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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2019 in Posts

  1. Sorry Gang.. no live lessons tonight.. they can't get the video stream going.. they're record it and post tomorrow night
    2 points
  2. Tuesday August 20th, 2019 Topic: Being a Singer/Songwriter with Rob Harris 7pm Central Time US You can watch the lesson HERE. Rob Harris Website: https://robharrisonline.com/home Have you ever dreamed about performing your own songs? Or perhaps even playing gigs as a solo guitarist at a local restaurant? Nashville singer/songwriter Rob Harris is a master at both of these. He performs regularly at the world famous songwriters mecca the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville. He is also an in-demand solo guitar artist playing several times a week around Nashville's finest restaurants. Rob will be giving some valuable tips for getting your songs heard as well as tips for performing as a solo guitarist. PLUS we will be giving a guitar away to our good friends at the Sounds of Acoustic Recovery (S.O.A.R.) program to help another vet learn music! There will be music, laughs, giveaways and more. I look forward to seeing you there! Watch on our Guitar Gathering YouTube Channel HERE - Steve
    1 point
  3. I think vacation is a time away from all the cares of life. Even keeping up with things like music lessons are to be avoided. On the other hand, music appreciation can be a good influence no matter when we have the chance. Going to a concert or watching a good performance on TV enhances our outlook about music. If you're in Italy, maybe going to La Scala opera house is a possibility. When we return from vacation, we go at it with renewed enthusiasm. We soon catch up. Lotsa luck.
    1 point
  4. Thanks for all the great tips, guys, and sorry for falling off the radar. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. Reading about music theory is a great tip. The topic of scales is a bit beyond my current level, I'm afraid, but I'm going to keep that in mind when I - hopefully - make some more progress with the course. The idea of a travelling guitar came as a surprise to me; I didn't even know they existed. It's so practical, as it's so small and easy to fit inside a decently sized suitcase. Did you pay much for it? I got back from my vacation about three weeks ago, and have been enjoying some alone-time with my guitar now and then. 🙂 Today I thought I'd fire up the old DVD and go through Steve's lesson 4 videos again, and see if I am having any difficulty playing that stuff. I took a break from the course a few months ago, and have been using the book "Hal Leonard Easy Pop Melodies" since I find it a good companion source material for practicing the notes on the first five frets. Steve has recommended buying those books, after all. I now see why he did so. The break from the course has done me good, I believe. It has been refreshing, which I needed after spending many months in session 4. My hope is that I will feel ready to move on to session 5 shortly. 🙂
    1 point
  5. iPhone recording practicing the solo for Paranoid with a backing track. No guitar in the backing track so you'll hear when I come in and go out. Fell off at the end but pulled out a reasonable landing.
    1 point
  6. Hi All, I wanted to say how much I appreciate Steve Krenz's teachings and the community he has helped to create with all of us here. This arrangement is from his Learn and Master Fingerstyle Guitar course (amazing course) and I recorded it yesterday. I hope you enjoy it. 41789178_263420141019589_2064040570489548358_n.mp4
    1 point

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