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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2019 in Posts

  1. Hey folks, This is kind of like asking your mechanic - I hear a funny noise coming from the under the hood, would that be a major repair job? Yes, no, maybe - I don't think anyone can or should answer that question, or answer it accurately at least. With that said, I'm always happy help date, price or evaluate an instrument. You can reach me at Greg@gruhn.com for a pretty quick reply. A few pics help tremendously as well. All my best, Greg Voros
    4 points
  2. Hello Glad to be here and looking forward the 2019 gathering. Came to site and gathering kind of backwards. Searched top rated guitar camps and factored in geography so still getting oriented to the site. Retired, (military) 65 year old who came to playing music late in life. Playing the guitar is a really positive event for me. Skill level can be best described as enthusiastic. My finger picking looks like a public service announcement for cerebral palsy. My strumming sounds like I'm being tazed but I'm working on it. Significant progress seems elusive but every day is one more note, one more chord, and one more ego crushing fight with the metronome. But I end up grinning and my head in a good place so why not keep at it? I have fun and at my age that's about all that matters. I fully expect to be in WAY over my head at the Gathering and that's fine. Going to be fun regardless. I'll just hang in the back, listen and soak it all in like a sponge. I am driving to Nashville so I'll have my truck with me. I'm glad to help out with a lift here and there. Glad to be hear, looking forward to it.
    3 points
  3. I'm in session 4 and at times I feel exactly the way you do, but part of me (someone can correct me if I'm thinking about this wrong) doesn't think memorizing some of the exercises is all that bad. By memorizing songs/exercises you are still looking at the notes and associating the correct fingering and tempo and eventually the more exercises you do it will keep building on that past association you have made. You may mess up more at first, but I wasn't long ago I was worried if I was memorizing Yankee Doodle and not reading the music, but I've gotten pretty good (relatively) at recognizing and not getting tripped up by notes on the first 3 strings, so memorizing Yankee Doodle hasn't really hurt me.
    2 points
  4. Hi @Victor Edwards Let me add my welcome to Guitar Gathering! Thanks for checking in here and sharing a bit about yourself. Feel free to participate in the Forums, ask questions, and receive encouragement. We are of all skill levels from absolute beginner to professionals... and everything in between. So there's always an answer or friendly advice. Going the the Guitar Gathering Summer Conference is a super way to be introduced, learn and have fun. Many participants are newer player/students too. You dont say what course of study you're following, but if you aren't already, I recomment Steve Krenz's Learn and Master Guitar program, produced by Leagacy Learning Systems .https://gx169.infusionsoft.app/app/storeFront/showProductDetail?productId=5 They are available retail as well as on line; just google them. Also available here through our Store are the Fretboard Workouts, https://gx169.infusionsoft.app/app/storeFront/showCategoryPage?categoryId=19v an excellent way to focus on certain aspects of learning. I'd suggest you start those with Major Scale Mastery. (Downloadable, very inexpensive and great!) All the Best! NeilES335 - Moderator
    1 point
  5. I recorded this one with my great-niece (from last year's movie, "The Greatest Showman"). It's not perfect but we had a blast doing it.
    1 point
  6. Hello Everyone, I'm new to your site, and planning on coming to the 2019 Guitar Gathering in June. I'm not sure what to say beyond what I put in my profile. I puttered around with learning Guitar since 2007 (mostly online like YouTube stuff), then dove head first into it after my Wife passed away in 2015. I have joined a local group of people that enjoy playing/listening to Guitar Music (called Guitar League) here in Southern Wisconsin. I'm at a stage where I've done about 2 years of Music Theory (Chords - Open, CAGED, starting alternate fingerings), Scales (CAGED/Box and 3NPS, Starting Modes) Riffs to practice techniques (too many to list LOL), and just starting to sing (Campfire style) while playing. I guess I do mainly Classic Rock, Blues, and am just starting on the Jazz Standards (but I'm sure I have missed a TON of things along my path of learning Guitar). My end goal for playing Guitar is not actually to perform on stage or record, but to Jam with good people and to enjoy all types of music while learning to add a little Beauty to the World.
    1 point
  7. Hi All, I guess this is my second introduction. I am new to the Guitar world. I have always wanted to play guitar. Finally, my journey has started last week with Learn & Master Guitar. I spent the past week playing with a lefty guitar. Thanks to the feedback and suggestions of Steve, Dan Brown, and Tjmeyers i will give the righty guitar a try starting today. * My previous post can be found below: Thank you All!
    1 point
  8. I've had my Taylor 712-CE--ebony fingerboard--for over twelve years and have never used oil or conditioner on it. Looks good and plays good. I do dust it once a year. Lotsa luck.
    1 point
  9. More likely the guitar was never cared for and dried out. A truss rod is not going to cause the fingerboard to lift. Only a pro can fix this for you so you need to talk to an expert.
    1 point
  10. How old is "old"? A 50's or 60's LP would be very valuable but a major repair would drastically reduce that value. A 70's or later model is just an old Les Paul. It might be a great guitar, but if it needs significant work to make playable, you likely could not recoup what it would cost to fix it. If you got the SN you can get an idea when it was built but you'd need a good luthier to tell you what the fix would entail. Good Luck.
    1 point

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