thanks for reporting your progress.
    1 point
  3. Thanks Nutty and Wim. Yes, it is fun learning the parts and recording and yes it takes hours of time to get things in place and attempt a decent mix . In the absence of band practices lately, it is a great diversion for me. I had forgotten much of my recording tactics until recently. That said, my two groups are reuniting with distancing next week, so I am diving back into my set lists to refresh and prepare for them. My recording time may dwindle. i did this song especially for my kids, but I share all of my recordings with them and my bandmates. Music is meant to be heard, for better or worse. Greg
    1 point
  4. Power chords.....the heart of rock and roll. I thought this would be an easy assignment this month, but then found how challenging my "easy song choice" was going to be. First there is no drum to follow in the song, then the bass doesn't begin until the second verse, after the brief chorus, then syncing a second guitar part to a very distorted muted chunky rhythm was very hard to match the parts. I am a rhythm player but this one kicked me a bit to put down. I used a karaoke bass line again and copped the intro "noise" and outro dissonant cello piece from a karaoke track but the other keyboard violin and cello pieces I learned and performed in the song. Only 3 guitars (one is a clean solo ) but the distorted tracks are doubled to beef up the heaviness. I don't have the powerful baritone voice of Gavin but I gave it my best try. I was exposed to grunge music of the 90's through my teenaged children's musical tastes ( I live in the Pacific Northwest) and this was a British group that was labeled as mimicking the Seattle grunge movement. The song is Glycerine by Bush. Greg
    1 point

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