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Article Comments posted by Eracer_Team-DougH

  1. I've taken a bit of time to think of an answer.. 

    the question is: Form the idea into 1 sentence.

    Answer.. to make people smile.

    we go through stages of learning. Prt 1 is we hear something pleasing and go I'd like to try that (we're smiling). Prt 2 is trying to learn/play beginner style (we're not so smiling). Prt3 when we start to make private practice progress (we have a few smiles, but many frowns), Prt 4 is when we start playing out in front of others. 

    once we've been "on stage" in part 4 is where it all comes back around, hopefully our playing makes others smile, which in turn makes us as musicians smile. (the giving back if you will)

    I don't get much feed back from my choir playing, but I hope that what ever I've played for the kids in the choir (good and many bad's), I've started a spark in them to enjoy making music and in turn pass it forward

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