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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2019 in Posts

  1. Hi all, I just registered for my first GG conference, I'm soo excited. Look forward to meeting you all and upping my guitar game. Eric
    4 points
  2. Thanks, I see what he’s doing now. I never thought of the caged system in terms of minor chords. I have been using the Am7 notes as they relate to each pentatonic pattern. Too bad the minor caged system only works for 60% of the pentatonic patterns.
    1 point
  3. My only other thoughts about the dorms were that they were very basic, pretty much exactly as you remember dorm rooms being, including a basic twin bed. They provide sheets/blankets and a pillow and a couple of towels, but I made a note to bring my own this year. The bathroom is shared between two adjoining rooms, the same situation as when I was in college anyway, where you go into the bathroom and lock the other door, and unlock it when you're done. The sink and mirror are in each room though, so you can get in and out and do the rest of your morning stuff in your own room. I'm going to bring some snacks for the room/breakfast and a kettle so I can make coffee in the morning. There's a little coffee shop there on campus that has pastries and such, but if you want to save a few bucks this would be one way. For dinner it seemed that most folks split up in groups to do things around town. A few of us went to Hattie B's Hot Chicken one night, I went to Gruhn's one night where they let us walk around the second floor and see (and play!) instruments that cost more than my education, etc. But this is just for the dinner hour, really, there's a concert every night in the main hall at Trevecca with Steve, instructors and friends tearing the roof off the place. Frankly at the end of each day I wanted to go get some practice in and conk out. A few people hung out int he dorm lounge socializing and jamming I think, and you see some of that in the sitting areas around the conference too. Great days, full days, sleeping hard 👍
    1 point
  4. Yeah, that is how I found it to be last year, @Curtis - wonderful time with some very nice people, and a lot of learning going on. I think a semi-hollow or a jazz box might work well. I guess it all just depends on how much you need to hear your amplified tone in the larger sessions. If you're cool with hearing the acoustic tone only in the big room when we're doing drills and such, it'd be fine. In the smaller sessions, where we break up into whatever courses we've individually chosen, those are more like a classroom size. so you'd be fine there. I'm thinking of bringing my Strat since it's my best friend, but we'll see 😎
    1 point

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