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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2020 in Posts

  1. @Jogarman Hi I think this video from Tony Polecastro from Acoustic Life will be a great help to you😊
    2 points
  2. While I dont often post YouTube videos, this one may help you decide the above question... ( and maybe curb / rethink that Guitar.Aquisition.Syndrome ) (confession time; I have 4 and thinking thats probably enough.... except I really like..)😉
    1 point
  3. @Wim VD1 that was fantastically brilliant. Note perfect too! This song has been a very long W.I.P (work in progress) for me. I am nowhere near your standard, but I working on it! Well done😊
    1 point
  4. The song Malaguena is covered in Session 5 of the fingerstyle course which is dedicated to classical guitar. I borrowed the old nylon string guitar of my sister-in-law to give it a try. Malaguena is a Spanish tune and is full of emotion, drama and passion. Thanks Greg - @gotto - for the great challenge theme. Wim.
    1 point
  5. I'm glad to see you are back on your Words of Guitar Wisdom thread, @Eracer_Team-DougH. Your thread over on LMG was a long-time staple to the guitar forum's content. Thanks!
    1 point
  6. Where does this course lead us in Music understanding? Here is my overall goal for all of the music theory... So that you can stand up on a bandstand and look at a piece of music and understand... ...what key you are to play in ...how to play the melody of the song ...what chords are being used ...how you can elaborate on those chords as you play rhythm ...how you can create a solo over those chords That's my goal. To create a guitar player that can do those things. In order to do that I have to give you lots of pieces of information in the correct order to get you there. If I give you too little, you don't learn and get frustrated. If I give you too much, you don't learn and get frustrated. If I under-explain it, then you don't understand why something is meaningful. If I over-explain it too early, you get frustrated. So, getting the order correct is important as well as giving you the information in small enough bite-sized pieces so that you don't get overwhelmed. Over the course of my own teaching I've found that this particular order of information seems to work the best. And that is what I put in the course. Here is the basic flow of the Music Theory information. Session 2 - Music Reading Purpose: You've got to learn the language of music so that we can communicate. I can't talk to you or instruct you unless you can understand the language. Sessions 3-6 - Music Reading Practice Purpose: Lots of practice reading music and playing it on guitar. Session 7 - Major Scales Purpose: Scales are the building blocks for chords, chord harmony, soloing and everything else in music. In order to get to those we need to understand the structure of these melodic patterns. Session 8 - Keys & Key Signatures Purpose: Deriving from scales the specific patterns for all twelve keys. Session 9 - Intervals Purpose: To understand the various intervals in a scale and key. Session 11 - Pentatonic Scales & Major and Minor Roots Purpose: The pentatonic scale is a very helpful major scale variation that is constantly used in guitar playing. Also, understanding the unique and very helpful relationship between the Relative Major & Minor roots in a key. Session 12 - Beginning Chord Substitution Purpose: To introduce the idea that chords can be elaborated upon. I don't teach the theory here, just the application of it. Session 13 - An Altered Pentatonic Scale with Blues Notes, Triads Purpose: Showing how a pentatonic scale can be altered to create other scales and sounds. Also, it's very characteristic and helpful in blues. Purpose Triads: The building blocks of chord theory. How three-note chords are made and their types. Session 15 - Harmonized Major Scale Purpose: How chords relate to each other in a key. Session 17 - Seventh chords Purpose: How four-note chords are made. Session 18 - Chord Harmony Purpose: To show how chords and chord changes can be elaborated on. Session 20 - Advanced Chord Construction Purpose: To show how advanced chords are formed. I fully realize that some people learn more from just being told what to do and trusting the instructor to lead them the best way. And for others it is helpful to see some overall context in order to understand how to assimilate the information that is being given to them at any particular stage in the process. There are obvious points in the course where I just tell the learner to do this. In other words, I give the application before the understanding. With other concepts the understanding has to come first in order for the application to make sense. I hope this helps.
    1 point

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